JD Vance Just Flattens Smug 'Fact Checking' CBS News Mods in Epic Fashion on Springfield Topic

JD Vance Just Flattens Smug 'Fact Checking' CBS News Mods in Epic Fashion on Springfield Topic

1 Oct 2-24 ~~ Sister Toldjah

As I write this, the vice presidential debate between Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz is living up to the hype as Vance is wiping the floor with Walz, leaving him stammering and staring as though he can't remember anything from his script except "But Trump!"
The best part of the night so far, in my opinion, was when the CBS News moderators tried to "fact check" Vance on the issue of the Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio, even though the rules of the debate were that the moderators weren't going to fact check each other but the candidates could.
After Vance used the word "illegal immigrants" to describe the Haitian migrants, the moderators tried to make a big deal out of the fact that they were technically here "legally." But Vance was having none of it and proceeded to explain the "technical" reason why. They tried to force him to move on to the next question but he continued on. In fact, he smoked them so bad that they ended up cutting his mic.
"The rules were that you guys weren’t going to fact check, and since you’re fact-checking me, I think it’s important to say what’s actually going on…."

In other words, the moderators falsely fact-checked Vance but not Walz, who was the one actually not telling the truth.
Go figure. I mean, total shocker, right?
In any event, good on Vance for not letting the mods roll all over him and in the process creating another infuriating Romney/Crowley debate moment. Not happening on Vance's watch!
Once again, Vance is rising to the occasion:

Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (Dem) may have entered the arena on their own steam but it wasn't long before walz was on crutches. One crutch was named Norah O’Donnell and the other crutch, Margaret Brennan.
The fact that the media isn’t even talking about it much less taking the usual victory lap, is proof even they realize Walz got his butt kicked.

It isn't the win you think it is, traitor
The only reason Trump lost in 2020 was Covid. The Main Stream Media blamed it all on him (which is ridiculous!) and they allowed Joe Biden to hide in his basement so we didn't know how impaired he was!

Seriousness of intent? LOL Walz called himself a "knucklehead"! For lying and getting caught red handed doing so! He couldn't even win a debate moderated by two people who HATE his opponent!
Not COVID. His inept response to covid
The only reason Trump lost in 2020 was Covid.
That was not the only reason, but it was a contributing factor. The other big factor was the ridiculously illegal way in which the election was held. Remember, Trump was actually WINNING the election by a wide margin all evening and night long, until about 6AM the next morning with no one around when suddenly there was this massive dump of ballots, nearly all of them for Biden.

That is another topic Vance failed to address. The mods proffered that Trump had filed all these election disputes and that the courts had looked at all of them dismissing the evidence when the reality is that the courts only really looked at TWO of the cases; the rest they all dismissed outright on technical grounds such as time of filing, standing, etc. And the two the courts really did adjudicate, Trump won. Vance really dropped the ball on not answering that.

Walz called himself a "knucklehead"!
Self-depreciation is a very effective way to dealing with being caught in a prevarication. The viewer usually sees that as an admission of just being human, making a mistake, something they can relate to on an emotional level.

Again, I took that as a rather deft skill on Walz's part and another sign he had been rather professionally well prepared.
So you think that putting 20,000 immigrants into a city of 68,000 is good for that city, Slade? You think allowing tens of millions of unvetted illegals into the country is good for America? Shame on the people who did THAT to our country just because they think they can stay in power!
I didn’t say a word about what was good for the city…. I dont know the city or conditions around its needs or the decision that went into placement of the migrants. I do know one thing though. Trump has been lying about their legal status and drumming up all kinds of racist hate targeting their community. Disgraceful
The Biden Administration can give them "legal" status, Slade but that doesn't change the FACT that same Administration let tens of millions of unvetted illegals into the country! They own that and they own the damage that is going to do to the country!
That’s a different conversation and a distraction from this topic which is addressing Trump and Vance’s lies about the legal status of this group…. Causing them harm and putting them at risk
That was not the only reason, but it was a contributing factor. The other big factor was the ridiculously illegal way in which the election was held. Remember, Trump was actually WINNING the election by a wide margin all evening and night long, until about 6AM the next morning with no one around when suddenly there was this massive dump of ballots, nearly all of them for Biden.

That is another topic Vance failed to address. The mods proffered that Trump had filed all these election disputes and that the courts had looked at all of them dismissing the evidence when the reality is that the courts only really looked at TWO of the cases; the rest they all dismissed outright on technical grounds such as time of filing, standing, etc. And the two the courts really did adjudicate, Trump won. Vance really dropped the ball on not answering that.

Self-depreciation is a very effective way to dealing with being caught in a prevarication. The viewer usually sees that as an admission of just being human, making a mistake, something they can relate to on an emotional level.

