I've Seen the Light

Good deal; no involvement from the US Government in planning or execution. No thermite, phantom missiles, voice morphing, etc....

Right. -- The official conspiracy theory IS almost completely devoid of plausible ideas like the ones you've mentioned.

Making real progress there, champ.

Yay, Me!!! :thanks:

must be frustrating for agent CC to get his ass handed to him on a platter.His handlers really pay him well for his ass beatings he gets here constantly.:D:lol: He never of course would keep coming back for them for free.no way.:D
The brow beatings I've endured here and elsewhere for defending/advocating completely ridiculous ideas concerning the events of 9/11/01 have taken their toll, and I've decided to fall in line with the most reasonable account put forth to date:

9/11: A Conspiracy Theory - YouTube

To my fellow Twoofers: I suggest that you follow suit and lay aside the nonsense regarding things like the laws of physics, the abundance of physical and circumstantial evidence, and anything else that might remotely contradict the official story. The most important thing to remember about 9/11 is this: no matter why or how it actually happened, it's at the root of America's global dominance and financial stability today, both of which I'm sure all would agree are at all-time highs! Forget about the damning implications; let's all just let it go ...like a good little flock, and enjoy the rewards.

Glad to see that you have come to your senses....
I have trouble understanding how those idiots can believe the crap that they do.
Glad that you have accepted reality...

Welcome aboard. :D :clap2:
It only took you 10 years to make sense. No extra credit.

Well, in all fairness to myself, the Masterminds of the ofiicial conspiracy theory are far and away the least compelling manufacturers of propaganda ever to shame the face of the planet. I mean, c'mon, the least they could have done would have been to keep the story in line with the laws of physics. Not that I'm one to pick nits, mind you, but that was a pretty big hurdle for my reasoning faculties to jump over.

Here's a helpful hint for any Twoofer looking to cross over into the light: first accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior. After that, I found that things like reason and natural law were much more easily dismissed.

Hey, no wonder it's called the 'Christian Right!
It only took you 10 years to make sense. No extra credit.

Well, in all fairness to myself, the Masterminds of the ofiicial conspiracy theory are far and away the least compelling manufacturers of propaganda ever to shame the face of the planet. I mean, c'mon, the least they could have done would have been to keep the story in line with the laws of physics. Not that I'm one to pick nits, mind you, but that was a pretty big hurdle for my reasoning faculties to jump over.

Here's a helpful hint for any Twoofer looking to cross over into the light: first accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior. After that, I found that things like reason and natural law were much more easily dismissed.

Hey, no wonder it's called the 'Christian Right!

On 9/11/01, no laws of physics were violated so you'r straying dangerously close to going back into the looney bin. But you've admitted the following:

19 men from the middle east hijacked
4 planes and crashed them into
3 buildings and
1 field in Pennsylvania

Anything else is really background noise. Thanks for playing.
[...] you'r straying dangerously close to going back into the looney bin.

Whoa. Gotta check myself from time to time. The twoofer Kool-Aid can be so intoxicating ...and 911insidejob has been pouring it on pretty heavily in here.

Thanks for being there to pull me back from the brink, Candycorn.
The biggest part of the story that I don't understand is how the 77 hijacker pulled off the maneuver that he did. As I understand it, that's damn near impossible even for an experienced boeing passenger aircraft pilot. Didn't these guys only have rudimentary single engine training AT BEST?
The biggest part of the story that I don't understand is how the 77 hijacker pulled off the maneuver that he did. As I understand it, that's damn near impossible even for an experienced boeing passenger aircraft pilot. Didn't these guys only have rudimentary single engine training AT BEST?

It's very hard to pull it off successfully yes. You'll note, Hani Hanjour crashed. Who is to say if he hit where he was aiming.
The brow beatings I've endured here and elsewhere for defending/advocating completely ridiculous ideas concerning the events of 9/11/01 have taken their toll, and I've decided to fall in line with the most reasonable account put forth to date:

9/11: A Conspiracy Theory - YouTube

To my fellow Twoofers: I suggest that you follow suit and lay aside the nonsense regarding things like the laws of physics, the abundance of physical and circumstantial evidence, and anything else that might remotely contradict the official story. The most important thing to remember about 9/11 is this: no matter why or how it actually happened, it's at the root of America's global dominance and financial stability today, both of which I'm sure all would agree are at all-time highs! Forget about the damning implications; let's all just let it go ...like a good little flock, and enjoy the rewards.

