I've Discovered the Mark of the Beast

He returns with the "New Jerusalem", has that happened yet? Context is everything, I am not hung up on the Temple.

Revelation 21
2 I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. 3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. 4 ‘

New Jerusalem is spiritual, not bricks and mortar.
religion is made up--man made--so you can make up anything about the mark of the beast

Here's one explanation.

A common preterist view of the mark of the beast (focusing on the past) is the stamped image of the emperor's head on every coin of the Roman Empire: the stamp on the hand or in the mind of all, without which no one could buy or sell.[53] New Testament scholar C.C. Hill notes, "It is far more probable that the mark symbolizes the all-embracing economic power of Rome, whose very coinage bore the emperor's image and conveyed his claims to divinity (e.g., by including the sun's rays in the ruler's portrait). It had become increasingly difficult for Christians to function in a world in which public life, including the economic life of the trade guilds, required participation in idolatry."[54]

Adela Yarbro Collins further denotes that the refusal to use Roman coins resulted in the condition where "no man might buy or sell".[55][56] A similar view is offered by Craig R. Koester. "As sales were made, people used coins that bore the images of Rome's gods and emperors. Thus each transaction that used such coins was a reminder that people were advancing themselves economically by relying on political powers that did not recognize the true God."[57]

In 66 AD, when Nero was emperor—about the time some scholars say Revelation was written—the Jews revolted against Rome and coined their own money.

The passage is also seen as an antithetical parallelism to the Jewish institution of tefillin—Hebrew Bible texts worn bound to the arm and the forehead during daily prayer. Instead of binding their allegiance to God to their arm and head, the place is instead taken with people's allegiance to the beast.[53]

I find it odd that so many simply don't see the tongue in cheek aspect of this.
So many people don't bother to read anything...and somehow believe their own opinion is the only opinion that matters about any topic regardless of any circumstance...and that their mood/emotions of the moment reign Supreme.

Such are the Karens and Chads of this world. Entitled and trying to make the whole world bow to them.
Even in the Christian Community they exist.
Here's one explanation.

A common preterist view of the mark of the beast (focusing on the past) is the stamped image of the emperor's head on every coin of the Roman Empire: the stamp on the hand or in the mind of all, without which no one could buy or sell.[53] New Testament scholar C.C. Hill notes, "It is far more probable that the mark symbolizes the all-embracing economic power of Rome, whose very coinage bore the emperor's image and conveyed his claims to divinity (e.g., by including the sun's rays in the ruler's portrait). It had become increasingly difficult for Christians to function in a world in which public life, including the economic life of the trade guilds, required participation in idolatry."[54]

Adela Yarbro Collins further denotes that the refusal to use Roman coins resulted in the condition where "no man might buy or sell".[55][56] A similar view is offered by Craig R. Koester. "As sales were made, people used coins that bore the images of Rome's gods and emperors. Thus each transaction that used such coins was a reminder that people were advancing themselves economically by relying on political powers that did not recognize the true God."[57]

In 66 AD, when Nero was emperor—about the time some scholars say Revelation was written—the Jews revolted against Rome and coined their own money.

The passage is also seen as an antithetical parallelism to the Jewish institution of tefillin—Hebrew Bible texts worn bound to the arm and the forehead during daily prayer. Instead of binding their allegiance to God to their arm and head, the place is instead taken with people's allegiance to the beast.[53]


So that's what all 3 of you Preterists believe?
I say the mark of the beast could possibly be--PEACE and SECURITY. 1Thess 5:3--Whenever they are saying-PEACE and SECURITY sudden destruction will be upon them.
Looks like something good the mortal hearts will come together for, unfortunately for them it is this--Rev 16-With 3 inspired expressions(hitting mortal hearts like 3 9/11,s) EVERY kingdom( govt, armies, supporters) will be mislead to stand in opposition to Jesus at Armageddon. They will be told its for peace and security. And that it will be patriotic to stand by their flag to achieve it. The results=Dan 2:44, Rev 19:11-21--99% will fall.
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I have the Mark of the Beast

I say the mark of the beast could possibly be--PEACE and SECURITY. 1Thess 5:3--Whenever they are saying-PEACE and SECURITY sudden destruction will be upon them.
Looks like something good the mortal hearts will come together for, unfortunately for them it is this--Rev 16-With 3 inspired expressions(hitting mortal hearts like 3 9/11,s) EVERY kingdom( govt, armies, supporters) will be mislead to stand in opposition to Jesus at Armageddon. They will be told its for peace and security. And that it will be patriotic to stand by their flag to achieve it. The results=Dan 2:44, Rev 19:11-21--99% will fall.

Emperor Nero forced peace on Jews?
No they didn't.

Sure they did. The Schofield heresy was made popular by Prophet Hal Lindsey in the 1970s in his book Late, Great Planet Earth. Before that it was limited to crackpot Evangelicals and storefront churches. In the 1950s and 60s they'd drive through town with their signs and loudspeakers.. The end is nigh. Are you ready for the Rapture?
Is there a prerequisite to belong to a "denomination"?

Lots of ignorant people don't know what they believe in or why... They're caught up in the Left Behind stuff. It started to promote Christian Zionism and Israeli statehood. The jokes on you.
I've discovered the mark of the beast and it's coming very soon...
It's not going to be long before it's everywhere being promoted as the next best thing to try....and people are going to take it willingly and with great relish...

It's going to be known as "pumpkin spice".
They are going to put this garbage in everything from coffee to muffins. Pancakes and syrup... everything everywhere is going to be pumpkin spice soon.

God help us all!
That damn dasturdly Satan, or is it God this time?
The "mark of the beast" is a number of mankind. We are the "beasts" and the mark is how we choose to live and the the people we choose to lead us.

If we choose to live on a "higher/moral/ethical/spiritual level" then we won't have the "mark of the beast" written upon us.

If we choose to live as "beasts" then the mark will be all over us - on our foreheads (the way we think) and on our hands (the way we act).

In the book of Revelation, John was referring to the persecution of people (mostly Christians) by the Roman Empire - specifically the Emperor Nero. Caesar Nero translates to the number 666 (Depending on the source, it also could translate to 606 in the Bible...so all the "wannabe Satanists" that use 666 as some sort of creed, could be completely mistaken) ...according to ancient numerology and various Bible translations.

Why did John use so many "criptic" messages in Revelation?

Because at the time, there was no such thing as "Free Speech". Had John written the Book of Revelation with simple and direct language, he would have been killed and the book would have been destroyed before anyone had a chance to read it.

The book of Revelation is a spiritual masterpiece but unfortunately, it has been taken out of context by many.

People of faith should focus on the overall message of Revelation - which essentially tells people of faith to stay strong and to not lose their faith. Because in the end, if you stay strong and keep your faith, you will have God's mark upon you. (Your faith and the way you think, act, etc.) - on your forehead.

Those that wander and lose their faith will have the "mark of the beast" upon their foreheads (The way they think) and on their hands (The way they act).
I don’t know that this is what the “mark of the beast” initially was intended to convey. But I like the way it reads.

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