Ivanka Trump: Malia Obama should be 'OFF limits' to the media

Shut up, ivanka you stupid rino. The stinking press gleefully crucified sarah palin's family so i don't want to hear that crap "the children are off limits."

Ivanka Trump: Malia Obama should be 'OFF limits' to the media

nov 24 2017 Ivanka Trump, the president's eldest daughter and top White House adviser, condemned recent media coverage of former President Barack Obama's eldest daughter, Malia Obama, a 19-year-old freshman at Harvard.

"Malia Obama should be allowed the same privacy as her school aged peers," Trump tweeted on Friday. "She is a young adult and private citizen, and should be OFF limits."

Shortly after, another former first daughter, Chelsea Clinton, tweeted a similar sentiment.

"Malia Obama's private life, as a young woman, a college student, a private citizen, should not be your clickbait," Clinton wrote. "Be better."

Over the past week, videos of Malia Obama smoking and kissing another Harvard student at a football game went viral.

The Palin family got into drunken family brawls
Malia smoked

Hardly the same wouldn't you agree?

Malia was walking around the city wearing only a shirt and no pants. She sees a camera and has to throw her twerking ass in front of it.

She's a slut, like her dad, both of them.
Our President got Marla Maples pregnant when he had a young family. He brags about trying to have sex with married women while Melania was pregnant

Malia smoked a cigarette

Moral Conservatives are outraged
Yes, Marla gave birth to Tiffany when she was still single.

What kind of message does that send to our young people?

A man with young children dumps his wife who is starting to show her age and picks up some young model and gets her pregnant
Shut up, ivanka you stupid rino. The stinking press gleefully crucified sarah palin's family so i don't want to hear that crap "the children are off limits."

Ivanka Trump: Malia Obama should be 'OFF limits' to the media

nov 24 2017 Ivanka Trump, the president's eldest daughter and top White House adviser, condemned recent media coverage of former President Barack Obama's eldest daughter, Malia Obama, a 19-year-old freshman at Harvard.

"Malia Obama should be allowed the same privacy as her school aged peers," Trump tweeted on Friday. "She is a young adult and private citizen, and should be OFF limits."

Shortly after, another former first daughter, Chelsea Clinton, tweeted a similar sentiment.

"Malia Obama's private life, as a young woman, a college student, a private citizen, should not be your clickbait," Clinton wrote. "Be better."

Over the past week, videos of Malia Obama smoking and kissing another Harvard student at a football game went viral.
This is called showing class, something we weren't used to when Obama was in the White House, and the children of politicians should be off limits.
The Great Obama was the most scandal free Presidency since Carter
Both personally and professionally
Uh did you watch the video? What evidence do you want? Her own fucking DAD is pissed at her for smoking pot. Did she deny it? NO.

That ain't no damn ciggy I ever saw.

Nobody smokes a joint like that. And you can see the filter of the cigarette. You’re not too good at this. You’re better off staying on your porch and screaming at kids to stay off of your lawn
Ivanka trying desperately to keep her name in the headlines to feel relevant to anything that didn't come from dad.
Shut up, ivanka you stupid rino. The stinking press gleefully crucified sarah palin's family so i don't want to hear that crap "the children are off limits."

Ivanka Trump: Malia Obama should be 'OFF limits' to the media

nov 24 2017 Ivanka Trump, the president's eldest daughter and top White House adviser, condemned recent media coverage of former President Barack Obama's eldest daughter, Malia Obama, a 19-year-old freshman at Harvard.

"Malia Obama should be allowed the same privacy as her school aged peers," Trump tweeted on Friday. "She is a young adult and private citizen, and should be OFF limits."

Shortly after, another former first daughter, Chelsea Clinton, tweeted a similar sentiment.

"Malia Obama's private life, as a young woman, a college student, a private citizen, should not be your clickbait," Clinton wrote. "Be better."

Over the past week, videos of Malia Obama smoking and kissing another Harvard student at a football game went viral.
This is called showing class, something we weren't used to when Obama was in the White House, and the children of politicians should be off limits.
The Great Obama was the most scandal free Presidency since Carter
Both personally and professionally

Correct, but only when leftists are allowed to define scandal.

