I've Been Shot


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
I'm not a young guy anymore and I have some serious health issues that SHOULD have been addressed a YEAR ago!---- in the hospital with tests and/or maybe surgeries. This whole thing with Covid just drags on and on. I'm afraid that it is placing me in a rather sticky widget where:
  1. I will be forced around doctors, offices and hospital facilities soon whether I want to or not, the LAST place I want to be, and get Covid from them.
  2. I will be discriminated against, denied, shunned or persecuted for NOT getting the vaccine.
Clearly, people are being FORCED to make decisions against their better judgement, and there are a great many concerns, questions and doubts about Covid and the vax.

It's a personal decision that no one has proven affects others that every person ought to be FREE to make. But I didn't feel very free.

It's not that Covid isn't real, just that the risks have been politically exaggerated. It's not that the vax doesn't help or work, just that you are being asked to take something that HAS caused many to get very ill, isn't even approved by the FDA and which you have no legal recourse if it hurts you.

I finally went to see my doctor the other day for the first time in over a year because it could not be avoided. I resolved that it was counterproductive to expose myself to places where sick people were going in and out the door 50 times a day and either was exposing myself to a potential Covid infection that under my circumstances might be a serious event for me, or expose myself to growing friction, discrimination, frustration, scorn and obstinance from doctors, medical staff and society in general.

The nurse at my doctors office insisted I get the 15 minute antigen Covid test. She sneered when I told her it was a waste of time that I couldn't possibly have Covid. And the results indeed came back negative. I told her I could have told her that with my eyes closed. She sneered again. They made me wear a stupid cheap mask while there and I wonder if my test had come back positive whether my doctor would have refused me treatment for being sick? :smoke: Everyone's an irrational asshole these days.

So I relented and called my pharmacist buddy up and told him I wanted the shot. So I got the Moderna vaccine yesterday.

I had to fill out papers essentially giving away all my rights. I rationalized that if I haven't gotten sick from Covid yet, I probably never will, and if the Vaccine hasn't hurt most people, it wouldn't likely hurt me, and mostly nothing ever bothers me. I'm generally as tough as dried leather. I don't like any of this but I know when one is fighting against diminished returns.

I was told the shot would leave my arm sore, that if I had a bad reaction to the vaccine, it would come on near immediately, and to hang around for 15 minutes before driving. I had the pharmacist come out and give me the shot as I waiting in the parking lot in my car.

I rationalized that if nothing else, it would free my life up a bit and make things easier with one thing left not to worry about.

Nothing at all happened in my 15 minute wait there, but by last night, my arm where I got the shot was indeed sore. Like I had gotten a knuckle punch there. Other than that, I'm fine.

So that's it. I still feel Covid is a huge political football with questions of its origins and how last year was handled that beg to be answered, and I don't like getting the Covid shot at all, but I felt I had to make the best decision for myself and take my chances. I'm probably at low risk to get the virus now (more so in a month to six weeks) and probably at a low risk to get ill from the vaccine.

But I also felt that it would be dishonest and hypocritical not to admit getting it. But I'm in no way advocating for the shot, each person must look at their individual circumstance and make that decision for THEMSELVES.

I don't glow under UV light and I haven't sprouted a third head. But that doesn't make what has gone on for the past 16 months OK, neither.

More power to you whatever your decision. May you not get Covid or have a bad reaction to the vaxx whether you decide to get the shot or not. If I were ten years younger and in better health not likely to soon be at ground zero with doctors and hospitals, there is no way I would have ever agreed to get the vaccine.
the sheep will follow their master to hell. I will forever refuse to take the mark, this covid BS is a test run to see how much the sheep can a will be controlled.

Sadly, you could very well be right. I decided that in my case, it was better for me to gamble the other way. Hope you are wrong.
I had Covid back in November.

Now, whenever I ask myself if I should get the vaccine or not, I read all manner of commentary from educated medical professionals which says I should get the vaccine. The arguments made in favor of it make perfect sense, so it would seem like a no brainer to get the vaccine.

