I've Been Called "Racist" For YEARS - My Wedding Picture

What exactly is he tired of?
Probably racist black bastards. I know I am! Go fuck yourself!
You ain't shit bitch! And you get jack squat because of your color.
Do something worthwhile and then we'll talk.
You won't because your a sub 100 IQ GA redbone with inbreeding in your gene pool that thinks the world owes you something. Well I'm here to tell you "Fuck You" Suck it up, buttercup and get a life, bitch!
Oh! And a job, too!
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That's the problem with the Demonicrat party. They demand doctrinal purity from everyone. They think that in order to NOT be a racist, one also has to be a whackjob Leftist.
So the poster acknowledges that their position is wrong, but doesn't want to, no, CAN'T accept the science of the matter.

The subject suffers from the following rules of Dr. DiAngelo's Underlying Beliefs of Whites...
  • Rule 2: My learning is finished/I know all I need to know
  • Rule 7: I am entitled to remain comfortable
  • Rule 8: As a white person, I know the best way to challenge racism (and you're doing it wrong)
Get the fuck out of here.

I have no sympathy for retards who say black lives matter. What you think your special or something?

All live's matter...
You guys! Don’t waste your time on earth trying to convince people you aren’t racist. No matter what you say or do some dumbass will say otherwise! It is usually ignorant libtards because that’s what they are taught daily. just have a happy life and let the ignorant left lie on.

Qui tacet consentire videtur.
Who remains silent seems to give consent.
I do not consent. But you are correct. They are quite hopeless. They have been hopeless for forty years at least. Evil is like that. It persists.
Reparations, by definition is owed.

That will never change.
Women were denied equal rights and treated like shit. Husband's were allowed to treat them however they wished. Women aren't expecting reparations. People of all races were kept in bondage at some point on history. It wasn't right but it happened. Not all blacks come from slave ancestors. Very few whites owned slaves.
Nice pic...but who actually called you racist and why?

Democrats everywhere, publicly. One hater had his letter published in the local newspaper saying I "probably lecture to white supremacist groups at night." I went to his place of work and spoke to all his peers and supervisors and showed them this photograph and cited his vile, evil letter. If he EVER tried that shit again, I would return and jump up and down on tables in their main lobby and make my voice heard. I am well educated and well traveled and I know how to speak and make a point without profanity. His peers and supervisors were very sympathetic and understanding and the IDIOT got the message, you can be sure. How newspapers can be so irresponsible as this one was is perplexing, to the profound detriment of America.

Why? Must I explain this to you?
1. It makes them feel superior to you. That's first and foremost.
2. They want you to agree with them.
3. They want to shut up your facts and common sense.
4. They want power and control, and many fall for this line. It's fascism.
Read the book Liberal Fascism by Jonah Goldberg. Fine book. I have notes I would be happy to share with you. Another fine book is The Vision of the Anointed, by Thomas Sowell.
I have not read White Girl Bleed a Lot but it is along the same vein of exposing Democrats vile sins.
Reparations, by definition is owed.

That will never change.
Owed to whom and by whom? Do tell how you would establish that criteria and who says they are "owed"?

You told me I have to pay even though my ancestors didn't even live in the US. That is pure insanity. Just because you're black it doesn't give you carte blanche to call others racist and to spread your hateful vitriol. You would not do it to my face so don't do it on a message board.
So the poster acknowledges that their position is wrong, but doesn't want to, no, CAN'T accept the science of the matter.

The subject suffers from the following rules of Dr. DiAngelo's Underlying Beliefs of Whites...
  • Rule 2: My learning is finished/I know all I need to know
  • Rule 7: I am entitled to remain comfortable
  • Rule 8: As a white person, I know the best way to challenge racism (and you're doing it wrong)

Dr. DiAngelo is white. Your whole post is nonsense. She is entitled to her opinion but it doesn't make her an expert. Americans pay taxes and are allowed to have quiet enjoyment. I am happy to debate anyone on any topic but you have to be logical. If I start telling you that aliens control our brains then debating me is useless as I am obviously insane.
Reparations, by definition is owed.

That will never change.
Do you know what else will never change? -- The fact that you have never been a slave nor were your parents, grandparents and great grandparents. You have never met anybody who has been a slave, you already receive preferential treatment over any other group in regards to educational opportunities and your whining like a little boy will never change these facts.

Grow up. Become a man instead of a boy. Take responsibility. Your constant whining only makes you look pathetic.
Idiots continue blathering because you respond to them! Stop responding to them if you find their contributions to be less than worthless. There is an Ignore Function. Use it. Life is too short to wade through piles of lies and lunacy.

On the subject of reparations, here is a thought:

Convicted felons should be ordered to pay reparations to their victims. There are millions of convicted felons.
Deadbeat dads who fathered children and then abandoned them and their mothers should pay reparations. There are millions of them.
Leftist teachers and college professors who brainwashed scores of millions of impressionable students should pay reparations to those students and confess their lies and bias. There are millions of them.
Rioters and protesters should pay reparations to the businesses they looted and destroyed. There are tens of thousands of them.
The DNC should pay reparations for their destructiveness and promotion of terror and irresponsibility. There are millions of members. It should also pay reparations for promoting abortion, homosexuality, crime, and social pathology. It never ends.
Do you know what else will never change? -- The fact that you have never been a slave nor were your parents, grandparents and great grandparents. You have never met anybody who has been a slave, you already receive preferential treatment over any other group in regards to educational opportunities and your whining like a little boy will never change these facts.

Grow up. Become a man instead of a boy. Take responsibility. Your constant whining only makes you look pathetic.
That's because I'm not ADOS, American Descendant Of Slavery.

I'm a Caribbean immigrant.

But that has nothing to do with the VALID claim ADOS people have, aka Reparations.
Owed to whom and by whom? Do tell how you would establish that criteria and who says they are "owed"?

You told me I have to pay even though my ancestors didn't even live in the US. That is pure insanity. Just because you're black it doesn't give you carte blanche to call others racist and to spread your hateful vitriol. You would not do it to my face so don't do it on a message board.
The United States government. The people that perpetuated slavery and Jim Crow on American blacks for hundreds of years.
The United States government. The people that perpetuated slavery and Jim Crow on American blacks for hundreds of years.
The US Gov't also freed the slaves. You mean all the taxpayers. Here is an idea. Earn your monies instead of demanding it. Jews have been persecuted worldwide for 1000s of years and we don't ask for shit. Meanwhile there are a lot fewer of us and we run the financial, sports and entertainment industries. Hard work pays off, regardless of race, gender or color.
The US Gov't also freed the slaves. You mean all the taxpayers. Here is an idea. Earn your monies instead of demanding it. Jews have been persecuted worldwide for 1000s of years and we don't ask for shit. Meanwhile there are a lot fewer of us and we run the financial, sports and entertainment industries. Hard work pays off, regardless of race, gender or color.
Tell me more.


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