Glad to see that you have come to your senses....
I have trouble understanding how those idiots can believe the crap that they do.
Glad that you have accepted reality...

Welcome aboard. :D :clap2:

yeah were idiots for thinking like this in this post of mine below.:D:lol::lol::lol::clap2:

remember Cap,when you join them today,you got to acquire their debating skills as well.Make up things to avoid admitting defeat,dont watch videos that shoot down your ramblings when you now defend the official conspiracy theory,the few times you do,make up things they said in that video that they never said,ignore what experts in their fields say,firemen experienced in the sounds of explosives,architects and engineers,high ranking ex government officials such as ex generals from the pentagon,Former CIA anaylsists,expert pilots fof airliners,ignore everything all these credible experts say and best of all like you just concluded,start ignoring the laws of physics that scientists have gone by for thousands of years that every junior high school gradute always learns.

Ignore all these high creditial experts starting now as well as the laws of physics and ONLY listen to what the NEOCONS in the Bush administration,our corrupt government instituitons that I guess serve us and look out for us according to the official conspiracy theory apologists,just listen to THOSE people cause all of those people are looking out for our best interests.Remember since you are an OCTA now,thats the NEW debating skills you need to acquire now.

this is one of the best threads ever created here.
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someone just farted in here after Paulies post.:poop: happened at 12:26pm.:D
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The biggest part of the story that I don't understand is how the 77 hijacker pulled off the maneuver that he did. As I understand it, that's damn near impossible even for an experienced boeing passenger aircraft pilot. Didn't these guys only have rudimentary single engine training AT BEST?

the official conspiracy theory apologists always ignore this little detail amongst may others in the fact that expert pilots have said that an airliner would come apart if it ever did that.:lol: the sr traffic controller also as well said she thought it was a jet fighter the way it was doing all these incredible feats.:D

Cant believe you didnt thron in the laws of physics that grade school graduates leanr nby then on the towers that according to the OCTA'S, no longer exist anymore even though scientists have gone by them for thousands of years where its impossible for a tower to fall at freefall speed due to fires and structural damage.that they would tip over and GRADUALLY over a long period of time,collapse.:D:D:D:lol::lol:

amazing as well that somehow in the same time frame when the airliner hit,that explosions were going on in the basement and many were being thrown upwards and a man was taken out of the elevaters yelling "explosions explosions" and had severe burns on him and was taken to a hospital.agent candyass can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is over these points and always does.:lol::lol::lol::D
It would be illogical for anyone to apologize for a conspiracy theory.

Conspiracy theories come with built in apologies.
The biggest part of the story that I don't understand is how the 77 hijacker pulled off the maneuver that he did. As I understand it, that's damn near impossible even for an experienced boeing passenger aircraft pilot. Didn't these guys only have rudimentary single engine training AT BEST?

It's very hard to pull it off successfully yes. You'll note, Hani Hanjour crashed. Who is to say if he hit where he was aiming.

I'm not really concerned about where he was aiming. It's the maneuver he made to begin with that I find incredible.

The fact that it's admittedly "very hard" to pull off is what interests me. It's very hard for someone with experience in that type of aircraft. Hanjour had zero experience but managed to pull off something damn near impossible.

I also find it extremely odd that he had that much time and freedom to do all of this in the most protected air space in the world, over the most protected land area in the world, without even the slightest bit of opposition from anything the government has at it's disposal.

You don't find anything worth questioning about that? One has to be a kook to question that? I'm shocked that anyone WOULDNT question that.
The biggest part of the story that I don't understand is how the 77 hijacker pulled off the maneuver that he did. As I understand it, that's damn near impossible even for an experienced boeing passenger aircraft pilot. Didn't these guys only have rudimentary single engine training AT BEST?

It's very hard to pull it off successfully yes. You'll note, Hani Hanjour crashed. Who is to say if he hit where he was aiming.

I'm not really concerned about where he was aiming. It's the maneuver he made to begin with that I find incredible.

The fact that it's admittedly "very hard" to pull off is what interests me. It's very hard for someone with experience in that type of aircraft. Hanjour had zero experience but managed to pull off something damn near impossible.

I also find it extremely odd that he had that much time and freedom to do all of this in the most protected air space in the world, over the most protected land area in the world, without even the slightest bit of opposition from anything the government has at it's disposal.

You don't find anything worth questioning about that? One has to be a kook to question that? I'm shocked that anyone WOULDNT question that.

