Ivanka Trump Takes The Stand

Crooked Donald defaulted on $640 million of loans from Deutsche, yet they kept loaning him money. That's very suspicious considering they are a bank known for money-laundering for Russian oligarchs.
Not so fast....

Deutsche Bank agreed to lend $640 million to 401 North Wabash Avenue, and Mr. Trump agreed to guarantee $40 million that the bank could collect if Mr. Trump defaulted, the Times reported.

Mr. Trump also borrowed $130 million from the hedge fund and private equity company Fortress Investment Group in a mezzanine loan – meaning it would be repaid only after the Deutsche Bank debt had been fulfilled, the Times reported. The 401 Mezz Venture had to pay a $49 million exit fee when repaying the loan, the Times reported.

Mr. Trump went on to accuse sue Deutsche Bank, Fortress, and other financial institutions, accusing Deutsche Bank of "predatory lending practices," the Times reported. Deutsche Bank also sued Mr. Trump, demanding repayment of the defaulted loans, the Times reported.

But the lenders did not seize the building. Instead, Mr. Trump and the two lenders reached a private settlement in July 2010. The Times said Mr. Trump's federal tax returns and loan documents filed in Cook County indicate that Mr. Trump was "let off the hook for about $270 million."

Fortress had expected to receive $300 million from Mr. Trump's company, but settled for $48 million, the Times reported. The forgiven debts appeared in Mr. Trump's tax returns, the Times reported.

Meanwhile, Mr. Trump's companies were given a pass on what they owed on the Deutsche Bank loan for Trump Tower, the Times reported. The Trump organization came up with $235 million to repay the assorted institutions in several countries to which Deutsche Bank had sold the loan, the Times reported.

Once Deutsche Bank was informed of how fraudulent his financial statements were, they dropped him like a hot rock.

But Mr. Trump still owed $99 million, and even though Deutsche Bank had vowed it would not do business with him anymore, his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, introduced his personal wealth manager at the same bank, Rosemary Vrablic, the Times reported. Vrablic's division at Deutsche Bank made two loans that were secured by the Chicago Trump Tower – one for $54 million and the other for $45 million, to repay that $99 million loan that Mr. Trump owed to another division of the very same bank. the Times reported.

Mr. Trump repaid the $54 million, with the $45 million left outstanding, the Times reported. But after that, Deutsche Bank lent Mr. Trump another $24 million and extended the due date to 2024, the Times reported. He had repaid the $24 million by 2016, the Times reported.

The Times also reported that Mr. Trump reported $40 million of forgiven debt as income in 2010. But losses from his businesses, including $30.8 million from the Chicago Trump Tower, meant Mr. Trump had no taxable income in 2010, the Times reported.
Not so fast....

Deutsche Bank agreed to lend $640 million to 401 North Wabash Avenue, and Mr. Trump agreed to guarantee $40 million that the bank could collect if Mr. Trump defaulted, the Times reported.

Mr. Trump also borrowed $130 million from the hedge fund and private equity company Fortress Investment Group in a mezzanine loan – meaning it would be repaid only after the Deutsche Bank debt had been fulfilled, the Times reported. The 401 Mezz Venture had to pay a $49 million exit fee when repaying the loan, the Times reported.

Mr. Trump went on to accuse sue Deutsche Bank, Fortress, and other financial institutions, accusing Deutsche Bank of "predatory lending practices," the Times reported. Deutsche Bank also sued Mr. Trump, demanding repayment of the defaulted loans, the Times reported.

But the lenders did not seize the building. Instead, Mr. Trump and the two lenders reached a private settlement in July 2010. The Times said Mr. Trump's federal tax returns and loan documents filed in Cook County indicate that Mr. Trump was "let off the hook for about $270 million."

Fortress had expected to receive $300 million from Mr. Trump's company, but settled for $48 million, the Times reported. The forgiven debts appeared in Mr. Trump's tax returns, the Times reported.

Meanwhile, Mr. Trump's companies were given a pass on what they owed on the Deutsche Bank loan for Trump Tower, the Times reported. The Trump organization came up with $235 million to repay the assorted institutions in several countries to which Deutsche Bank had sold the loan, the Times reported.

Yet it is true he defaulted on DeutscheBank. That's just a fact.
The expert testimony says otherwise.
Breaking judicial conduct will be a biggie.....seems the guy must be fond of Carlos Danger.