Benghazi wasn't a scandal according to the left, fast and furious wasn't a scandal, paying off congress people to pass commie care wasn't a scandal, Bergdahl wasn't a scandal, giving Iran hundreds of millions of dollars was not a scandal..........
Shut up, ivanka you stupid rino. The stinking press gleefully crucified sarah palin's family so i don't want to hear that crap "the children are off limits."

Ivanka Trump: Malia Obama should be 'OFF limits' to the media

nov 24 2017 Ivanka Trump, the president's eldest daughter and top White House adviser, condemned recent media coverage of former President Barack Obama's eldest daughter, Malia Obama, a 19-year-old freshman at Harvard.

"Malia Obama should be allowed the same privacy as her school aged peers," Trump tweeted on Friday. "She is a young adult and private citizen, and should be OFF limits."

Shortly after, another former first daughter, Chelsea Clinton, tweeted a similar sentiment.

"Malia Obama's private life, as a young woman, a college student, a private citizen, should not be your clickbait," Clinton wrote. "Be better."

Over the past week, videos of Malia Obama smoking and kissing another Harvard student at a football game went viral.
This is called showing class, something we weren't used to when Obama was in the White House, and the children of politicians should be off limits.
The Great Obama was the most scandal free Presidency since Carter
Both personally and professionally

Personally yes..

Professionally ? Bwahahaha...what are you smoking ?
Shut up, ivanka you stupid rino. The stinking press gleefully crucified sarah palin's family so i don't want to hear that crap "the children are off limits."

Ivanka Trump: Malia Obama should be 'OFF limits' to the media

nov 24 2017 Ivanka Trump, the president's eldest daughter and top White House adviser, condemned recent media coverage of former President Barack Obama's eldest daughter, Malia Obama, a 19-year-old freshman at Harvard.

"Malia Obama should be allowed the same privacy as her school aged peers," Trump tweeted on Friday. "She is a young adult and private citizen, and should be OFF limits."

Shortly after, another former first daughter, Chelsea Clinton, tweeted a similar sentiment.

"Malia Obama's private life, as a young woman, a college student, a private citizen, should not be your clickbait," Clinton wrote. "Be better."

Over the past week, videos of Malia Obama smoking and kissing another Harvard student at a football game went viral.
This is called showing class, something we weren't used to when Obama was in the White House, and the children of politicians should be off limits.
The Great Obama was the most scandal free Presidency since Carter
Both personally and professionally

Correct, but only when leftists are allowed to define scandal.

Benghazi wasn't a scandal according to the left, fast and furious wasn't a scandal, paying off congress people to pass commie care wasn't a scandal, Bergdahl wasn't a scandal, giving Iran hundreds of millions of dollars was not a scandal..........
Benghazi.....no scandal
Shut up, ivanka you stupid rino. The stinking press gleefully crucified sarah palin's family so i don't want to hear that crap "the children are off limits."

Ivanka Trump: Malia Obama should be 'OFF limits' to the media

nov 24 2017 Ivanka Trump, the president's eldest daughter and top White House adviser, condemned recent media coverage of former President Barack Obama's eldest daughter, Malia Obama, a 19-year-old freshman at Harvard.

"Malia Obama should be allowed the same privacy as her school aged peers," Trump tweeted on Friday. "She is a young adult and private citizen, and should be OFF limits."

Shortly after, another former first daughter, Chelsea Clinton, tweeted a similar sentiment.

"Malia Obama's private life, as a young woman, a college student, a private citizen, should not be your clickbait," Clinton wrote. "Be better."

Over the past week, videos of Malia Obama smoking and kissing another Harvard student at a football game went viral.
This is called showing class, something we weren't used to when Obama was in the White House, and the children of politicians should be off limits.
The Great Obama was the most scandal free Presidency since Carter
Both personally and professionally

Personally yes..

Professionally ? Bwahahaha...what are you smoking ?
The Obama Presidency was one of the best in modern history
Shut up, ivanka you stupid rino. The stinking press gleefully crucified sarah palin's family so i don't want to hear that crap "the children are off limits."

Ivanka Trump: Malia Obama should be 'OFF limits' to the media

nov 24 2017 Ivanka Trump, the president's eldest daughter and top White House adviser, condemned recent media coverage of former President Barack Obama's eldest daughter, Malia Obama, a 19-year-old freshman at Harvard.

"Malia Obama should be allowed the same privacy as her school aged peers," Trump tweeted on Friday. "She is a young adult and private citizen, and should be OFF limits."