I cant believe your wasting your time talking to the paid shill.very hard? its IMPOSSIBLE dude.That is unless you want to listen to the logic of agent candyass and ignore what expert pilots say.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
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The biggest part of the story that I don't understand is how the 77 hijacker pulled off the maneuver that he did. As I understand it, that's damn near impossible even for an experienced boeing passenger aircraft pilot. Didn't these guys only have rudimentary single engine training AT BEST?

It's very hard to pull it off successfully yes. You'll note, Hani Hanjour crashed. Who is to say if he hit where he was aiming.

I'm not really concerned about where he was aiming. It's the maneuver he made to begin with that I find incredible.

The fact that it's admittedly "very hard" to pull off is what interests me. It's very hard for someone with experience in that type of aircraft. Hanjour had zero experience but managed to pull off something damn near impossible.

I also find it extremely odd that he had that much time and freedom to do all of this in the most protected air space in the world, over the most protected land area in the world, without even the slightest bit of opposition from anything the government has at it's disposal.

You don't find anything worth questioning about that? One has to be a kook to question that? I'm shocked that anyone WOULDNT question that.


We haven't had a hijacking in the US for nearly 30 years. So when there is a hijacking, I would expect some confusion; no matter how many hours of training have been done. We have hurricanes nearly every year in the US for example. Seldom (if ever) do you not hear about some cluster-f**k, some problems in the supply chain, some problems in command and control, etc... This is a yearly, predictable disaster that happens in the same places in the same season. Yet we still can't get them right.

What you're expecting is a robust response to a totally foreign incident. Ain't gonna happen.

When you add in that the NE United States is the most heavily traveled air corridor in the country (if not the world) and you have 4 planes out of several hundred that are airborne and you're expecting an interdiction, I think you're unrealistic in your expectations.

I'm not sure why you think he had "zero" experience. He had flown before.

I'm not sure why you think it is protected air space. The White House air space is but planes take off over the Pentagon every day.

I'm not sure why you think it is "impossible", it's very hard yes. Theres a reason 3 of the largest buildings in the world were hit, so they can see them from the air. He overshot it and turned into it.

If you don't think it happened as it was stated in the 9/11 Commission Report, what do you think happened?

Let me handle this one, Candycorn. I've been itchin' to try out my Debwunker skills.

The fact that it's admittedly "very hard" to pull off is what interests me. It's very hard for someone with experience in that type of aircraft. Hanjour had zero experience but managed to pull off something damn near impossible.

Look, Moron, "damn near impossible" doesn't equate to impossible. However improbable it seems (to you) that a novice was able to pull off a maneuver that several experienced pilots have openly admitted they'd never even consider trying, facts are facts. We know what happened (flight 77 hit the Pentagon squarely in the budget analyst's office), and we know what MUST have transpired in the cockpit in order for that to have happened (a novice pilot pulled off what would have been an absolutely amazing maneuver for the best of the best pilots in the world). In other words, because we know that the former happened and that the former was contingent on the latter, we also know that the latter MUST have happened. It's simple logic: if A is contingent on B, then A having been the case entails that B must have also been the case -->prior to A. -- Duh.

Besides, maybe Allah had a hand in it. And before you say anything about that, I think it's only fair to warn you that any religious bigotry on your part will not be seen as a valid refutation of this point.

Now, take your tinfoil-dunce-cap-wearing ass over to the corner and have a seat on the stool until the bell rings for recess -- 'cuz you've just been schooled!
It's very hard to pull it off successfully yes. You'll note, Hani Hanjour crashed. Who is to say if he hit where he was aiming.

I'm not really concerned about where he was aiming. It's the maneuver he made to begin with that I find incredible.

The fact that it's admittedly "very hard" to pull off is what interests me. It's very hard for someone with experience in that type of aircraft. Hanjour had zero experience but managed to pull off something damn near impossible.

I also find it extremely odd that he had that much time and freedom to do all of this in the most protected air space in the world, over the most protected land area in the world, without even the slightest bit of opposition from anything the government has at it's disposal.

You don't find anything worth questioning about that? One has to be a kook to question that? I'm shocked that anyone WOULDNT question that.


We haven't had a hijacking in the US for nearly 30 years. So when there is a hijacking, I would expect some confusion; no matter how many hours of training have been done. We have hurricanes nearly every year in the US for example. Seldom (if ever) do you not hear about some cluster-f**k, some problems in the supply chain, some problems in command and control, etc... This is a yearly, predictable disaster that happens in the same places in the same season. Yet we still can't get them right.

What you're expecting is a robust response to a totally foreign incident. Ain't gonna happen.

