Trump Guilty!

So convicted felons should get to decide when they do their time now?
The palpable "stench" emanating from that courtroom in New York City will end up costing Joe Biden this election! They didn't even attempt to have a fair trial and people know it. It's just one more example of something Joe Biden attempted to do that's going to blow up in his face. Biden can't run on his record and people simply don't CARE about the Bragg trial so now we're going to get six months of the left accusing anyone who doesn't want another four years of incompetence of being a "racist" who hates democracy!
BUT unless the SCOTUS steps in, this will drag on until after the election.
Of course...that's why the delay in bringing charges, Lisa! They wanted to use this against Trump in 2024. Drain his money. Keep him tied up in court so he couldn't campaign. Use the label "convicted felon" against him on a non stop loop to distract from how badly Joe Biden has screwed up this country!
Of course...that's why the delay in bringing charges, Lisa! They wanted to use this against Trump in 2024. Drain his money. Keep him tied up in court so he couldn't campaign. Use the label "convicted felon" against him on a non stop loop to distract from how badly Joe Biden has screwed up this country!

Honestly, the Democrats have campaigned for President Trump better than President Trump can.

Less is more
The palpable "stench" emanating from that courtroom in New York City will end up costing Joe Biden this election! They didn't even attempt to have a fair trial and people know it. It's just one more example of something Joe Biden attempted to do that's going to blow up in his face. Biden can't run on his record and people simply don't CARE about the Bragg trial so now we're going to get six months of the left accusing anyone who doesn't want another four years of incompetence of being a "racist" who hates democracy!
Then why are you whining so incessantly? It seems like it will work out great for you
That means that the media and the Biden Regime will continue to peddle the “convicted felon” label - which is what they were after - and there are enough useful idiots to fall for it.

Only those that already weren't going to vote for him.
The appeal will win. Your pathetic baiting is just that.
So now the goalpost is the appeal huh?
Before that it was a not guilty verdict.
Before that it was "name ONE crime that Trump has been charged with."
Don't you get it yet.
This is what happens when you throw all in on a loser like convicted felon Trump.
You become a loser yourself
Where will you move the goalpost to once he has lost his final appeal years from now?
You are running out of field.
Then why are you whining so incessantly? It seems like it will work out great for you
I'm not whining. To be honest I'm enjoying how this is playing out. What you haven't figured out yet, Hutch is that you're on Team Biden and everything that Joe touches turns to shit! The only reason he won in 2020 was Covid allowed his campaign to hide him in his basement and let the main stream media portray him as a good guy moderate. This time there is no Covid and he's got a record that he needs to defend which means no more basement for Joe...he's got to pull up his Depends and hit the campaign trail! Also this time around when he claims he knew nothing about what Hunter and his brother were up to and that the Biden family were raking in millons in influence peddling money? The majority of the country says they think he's lying.
Convicted Felon Donald Trump has been losing it for weeks. He's not going to suddenly become sane.

My first response is that Hunter isn't running for anything.
My second response is, if this was a real photograph, it would have been investigated. They are going after Hunter for bullshit crimes, and here's evidence of a real one.
Nice dodge..

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