J.D Moved the Needle More Up!

This VP debate showed that Vance is probably the best running mate in over a 100 years in U.S history. He's young, smart, and capable to be commander and chief. It's amazing how much JD showed the best transparency and affirmation to the country. Who the hell wants a stolen valor guy prioritizing to put tampon's in boys restrooms? This debate performance by Vance will move the needle up helping Trump gain more Independent voters.

Shady Vance is a chickenshit who sells his soul cheaply. Everyone can see it.
Yeah I understand but Vance was there to pick up women and independents and in a few days we will see if he succeeded...

Very interesting point. I had not considered that. Still, it will shock me if he was much of a success. If that were truly his principle aim, he should have had better answers for the abortion questions. Gee, really, you would think that all women do these days is sleep around and get knocked up that they worry more about that then the cost of FOOD.

I mean, just how often can one really have an unwanted pregnancy needing an abortion? Then the odds of it being in one of the few places that won't allow it?

At the very least you would think that just occasionally, a few of these women faced with needing to go to another state might consider KEEPING their child instead!

Or are all of these people just 19-22 year old sluts still living under daddy's roof?
This VP debate showed that Vance is probably the best running mate in over a 100 years in U.S history. He's young, smart, and capable to be commander and chief. It's amazing how much JD showed the best transparency and affirmation to the country. Who the hell wants a stolen valor guy prioritizing to put tampon's in boys restrooms? This debate performance by Vance will move the needle up helping Trump gain more Independent voters.
Waltz popularity went up higher after the debate than Vance.

Vance did well.. But he gets himself into trouble too many times...

Problem Vance has is that he has to bend the knee to Trump. Trump demands the spotlight all the time, it was said in his administration if get too much light Trump would shun you...

If Trump wins then Trump will have him totally ineffectual much like Pence... Trump sees a VP as a threat.
This VP debate showed that Vance is probably the best running mate in over a 100 years in U.S history. He's young, smart, and capable to be commander and chief. It's amazing how much JD showed the best transparency and affirmation to the country. Who the hell wants a stolen valor guy prioritizing to put tampon's in boys restrooms? This debate performance by Vance will move the needle up helping Trump gain more Independent voters.
I have to give it to Harris. The one thing worse than Biden winning was Harris winning and now that Harris has picked Walz for VP, him becoming president would be even worse than having Harris as president.

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