When you add in that the NE United States is the most heavily traveled air corridor in the country (if not the world) and you have 4 planes out of several hundred that are airborne and you're expecting an interdiction, I think you're unrealistic in your expectations.

I'm not sure why you think he had "zero" experience. He had flown before.

I'm not sure why you think it is protected air space. The White House air space is but planes take off over the Pentagon every day.

I'm not sure why you think it is "impossible", it's very hard yes. Theres a reason 3 of the largest buildings in the world were hit, so they can see them from the air. He overshot it and turned into it.

If you don't think it happened as it was stated in the 9/11 Commission Report, what do you think happened?
I think you're reading too far into what I'm saying and you have an itchy trigger finger, because all I'm doing is asking a question about something I find odd about what happened. That doesn't mean I have any assumptions, theories, etc. It doesn't mean I have a stock pile of tin foil or whatever little joke you guys like to use on truthers. Regardless of your own line of reasoning, I still find something odd about it all. Confusion is fine, but this is washington DC we're talking about. I'm hard pressed to believe there isn't ample plans for errant aircraft, contingencies for those plans, and contingencies for those contingencies. The governmenr has contingencies for every scenario you can imagine all the way up to continuity of government in the wake of catastrophic events. It's understandable that there was confusion over what aircraft was what in the control towers around the country, but I don't assume that te government sits there and watches an aircraft make an extraordinary maneuver in the heart of DC at low altitudes after 2 planes had alreeady slammed into buildings, and just sits on their asses and does nothing because theylre all like duuuhhh and shit.

If it really upsets you that much that someone finds this odd, that's sad. I'd rather err on the side of skepticism and ask questions than just blindly put faith and trust in a government that hasn't exactly had the best track record in the honesty department over its history.
I'm not really concerned about where he was aiming. It's the maneuver he made to begin with that I find incredible.

The fact that it's admittedly "very hard" to pull off is what interests me. It's very hard for someone with experience in that type of aircraft. Hanjour had zero experience but managed to pull off something damn near impossible.

I also find it extremely odd that he had that much time and freedom to do all of this in the most protected air space in the world, over the most protected land area in the world, without even the slightest bit of opposition from anything the government has at it's disposal.

You don't find anything worth questioning about that? One has to be a kook to question that? I'm shocked that anyone WOULDNT question that.


We haven't had a hijacking in the US for nearly 30 years. So when there is a hijacking, I would expect some confusion; no matter how many hours of training have been done. We have hurricanes nearly every year in the US for example. Seldom (if ever) do you not hear about some cluster-f**k, some problems in the supply chain, some problems in command and control, etc... This is a yearly, predictable disaster that happens in the same places in the same season. Yet we still can't get them right.

What you're expecting is a robust response to a totally foreign incident. Ain't gonna happen.

When you add in that the NE United States is the most heavily traveled air corridor in the country (if not the world) and you have 4 planes out of several hundred that are airborne and you're expecting an interdiction, I think you're unrealistic in your expectations.

I'm not sure why you think he had "zero" experience. He had flown before.

I'm not sure why you think it is protected air space. The White House air space is but planes take off over the Pentagon every day.

I'm not sure why you think it is "impossible", it's very hard yes. Theres a reason 3 of the largest buildings in the world were hit, so they can see them from the air. He overshot it and turned into it.

If you don't think it happened as it was stated in the 9/11 Commission Report, what do you think happened?
I think you're reading too far into what I'm saying and you have an itchy trigger finger, because all I'm doing is asking a question about something I find odd about what happened. That doesn't mean I have any assumptions, theories, etc. It doesn't mean I have a stock pile of tin foil or whatever little joke you guys like to use on truthers. Regardless of your own line of reasoning, I still find something odd about it all. Confusion is fine, but this is washington DC we're talking about. I'm hard pressed to believe there isn't ample plans for errant aircraft, contingencies for those plans, and contingencies for those contingencies. The governmenr has contingencies for every scenario you can imagine all the way up to continuity of government in the wake of catastrophic events. It's understandable that there was confusion over what aircraft was what in the control towers around the country, but I don't assume that te government sits there and watches an aircraft make an extraordinary maneuver in the heart of DC at low altitudes after 2 planes had alreeady slammed into buildings, and just sits on their asses and does nothing because theylre all like duuuhhh and shit.

If it really upsets you that much that someone finds this odd, that's sad. I'd rather err on the side of skepticism and ask questions than just blindly put faith and trust in a government that hasn't exactly had the best track record in the honesty department over its history.


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