Collin Rugg

BREAKING: The judge presiding over Trump's NYC trial appears to have a peculiar hobby of posting half-naked photos of himself on a high school alumni newsletter he controls as reported on by
.The 74-year-old judge Arthur Engoron appeared to even post a "Bonus-Torso-Photo" in what looks like the bathroom of a gym.One set of images seems to be progress pictures. One picture of a frailer, malnourished male (assumed to be Judge Engoron) is labeled October 2020. Another picture, labeled August 2021, shows the same body, flexing excessively to try and show off his muscle gains.Judge Arthur Engoron is the editor of the Wheatley School Alumni Association Newsletter, according to a post on the website where the photos were posted.This man is not well.


10:37 PM · Nov 6, 2023

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You can't even read and understand your own links. The second links states that they cut Trump's estimated worth, had collateral for the loans, and STILL loaned him the money which was repaid with no issues.

Remedial reading comprehension classes should be required of all liberals.
and ;you miss the point where they cut ties with Trump a couple of years ago and refuse to do business with him anymore

If they cut his estimated worth then he lied about his estimated worth to get a loan.

The same bank that loan money to Epstein to support his stable.

Even if Deutsche didn't sue the Trumps over misrepresentations in loan documents, the attorney general's office still had the power to bring the lawsuit anyway,

case closed
How much money did they lose? You can be honest and say, "Not a dime!"

Trump Org’s false financial statements cost banks $168M in interest: NY AG financial expert

Michiel McCarty, chairman and CEO at the investment bank M.M. Dillon & Co., testified Wednesday to his “lost interest calculations” for banks that handed out loans to the Trump Organization. His calculations determined that across four Trump Organization assets, banks lost out on just over $168 million in interest.

What other things are you completely ignorant about? Maybe I can help.
and ;you miss the point where they cut ties with Trump a couple of years ago and refuse to do business with him anymore

If they cut his estimated worth then he lied about his estimated worth to get a loan.

The same bank that loan money to Epstein to support his stable.

Even if Deutsche didn't sue the Trumps over misrepresentations in loan documents, the attorney general's office still had the power to bring the lawsuit anyway,

case closed
They gave him the loan, dumbass!

They are charging Trump for purely political reasons. Any conviction will be overturned on appeal based solely on the DA's and judge's misconduct.
That Not one lawsuit or complaint by any of
the Banks the Trumps have used over the years.If fact those lending
institutions { Banks } are very thankful for the way the Trump
Business' have conducted themself.
It's just that American banks wouldn't touch him with yours.
They gave him the loan, dumbass!
He presented fraudulent financial statements. Do you know the code and bar for that offence? I think not.

It is settled that a standalone cause of action under Executive Law § 63(12) does not require a demonstration of materiality but merely that an “act has the capacity or tendency to deceive, or creates an atmosphere conducive to fraud.” People v Gen. Elec. Co., 302 AD2d 314, 314-315 (1st Dept 2003) (holding that, unlike GBL § 349, plaintiff need not prove “the challenged act or practice ‘was misleading in a material way’).
  1. That is Deutsche Bank and Germany's business not ours. Believe it or not but the USA does not own nor run the world, a fact that China will soon be teaching them. And they are not having a problem because this is not uncommon in business and banking circles and only an issue now because Democrats are looking to get Trump on anything they can find.
  2. Apparently, the bank made out well in the long run so in the big picture, Trump was better for the bank than adverse and their depositors are fine.

You're fine with banks lying to customers if it promotes your political agenda ... man, that's shallow ... those cover sheets said "Top Secret/SCI" ... you are not stupid ... you know BOTH sides do this ... you choose to be a hack ...

One dimensional ... you're mathy enough to know that's an insult ...
You're fine with banks lying to customers

I am? When? Where? The banks loaned money and the banks got their money back with interest.
If you are worried about any banks, you ought to worry about the many on the left coast still teetering on the edge that Trump never came within a million miles of.
I am? When? Where? The banks loaned money and the banks got their money back with interest.
If you are worried about any banks, you ought to worry about the many on the left coast still teetering on the edge that Trump never came within a million miles of.

backtrackbacktrackbacktrack ... it's called "fraud" and it's a crime ... look it up yourself ...

I'm not worried about banks, mine has FDIC insurance, I'm covered as long as the FED has printing presses ... I am more more concerned about equal protection under the law ... and I do want all Presidents in the future to have to face criminal charges ... every damn one of them ...

Hunter Biden committed a gun felony ... why isn't he in prison right now? ... the Rich get the tax breaks, they better damn well follow the laws ... both parties do this, so why the horse-blinders? ...

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