Shortly after, another former first daughter, Chelsea Clinton, tweeted a similar sentiment.

"Malia Obama's private life, as a young woman, a college student, a private citizen, should not be your clickbait," Clinton wrote. "Be better."

Over the past week, videos of Malia Obama smoking and kissing another Harvard student at a football game went viral.
This is called showing class, something we weren't used to when Obama was in the White House, and the children of politicians should be off limits.
The Great Obama was the most scandal free Presidency since Carter
Both personally and professionally

Personally yes..

Professionally ? Bwahahaha...what are you smoking ?
The Obama Presidency was one of the best in modern history

That's the most assnine statement I have ever read from you...
Shut up, ivanka you stupid rino. The stinking press gleefully crucified sarah palin's family so i don't want to hear that crap "the children are off limits."

Ivanka Trump: Malia Obama should be 'OFF limits' to the media

nov 24 2017 Ivanka Trump, the president's eldest daughter and top White House adviser, condemned recent media coverage of former President Barack Obama's eldest daughter, Malia Obama, a 19-year-old freshman at Harvard.

"Malia Obama should be allowed the same privacy as her school aged peers," Trump tweeted on Friday. "She is a young adult and private citizen, and should be OFF limits."

Shortly after, another former first daughter, Chelsea Clinton, tweeted a similar sentiment.

"Malia Obama's private life, as a young woman, a college student, a private citizen, should not be your clickbait," Clinton wrote. "Be better."

Over the past week, videos of Malia Obama smoking and kissing another Harvard student at a football game went viral.
This is called showing class, something we weren't used to when Obama was in the White House, and the children of politicians should be off limits.
The Great Obama was the most scandal free Presidency since Carter
Both personally and professionally

Correct, but only when leftists are allowed to define scandal.

Benghazi wasn't a scandal according to the left, fast and furious wasn't a scandal, paying off congress people to pass commie care wasn't a scandal, Bergdahl wasn't a scandal, giving Iran hundreds of millions of dollars was not a scandal..........
Benghazi.....no scandal

Playing revisionist history now ?
Shut up, ivanka you stupid rino. The stinking press gleefully crucified sarah palin's family so i don't want to hear that crap "the children are off limits."

Ivanka Trump: Malia Obama should be 'OFF limits' to the media

nov 24 2017 Ivanka Trump, the president's eldest daughter and top White House adviser, condemned recent media coverage of former President Barack Obama's eldest daughter, Malia Obama, a 19-year-old freshman at Harvard.

"Malia Obama should be allowed the same privacy as her school aged peers," Trump tweeted on Friday. "She is a young adult and private citizen, and should be OFF limits."

Shortly after, another former first daughter, Chelsea Clinton, tweeted a similar sentiment.

"Malia Obama's private life, as a young woman, a college student, a private citizen, should not be your clickbait," Clinton wrote. "Be better."

Over the past week, videos of Malia Obama smoking and kissing another Harvard student at a football game went viral.
This is called showing class, something we weren't used to when Obama was in the White House, and the children of politicians should be off limits.
The Great Obama was the most scandal free Presidency since Carter
Both personally and professionally

Correct, but only when leftists are allowed to define scandal.

Benghazi wasn't a scandal according to the left, fast and furious wasn't a scandal, paying off congress people to pass commie care wasn't a scandal, Bergdahl wasn't a scandal, giving Iran hundreds of millions of dollars was not a scandal..........
Benghazi.....no scandal

Oh wait now you are a conspiracy guy?

Truth comes out now
Shut up, ivanka you stupid rino. The stinking press gleefully crucified sarah palin's family so i don't want to hear that crap "the children are off limits."

The Palin family got into drunken family brawls
Malia smoked

Hardly the same wouldn't you agree?

Malia was walking around the city wearing only a shirt and no pants. She sees a camera and has to throw her twerking ass in front of it.

She's a slut, like her dad, both of them.
Our President got Marla Maples pregnant when he had a young family. He brags about trying to have sex with married women while Melania was pregnant

Malia smoked a cigarette

Moral Conservatives are outraged
Yes, Marla gave birth to Tiffany when she was still single.

What kind of message does that send to our young people?

A man with young children dumps his wife who is starting to show her age and picks up some young model and gets her pregnant

What I garner from this post: :crybaby:
Shut up, ivanka you stupid rino. The stinking press gleefully crucified sarah palin's family so i don't want to hear that crap "the children are off limits."

