Trump Guilty!

Timesnownews? LOL!
Laugh all you want leftist, but it doesn't change the facts of what you people have now since tried in what it appears to be once again (in order to steal an election), a cheat, and this by pulling out all the stops on your American enemy Donald Trump, but the American people aren't as stupid as you want them to be thank God.

They are flat fed up with you people, and just because you have tried a new strategy on silencing and diminishing your opponents ability to run against you fairly, it has become the rallying call for Americans to now be on high alert against a tyrannical government that has now somehow shown itself to be growing more dangerous than some of our most ominous threats that have existed from outside our borders.

When you piss off even your own base with your level of desperation in which now shows you are so afraid to try and win on the issue's, then you should be totally ashamed of the position you have placed them in. They'll be known as the people who framed Donald Trump because they feared the man so greatly that they had to cheat not once, but twice in hopes to keep him and his American patriots at bay.
The palpable "stench" emanating from that courtroom in New York City will end up costing Joe Biden this election! They didn't even attempt to have a fair trial and people know it. It's just one more example of something Joe Biden attempted to do that's going to blow up in his face. Biden can't run on his record and people simply don't CARE about the Bragg trial so now we're going to get six months of the left accusing anyone who doesn't want another four years of incompetence of being a "racist" who hates democracy!
You know it, I know it, everybody knows it.
The Left is always about the felons…. Let them vote, defund the police, reduce the penalties for crimes….

Why and how are they having issues with the prospect of a felon in the White House? Could it be because it’s simply not one of their own felons?
Another question:

Why has Bragg reduced felony charges to misdemeanors for violent criminals, yet hunted for and enacted a way to increase an expired misdemeanor to a felony when it‘s Trump?

If that doesn’t prove this was prosecutorial misconduct designed to hurt the Biden Regime’s #1 political rival, I don’t know what does.
Thank you for answering that leftoid. I am so disgusted that people like him want to imprison Trump for some low-level expired misdemeanor. The “underlying crime” which led to a felony and Trump’s conviction still has not been identified.

Oh, I want to imprison him for stealing the 2016 election and trying to overthrow the 2020 election.

This is like getting Al Capone on income tax evasion. You know he's done FAR worse stuff. But this was the easiest case to bring to court.
P.S. That’s the other thing: the anti-Trump judge has still not lifted the gag order. What type of North Korea tactics ARE these? Not allowing the candidate opposing the Biden Regime to speak about the unconstituional process the Dems just orchestrated?!

You mean he's ordered him not to attack prosecutors, jurors and family members of people involved in the process?

Um, this is a good thing.
Another question:

Why has Bragg reduced felony charges to misdemeanors for violent criminals, yet hunted for and enacted a way to increase an expired misdemeanor to a felony when it‘s Trump?

If that doesn’t prove this was prosecutorial misconduct designed to hurt the Biden Regime’s #1 political rival, I don’t know what does.

Um, I would hold a former president to a higher standard than a street thug.

Of course, Convicted Felon Donald Trump acts like a street thug 90% of the time, so it's hard to tell the difference.
In a poll conducted by the Daily Mail and J.L. Partners, 22 percent of voters now view Trump more favorably, while only 16 percent view him more negatively.

The poll also found a four-point net positive impact for Trump among independent voters, proving that the sham trial could have a "reverse effect” and backfire on Democrats.
In a poll conducted by the Daily Mail and J.L. Partners, 22 percent of voters now view Trump more favorably, while only 16 percent view him more negatively.

The poll also found a four-point net positive impact for Trump among independent voters, proving that the sham trial could have a "reverse effect” and backfire on Democrats.
No link, of course, and the Daily Mail is a Murdoch outlet.


Ten percent of Republican registered voters say they are less likely to vote for Donald Trump following his felony conviction for falsifying business records to cover up a hush money payment to a porn star, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll that closed on Friday.

Among independent registered voters, 25% said Trump's conviction made them less likely to support him in November, compared to 18% who said they were more likely and 56% who said the conviction would have no impact on their decision.
In a poll conducted by the Daily Mail and J.L. Partners, 22 percent of voters now view Trump more favorably, while only 16 percent view him more negatively.

