REPORTER: Do you trust the election process this time around?

I suspect as long as there isn’t any blatant funny business, he will respect the outcome.

I think he would have respected the outcome last time, except there were some anomalies, notably the late night vote swings that were almost identical in 3 different states. That to me just doesn’t make sense.
Mail-in votes that by law couldn't be counted until after polls closed doesn't make sense to you?
You have a theory but lack actual facts. Can you present any evidence that non-citizens are voting in our elections.
Certainly, as an example, 138 non-citizen individuals who cast ballots in Ohio were referred to the Ohio Attorney General in August 2024, Texas identified 1,930 non-citizens with a voting history, and multiple states have been removing non-citizens from registration rolls totaling over 100K individuals. The law may clearly state non-citizens can't vote .. but if you're registered, especially in states that don't verify identification, you can vote.

The law also states that you can't enter the United States illegally or commit crimes. How's that going?
That defied all statistical probabilities for one state, let alone all three
Not true.
Certainly, as an example, 138 non-citizen individuals who cast ballots in Ohio were referred to the Ohio Attorney General in August 2024, Texas identified 1,930 non-citizens with a voting history, and multiple states have been removing non-citizens from registration rolls totaling over 100K individuals. The law may clearly state non-citizens can't vote .. but if you're registered, especially in states that don't verify identification, you can vote.

The law also states that you can't enter the United States illegally or commit crimes. How's that going?
Mail-in votes that by law couldn't be counted until after polls closed doesn't make sense to you?
The polls closing had nothing to do with it. They said the counting was done for the night and sent all of the poll watchers home. Then counted enough votes for Bidumb by the morning he won. All while the vote counting was supposed to be stopped.
The polls closing had nothing to do with it. They said the counting was done for the night and sent all of the poll watchers home. Then counted enough votes for Bidumb by the morning he won. All while the vote counting was supposed to be stopped.

They counted all the votes.

I don't trust it.
There’s been no reason provided why we should ever trust the democrats. When they vote against bills to verify only citizens vote? When they say an ID to vote is racist? Why do they do that. They’re cheating that’s why.
Depends if the Dems cheat again or not.
And you have YET to prove ANY of your countless FAKE claims.

Dominion Machines.
Dead People Voting.
Ballot Dumps.

ALL FAKE news.
Russia, Russia, Russia, all at another LEVEL of lying.

You and your ILK are so shitty at lying, you have to create NUMEROUS fake claims of election fraud. See Above.
Elections should not be based on trust they should be based on proof. If it cannot be proven the election was fair and honest it is acceptable to consider it as illegitimate.
What the Marxists keep saying is that blacks are too stupid to know how to get identification for voting. Ask the blacks on this board, do they have a drivers license or are they to stupid and cant get one?

Yep, birth certificates are easy to get and just about any idiot can get a drivers license, I see tons of them when I get out on the roads.


We are going to bring up election cheating and voter fraud as long as it happens, no matter who wins.

I don’t care if President Trump wins in a landslide, I’ll still want election cheating to be exposed, investigated, and charged.
Did you call for a recount in Florida and Texas in 2020? If so, link to it or shut the fuck up.

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