Ivanka Trump: Malia Obama should be 'OFF limits' to the media

nov 24 2017 Ivanka Trump, the president's eldest daughter and top White House adviser, condemned recent media coverage of former President Barack Obama's eldest daughter, Malia Obama, a 19-year-old freshman at Harvard.

"Malia Obama should be allowed the same privacy as her school aged peers," Trump tweeted on Friday. "She is a young adult and private citizen, and should be OFF limits."

Shortly after, another former first daughter, Chelsea Clinton, tweeted a similar sentiment.

"Malia Obama's private life, as a young woman, a college student, a private citizen, should not be your clickbait," Clinton wrote. "Be better."

Over the past week, videos of Malia Obama smoking and kissing another Harvard student at a football game went viral.
This is called showing class, something we weren't used to when Obama was in the White House, and the children of politicians should be off limits.
The Great Obama was the most scandal free Presidency since Carter
Both personally and professionally

Correct, but only when leftists are allowed to define scandal.

Benghazi wasn't a scandal according to the left, fast and furious wasn't a scandal, paying off congress people to pass commie care wasn't a scandal, Bergdahl wasn't a scandal, giving Iran hundreds of millions of dollars was not a scandal..........
Benghazi.....no scandal

And benghazi happened on 9/11 ....you fool
Shut up, ivanka you stupid rino. The stinking press gleefully crucified sarah palin's family so i don't want to hear that crap "the children are off limits."

Ivanka Trump: Malia Obama should be 'OFF limits' to the media

nov 24 2017 Ivanka Trump, the president's eldest daughter and top White House adviser, condemned recent media coverage of former President Barack Obama's eldest daughter, Malia Obama, a 19-year-old freshman at Harvard.

"Malia Obama should be allowed the same privacy as her school aged peers," Trump tweeted on Friday. "She is a young adult and private citizen, and should be OFF limits."

Shortly after, another former first daughter, Chelsea Clinton, tweeted a similar sentiment.

"Malia Obama's private life, as a young woman, a college student, a private citizen, should not be your clickbait," Clinton wrote. "Be better."

Over the past week, videos of Malia Obama smoking and kissing another Harvard student at a football game went viral.
This is called showing class, something we weren't used to when Obama was in the White House, and the children of politicians should be off limits.
The Great Obama was the most scandal free Presidency since Carter
Both personally and professionally

Personally yes..

Professionally ? Bwahahaha...what are you smoking ?
The Obama Presidency was one of the best in modern history

Oh? Do elaborate on the last time a president traded 5 terrorist leaders in exchange for a traitor and thought no one would notice? Obama should be swinging by his neck until dead for being a traitor, you stupid fuck!
We are kind of derailing this thread I jumped in the middle, the OP is wrong kids should be off limits ..
Shut up, ivanka you stupid rino. The stinking press gleefully crucified sarah palin's family so i don't want to hear that crap "the children are off limits."

The Palin family got into drunken family brawls
Malia smoked

Hardly the same wouldn't you agree?

Malia was walking around the city wearing only a shirt and no pants. She sees a camera and has to throw her twerking ass in front of it.

She's a slut, like her dad, both of them.
Our President got Marla Maples pregnant when he had a young family. He brags about trying to have sex with married women while Melania was pregnant

Malia smoked a cigarette

Moral Conservatives are outraged
Yes, Marla gave birth to Tiffany when she was still single.

What kind of message does that send to our young people?

A man with young children dumps his wife who is starting to show her age and picks up some young model and gets her pregnant
Yes, the party of family values.
The Palin family got into drunken family brawls
Malia smoked

Hardly the same wouldn't you agree?

Malia was walking around the city wearing only a shirt and no pants. She sees a camera and has to throw her twerking ass in front of it.

She's a slut, like her dad, both of them.
Our President got Marla Maples pregnant when he had a young family. He brags about trying to have sex with married women while Melania was pregnant

Malia smoked a cigarette

Moral Conservatives are outraged
Yes, Marla gave birth to Tiffany when she was still single.

What kind of message does that send to our young people?

A man with young children dumps his wife who is starting to show her age and picks up some young model and gets her pregnant
Yes, the party of family values.

Some one has to be it because it's definitely not the trashy left who prefers a free for all..


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