The poll also found a four-point net positive impact for Trump among independent voters, proving that the sham trial could have a "reverse effect” and backfire on Democrats.
While that is encouraging, I think the biggest jump was among those who were going to vote for him anyway. We are enraged and are more determined to see Trump win.

What we REALLY need is a poll of independent voters in swing states, and some “could be swing states“ - like Virginia. That will speak volumes.
While that is encouraging, I think the biggest jump was among those who were going to vote for him anyway. We are enraged and are more determined to see Trump win.

What we REALLY need is a poll of independent voters in swing states, and some “could be swing states“ - like Virginia. That will speak volumes.
Oh, Lisa, Convicted Felon Trump is grifting you.
For example, the latest poll for Virginia taken on May 21 shows the election either tied or a slight edge (2%) for Biden. A swing of just 2 points means Trump takes the state. In a few days, polls reflecting the sham trial verdict should be out… we’ll see.

For example, the latest poll for Virginia taken on May 21 shows the election either tied or a slight edge (2%) for Biden. A swing of just 2 points means Trump takes the state. In a few days, polls reflecting the sham trial verdict should be out… we’ll see.

Actually, you fail to realize the long term injury that has been done to Trump here.

He is now a convicted Felon.

Americans will think long and hard about whether or not they want a convicted felon in the White House.
Actually, you fail to realize the long term injury that has been done to Trump here.

He is now a convicted Felon.

Americans will think long and hard about whether or not they want a convicted felon in the White House.

Literally everyone understands that it was a sham trial.
Literally everyone understands that it was a sham trial.

Really? From the Right Wing "The Hill">

Overall, most U.S. adults (56 percent) similarly say Trump got a fair trial, while 44 percent say he did not.

On whether the jury reached the right or wrong verdict by convicting Trump, responses are similar: 57 percent of U.S. adults say the jury reached the right verdict, and 43 percent say the wrong verdict. Among independents, 56 percent say the jury reached the right verdict, while 44 percent say the wrong verdict.
Really? From the Right Wing "The Hill">

Overall, most U.S. adults (56 percent) similarly say Trump got a fair trial, while 44 percent say he did not.

On whether the jury reached the right or wrong verdict by convicting Trump, responses are similar: 57 percent of U.S. adults say the jury reached the right verdict, and 43 percent say the wrong verdict. Among independents, 56 percent say the jury reached the right verdict, while 44 percent say the wrong verdict.

You are going to be so shocked and cry so hard.
Um, I would hold a former president to a higher standard than a street thug.

Of course, Convicted Felon Donald Trump acts like a street thug 90% of the time, so it's hard to tell the difference.
The law is SUPPOSED to be applied equally - not one where a violent street thug gets a felony reduced to a misdemeanor and a former president has an expired misdemeanor Increased to a felony because the Democrats want to interfere with his campaign.

You Dems are all about double standards.
I'm not whining. To be honest I'm enjoying how this is playing out. What you haven't figured out yet, Hutch is that you're on Team Biden and everything that Joe touches turns to shit! The only reason he won in 2020 was Covid allowed his campaign to hide him in his basement and let the main stream media portray him as a good guy moderate. This time there is no Covid and he's got a record that he needs to defend which means no more basement for Joe...he's got to pull up his Depends and hit the campaign trail! Also this time around when he claims he knew nothing about what Hunter and his brother were up to and that the Biden family were raking in millons in influence peddling money? The majority of the country says they think he's lying.
You are gone. Completely delusional.
The law is SUPPOSED to be applied equally - not one where a violent street thug gets a felony reduced to a misdemeanor and a former president has an expired misdemeanor Increased to a felony because the Democrats want to interfere with his campaign.

You Dems are all about double standards.
Okay, it sounds like the law is being equally applied.

Felonies are being dealt down to misdemeanors because usually the crimes are petty.

However, these misdemeanors were meant to influence an election...that kind of makes it a big deal.

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