Again, I took that as a rather deft skill on Walz's part and another sign he had been rather professionally well prepared.
I've got to be honest with you, Toobfreak. Although the numbers in that election make no sense to me at all...and I do think there was voter fraud in play...it's something that can't be proven and something that the left LOVES to talk about because they see any questioning of the election as an "attack on democracy" which is one of the nebulous concepts they're running on since they can't run on much of anything else they've done!
I don't waste time on that because it doesn't matter! What does matter is who's policies are better for the economy...who's policies are better for the border...and who's policies are better for bringing peace to the world! Vance honed in on those issues and refused to be sidetracked. Donald Trump could learn from the discipline that Vance showed by staying on message despite the two moderators and Walz trying to make it about other things.
That’s a different conversation and a distraction from this topic which is addressing Trump and Vance’s lies about the legal status of this group…. Causing them harm and putting them at risk
The distraction is from an administration that ignored the law and allowed tens of millions of unvetted illegals to pour into the country...causing harm to American citizens and putting them at risk!
The distraction is from an administration that ignored the law and allowed tens of millions of unvetted illegals to pour into the country...causing harm to American citizens and putting them at risk!
That’s another topic. We are talking about the Haitian lies that have been spreading from the Trump camp. You do admit they are bold faced lies and despicable… don’t you?
Anyone who doubts that Democrats will cheat in November, need only watch how they cheated at something so meaningless as the VP debate.

Vance does a great job of pushing past the nonsense of so-called "journalists."
Wow, you guys really are offended when people find out how much you lie.

You make it sound like Vance is the victim and not the American people.
That’s another topic. We are talking about the Haitian lies that have been spreading from the Trump camp. You do admit they are bold faced lies and despicable… don’t you?
The topic is what's happening to our country because of the Biden/Harris open border policies that have let in tens of millions of unvetted illegals! I could care less about "pets" and the semantics of whether the 20,000 Haitians that have invaded that small town are "legal" or "illegal"!
I think THAT is a despicable thing, Slade and I think we should be talking about THAT!
I've got to be honest with you, Toobfreak. Although the numbers in that election make no sense to me at all...and I do think there was voter fraud in play...it's something that can't be proven
But it COULD be proven if the will were there by the states and courts and in pieces here and there, HAS been proven.

and something that the left LOVES to talk about because they see any questioning of the election as an "attack on democracy" which is one of the nebulous concepts they're running on since they can't run on much of anything else they've done!
I blame the GOP for letting them control the message.

What does matter is who's policies are better for the economy...who's policies are better for the border...and who's policies are better for bringing peace to the world! Vance honed in on those issues and refused to be sidetracked.
I agree! So how is it that so many people are willing to vote AGAINST Trump, including all democrats and even so many within his own party?

Donald Trump could learn from the discipline that Vance showed by staying on message despite the two moderators and Walz trying to make it about other things.
Absolutely. I had really hoped that between 2021 and now, Trump would have gotten a lot of help working on that but apparently he hasn't, apparently through his own bullheadedness. One of the attorneys who helped him in his 2nd impeachment said that Trump had some people around him protecting him who he did not like nor agreed with how they did things. Because of that, he turned down Trump's request for him to help with his court cases because the attorney wanted to bring in his own, proven team of experts to help, which Trump would not allow.

On of Harris' strengths (like Joe's) is she has made many deep connections within Washington.
That is one of Trump's greatest vulnerabilities: Trump has few Washington ties and only really trusts a tight circle of friends close to him (probably mostly within his own family).

I realize these may be attractive reasons to vote for him as an outsider, just that it really makes it a lot harder to actually WIN the elections!
But it COULD be proven if the will were there by the states and courts and in pieces here and there, HAS been proven.

I blame the GOP for letting them control the message.

I agree! So how is it that so many people are willing to vote AGAINST Trump, including all democrats and even so many within his own party?

Absolutely. I had really hoped that between 2021 and now, Trump would have gotten a lot of help working on that but apparently he hasn't, apparently through his own bullheadedness. One of the attorneys who helped him in his 2nd impeachment said that Trump had some people around him protecting him who he did not like nor agreed with how they did things. Because of that, he turned down Trump's request for him to help with his court cases because the attorney wanted to bring in his own, proven team of experts to help, which Trump would not allow.

On of Harris' strengths (like Joe's) is she has made many deep connections within Washington.
That is one of Trump's greatest vulnerabilities: Trump has few Washington ties and only really trusts a tight circle of friends close to him (probably mostly within his own family).

I realize these may be attractive reasons to vote for him as an outsider, just that it really makes it a lot harder to actually WIN the elections!
Because instead of concentrating on policy...we've let the Main Stream Media control the narrative to talk about 2020 and how supposedly dangerous Trump is to democracy. Don't let yourself get caught up in that. Argue policy on the economy...on the border...and on foreign affairs. Biden/Harris have been a disaster on ALL of those things and they are what matter most to the American people!

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