I've Been Called "Racist" For YEARS - My Wedding Picture

This video essay speaks directly to the core of the OP.

Her approach is all wrong. Not only that, but it's counterproductive. But I suspect that is by design. Because for the corrupt race-baiting powers behind the movement she is pushing, it's not really about fighting racism. It's about politics and divide and conquer.
You guys! Don’t waste your time on earth trying to convince people you aren’t racist. No matter what you say or do some dumbass will say otherwise! It is usually ignorant libtards because that’s what they are taught daily. just have a happy life and let the ignorant left lie on.
THAT - - - - ^ ^ ^ - - - RIGHT THERE my friends, is the kind of JACKASS BULL SHIT RACE PIMPING GARBAGE that comes from a TRUE RACIST.

In truth, having a black friend does not necessarily disqualify you as a racist.

Racism is difficult to discern in many ways.

I am more used to the term bigot.

Here is the definition of racism:

prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.

This is the definition of bigotry:

intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.

Are they the same or are they different in some way.

Either way, there is a lot that goes into how you think and feel about people that are different from you. It takes a little consideration to determine if that is the case.

If the OP sees his best man as his equal, then I guess he isn't a racist.

If the OP sees his best man as a friend in spite of his inferiority.....well that might be called tolerance (not bigotry) but certainly would be racist (however subtle).

And there are things you simply don't like about some groups of people.

When I attended school, the middle eastern crowd would take a table in the student union and the tables around would be empty even though people would be looking for places to sit. Why ? Because it seemed our visitors came from a culture where water as scarce and they only bathed on occasion. Their body odor (collectively) would kill anyone's appetite. Was that being racist ? No. Was it being intolerant ? I guess...technically yes. I just hoped someone would throw up on their table and they'd get the message.
Hardly. I have heard "Some of my best friends are black!" from so many redneck racists it has become a joke. I had one tell me that when I made a remark about his t-shirt he wore during Obama's initial campaign. It said "Vote Right/Vote White".
Vote right/vote right

You guys! Don’t waste your time on earth trying to convince people you aren’t racist. No matter what you say or do some dumbass will say otherwise! It is usually ignorant libtards because that’s what they are taught daily. just have a happy life and let the ignorant left lie on.
I believe many people attempted to do just that. A more open society and inclusive. However, we fell asleep as social justice ended up becoming a monster and the people who pushed it do not see it that way.
Her approach is all wrong. Not only that, but it's counterproductive. But I suspect that is by design. Because for the corrupt race-baiting powers behind the movement she is pushing, it's not really about fighting racism. It's about politics and divide and conquer.
Do you apply the same logic to communism?
The definition of "racist" is so malleable that anyone wanting to slander another person with that accusation is basically free to do so.

It originally meant a person who hated or scorned or sought to harm people of a particular race. The definition has expanded to mean, Anyone who believes there are differences between the races. For example, if I say, "Black people are better sprinters than white people," that makes me a racist. If I say, "I refuse to consider race in any of my inter-personal activities," that makes me a racist. If I say, "All lives matter," that makes me a racist. If I say, "I am color-blind," that makes me a racist.

And of course, under the current cultural regime, only European-based "white" people can be racist. At least in this country.

If people call you a "racist," wear it with pride. Our current President has done more to help "people of color" than any Leftist in the country, but his being a "racist" is common, accepted knowledge. Fuck everyone who hurls that particular slander against Trump. They are ignorant ass-holes.
The ole liberal playbook has been used so much, that we on the right, expect the morons of the left(redundant statement i know) to use the racist card all the time. Here i am drinking Remi Martin with my business buddy, yet as typical of the left they see color of skin, no content of character. They(liberals) are that stupid...
Leave MarcATL alone... He's going to be homeless after they find the Atlanta Cop not guilty of killing that fellar at Wendy's cause they are going to burn Atlanta to the ground...
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This video essay speaks directly to the core of the OP.

People, people, just remember that inner city "folks as Oblummer called them" dont have the same education as those that moved out of the city. Those in the suburbs are treated just like everyone else in the burbs, and this just RILES the likes of Marky here, because a ghetto freak, cant think for himself, so must do what Jessie "lovechild" Jackson, or Al Sharlaton tell them to. Those in the burbs arent going around killing themselves like they do in the inner cites, because the burbanites are happy, because they can live the "AMERICAN DREAM", while those bottom city dwellers live in squalor waiting for their next monthly hand out. The liberal tell these "darkies" that it is the white man's fault for those unfortunately souls , but those in the neighborhoods of suburban America, see themselves and whitie as equals.
In truth, having a black friend does not necessarily disqualify you as a racist.

Racism is difficult to discern in many ways.

I am more used to the term bigot.

Here is the definition of racism:

prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.

This is the definition of bigotry:

intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.

Are they the same or are they different in some way.

Either way, there is a lot that goes into how you think and feel about people that are different from you. It takes a little consideration to determine if that is the case.

If the OP sees his best man as his equal, then I guess he isn't a racist.

If the OP sees his best man as a friend in spite of his inferiority.....well that might be called tolerance (not bigotry) but certainly would be racist (however subtle).

And there are things you simply don't like about some groups of people.

When I attended school, the middle eastern crowd would take a table in the student union and the tables around would be empty even though people would be looking for places to sit. Why ? Because it seemed our visitors came from a culture where water as scarce and they only bathed on occasion. Their body odor (collectively) would kill anyone's appetite. Was that being racist ? No. Was it being intolerant ? I guess...technically yes. I just hoped someone would throw up on their table and they'd get the message.
But calling someone racist because they have black friends is ridiculous.
Yet another, "look at my black best friend" argument, from a diehard white supremacist.
Have not followed this...but what makes him a white supremacist Marc? (As opposed to a generic jerk).
Have not followed this...but what makes him a white supremacist Marc? (As opposed to a generic jerk).
Both my history of interactions w/him and his posts on this board have informed me of his position.
Being PC isn't the fucking answer either.
So the poster acknowledges that their position is wrong, but doesn't want to, no, CAN'T accept the science of the matter.

The subject suffers from the following rules of Dr. DiAngelo's Underlying Beliefs of Whites...
  • Rule 2: My learning is finished/I know all I need to know
  • Rule 7: I am entitled to remain comfortable
  • Rule 8: As a white person, I know the best way to challenge racism (and you're doing it wrong)

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