But, at the same time, I read all manner of commentary from educated medical professionals which says I should not get the vaccine. The arguments made against getting it make perfect sense, so it would seem like a no brainer to not get the vaccine.

If it was only one or two voodoo witch-doctor types on either side presenting that side's argument, it might make it easier to dismiss. But I've read too much, and discussed it with medical professionals I trust and respect, and there's simply no consensus. That, more than anything, is what's kept me from getting it thus far...
I had Covid back in November.

Now, whenever I ask myself if I should get the vaccine or not, I read all manner of commentary from educated medical professionals which says I should get the vaccine. The arguments made in favor of it make perfect sense, so it would seem like a no brainer to get the vaccine.

But, at the same time, I read all manner of commentary from educated medical professionals which says I should not get the vaccine. The arguments made against getting it make perfect sense, so it would seem like a no brainer to not get the vaccine.

If it was only one or two voodoo witch-doctor types on either side presenting that side's argument, it might make it easier to dismiss. But I've read too much, and discussed it with medical professionals I trust and respect, and there's simply no consensus. That, more than anything, is what's kept me from getting it thus far...
now they are pushing for booster shots.
now they are pushing for booster shots.

No, the possibility of booster shots has been discussed as a possibility. No one yet knows if getting Covid immunizes you or for how long, nor how effective these shots are for how long. As time goes on, we will know more and more as the typical timeline for a vaccine is typically 18 months to 5 years, not 5 months.
Oh look, I got my first idiot troll in Mr Clean, who either thinks it funny that I:
  1. Have health concerns serious enough to risk getting the vaccine.
  2. Got the vaccine in any regard.
  3. Or have told others here my experiences so they can make better decisions for themselves. And since nothing bad happened to me, likely will invoke some others to get the shot.
I equate your entire dialog with this.....

"I don't believe in God, but I hear people say, that if you have faith, and the Bible teaches that the only way to get to heaven is by becoming a Christian, which you do by accepting Jesus as your Savior., then all I have to do is say that you accept Jesus as your Savior."

You're scared. You are like that guy on his death bed, and NOW decides to 'take a chance' and accept Christ. In your words,

I rationalized that if nothing else, it would free my life up a bit and make things easier with one thing left not to worry about.
You still don't believe in the vaccine (the great trump vaccine) yet you cowered down and 'played it safe.'
I equate your entire dialog with this.....

No one gives a flying crap what mental defectives like you think!

You simply cannot have a serious, adult conversation with any Leftist. I just knew that NOT ONE Lefty here would have the integrity after weeks and months of cajoling and berating people to get the vaccine to actually say ONE GOOD THING about someone actually getting it!

You assholes are all SO predictable:
  1. I was wrong not to get the vaccine.
  2. Now I'm wrong for getting the vaccine!
Of course, if I were a Biddum Minion, you'd be all waxing poetic with love for someone getting it.

I guess I left out one other not-so-small fact:
My pharmacy had real troubles getting the vaccine and last winter told me they were only getting a few bottles at a time and had a waiting list 20,000 long. So I gave up calling and asking until last Thursday.​
I'm not a young guy anymore and I have some serious health issues that SHOULD have been addressed a YEAR ago!---- in the hospital with tests and/or maybe surgeries. This whole thing with Covid just drags on and on. I'm afraid that it is placing me in a rather sticky widget where:
  1. I will be forced around doctors, offices and hospital facilities soon whether I want to or not, the LAST place I want to be, and get Covid from them.
  2. I will be discriminated against, denied, shunned or persecuted for NOT getting the vaccine.
Clearly, people are being FORCED to make decisions against their better judgement, and there are a great many concerns, questions and doubts about Covid and the vax.

It's a personal decision that no one has proven affects others that every person ought to be FREE to make. But I didn't feel very free.

It's not that Covid isn't real, just that the risks have been politically exaggerated. It's not that the vax doesn't help or work, just that you are being asked to take something that HAS caused many to get very ill, isn't even approved by the FDA and which you have no legal recourse if it hurts you.

