'I've Proven Myself To Be Honorable' Says Joe Biden.

The fucking nerve of that stuttering shit clown.

We're living in bizarro world.... boys are girls, riots are peaceful, inflation is temporary, take the jab it will save you life and Plugs isn't running a family crime syndicate.

To actually watch a debate between Joe and Trump will be so much different now. Trump is damned if he does not go for the kill as a hater and let Joe in their debate make more caustic comments then him. He cannot let Joe off the hook and have some comedy insults if needed.
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Biden's campaign went down in flames in 1988 because he plagiarized a speech.

Everybody either forgot he was a dishonest shitbag by 2020, didn't know about it, or didn't care if he is.

Plagiarizing is the least of his worries today.

Pay-To-Play, Bribes, Influence Peddling, espionage / potential classified info peddling, money laundering, extortion, Hunter illegally acting as an unregistered foreign agent, taking millions from the CCP and other foreign nations / adversaries, conspiracy, fraud, obstruction, election interference, major tax fraud / tax evasion, Hunter's felony for lying on a federal application...

Comer and Grassly are about to 'drop a nuke' on Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, 10 other identified Bidens, Blinken, Garland in 2 days.

* If we had a lwgit, non-criminal DOJ there would be about 48 other charges for conspiracy / Collusion, and willful, known election interference for the 50 Intel Experts who participated in Blinken's / Biden's 'Russial Disinformation' scheme (immunity for 1 - 2 whistleblower signees who have come forward). So much for THEIR 'honor'.
Plagiarizing is the least of his worries today.

Pay-To-Play, Bribes, Influence Peddling, espionage / potential classified info peddling, money laundering, extortion, Hunter illegally acting as an unregistered foreign agent, taking millions from the CCP and other foreign nations / adversaries, conspiracy, fraud, obstruction, election interference, major tax fraud / tax evasion, Hunter's felony for lying on a federal application...

Comer and Grassly are about to 'drop a nuke' on Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, 10 other identified Bidens, Blinken, Garland in 2 days.

* If we had a lwgit, non-criminal DOJ there would be about 48 other charges for conspiracy / Collusion, and willful, known election interference for the 50 Intel Experts who participated in Blinken's / Biden's 'Russial Disinformation' scheme (immunity for 1 - 2 whistleblower signees who have come forward). So much for THEIR 'honor'.
I can't wait to see this "nuke." Even Bartiromo sounded skeptical.

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