I've Never Understood Why Republicans Call Themselves Conservative


Democrats won't pay it back.

A tax increase is just an invitation to spend more to them.


I think the Republicans know how to stimulate capitalism and grow the economy. Democrats don't don't have a clue how to do that. All they know how to do is raid the Treasury for the welfare queens and other greedy special interest groups.

However, I think that the Republicans pretty well have a record of growing the economy but then also spending the money.

That is why I don't have faith in either party.

LOL....Bill Clinton raised tax rates, we had eight years of unmatched growth in economy and he left a surplus. I might add....NO WARS
A surplus?

As in zero debt?

good point; some Republicans have spent alot.

that being said what is the point of left-wing idiots pontificating on spending they wanted and agreed to?
if THEY really cared about it they wouldnt have voted FOR IT.
people concerned about spending formed the TEA PARTY.
so where is the alleged hypocrisy??
Medicare is just another failed socialist program....
You sure must have a funny definition for failed.

Millions of people love Medicare and millions more would love to be able to sign up for Medicare.

It, and Social Security, are two fantastically successful government programs that prove government CAN do things right === when it is funded properly.

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