I finally went to see my doctor the other day for the first time in over a year because it could not be avoided. I resolved that it was counterproductive to expose myself to places where sick people were going in and out the door 50 times a day and either was exposing myself to a potential Covid infection that under my circumstances might be a serious event for me, or expose myself to growing friction, discrimination, frustration, scorn and obstinance from doctors, medical staff and society in general.

The nurse at my doctors office insisted I get the 15 minute antigen Covid test. She sneered when I told her it was a waste of time that I couldn't possibly have Covid. And the results indeed came back negative. I told her I could have told her that with my eyes closed. She sneered again. They made me wear a stupid cheap mask while there and I wonder if my test had come back positive whether my doctor would have refused me treatment for being sick? :smoke: Everyone's an irrational asshole these days.

So I relented and called my pharmacist buddy up and told him I wanted the shot. So I got the Moderna vaccine yesterday.

I had to fill out papers essentially giving away all my rights. I rationalized that if I haven't gotten sick from Covid yet, I probably never will, and if the Vaccine hasn't hurt most people, it wouldn't likely hurt me, and mostly nothing ever bothers me. I'm generally as tough as dried leather. I don't like any of this but I know when one is fighting against diminished returns.

I was told the shot would leave my arm sore, that if I had a bad reaction to the vaccine, it would come on near immediately, and to hang around for 15 minutes before driving. I had the pharmacist come out and give me the shot as I waiting in the parking lot in my car.

I rationalized that if nothing else, it would free my life up a bit and make things easier with one thing left not to worry about.

Nothing at all happened in my 15 minute wait there, but by last night, my arm where I got the shot was indeed sore. Like I had gotten a knuckle punch there. Other than that, I'm fine.

So that's it. I still feel Covid is a huge political football with questions of its origins and how last year was handled that beg to be answered, and I don't like getting the Covid shot at all, but I felt I had to make the best decision for myself and take my chances. I'm probably at low risk to get the virus now (more so in a month to six weeks) and probably at a low risk to get ill from the vaccine.

But I also felt that it would be dishonest and hypocritical not to admit getting it. But I'm in no way advocating for the shot, each person must look at their individual circumstance and make that decision for THEMSELVES.

I don't glow under UV light and I haven't sprouted a third head. But that doesn't make what has gone on for the past 16 months OK, neither.

More power to you whatever your decision. May you not get Covid or have a bad reaction to the vaxx whether you decide to get the shot or not. If I were ten years younger and in better health not likely to soon be at ground zero with doctors and hospitals, there is no way I would have ever agreed to get the vaccine.

The issue isn't just your vulnerability to COVID now. There's also the issue of what future variants will look like. The Delta variant is now killing middle-aged people at a higher rate than the original strain. Kids are now going to the hospital because of the Delta variant. The faster everyone gets the vaccine and we get to herd immunity, the lower the probability of a much worse strain mutating.

I'm a relatively fit middle-aged guy with almost zero chance of getting hit hard by COVID. But I took the vaccine not only on the off chance it might be devastating for me, but because I'm also thinking about everyone else. The sooner we get this under control, the fewer people who will die from it. It's not just about me. It's about making sure as few people as possible get it.

I wish you the best with your medical issues.
No one gives a flying crap what mental defectives like you think!
You could be correct, but you are NOT.
I have a very stable life, good job, great family, many many friends, involved and respected in my community, and I enjoy life. (Sounds like something trump would say, but I ain't lying).

But sure, attack the unknown.

You always come on as a pompous (affectedly and irritatingly grand, solemn, or self-important ) individual.
You put people down constantly
I have no respect for you.

And NOW, you feel bad and you want sympathy.
You will get NONE from me.
I predict that the Left doesn't WANT conservatives to get the vaccine! Because:
  1. If all the Trump Supporters get the vaccine that most of us have waited for since a year ago, it'll deprive you of one more thing to attack people for.
  2. If the rest of us all get the vaccine and we still have people dying of Covid, that will shoot your argument that the deaths were caused by the anti-vaxxers right IN THE ASS!
Nothing else explain how Leftwing fuckwits could be angry over someone getting vaccinated with the vaccine that for months they have berated people over for not getting!

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