A woman’s fundamental right of individual liberty, to her own life, grants her the authority to terminate her pregnancy if she wishes.

So, does chronic alcoholism, but drinking is legal.

Or are we going to say that the only ones who can do with their bodies as they see fit are women wanting an abortion?
Alcohol is very restricted legally. Only one in ten drinkers becomes alcoholic and alcohol’s problems rest mainly with alcoholics.
Most hard drugs are addictive for all who use, the impairment is intoxication and many cause mental illness.
Your analogy is out of balance.
No you thick fucker. Melanias humiliation of donny is the topic.
Not according to YOUR headline

“A woman’s fundamental right of individual liberty, to her own life, grants her the authority to terminate her pregnancy if she wishes.”​

Alcohol is very restricted legally. Only one in ten drinkers becomes alcoholic and alcohol’s problems rest mainly with alcoholics.
Most hard drugs are addictive for all who use, the impairment is intoxication and many cause mental illness.
Your analogy is out of balance.

Hey, if a person wants to fry their brain, their body, their choice!

We’re allowing kids to make the choice of sex change procedures and that causes mental problem for those who regret it and can’t go back

Look, obviously I’m NOT for legalizing hard drugs, but the whole “my body, my choice” argument can bring on a whole other set of arguments, whether good or bad, for people who also want complete bodily autonomy.

What about things like ayahuasca? People pay good money to go to other countries to have that experience and they swear by the results. Why can’t we have that legalized here in the US as a form of therapy?
So do people who drink alcohol, yet that is legal. Just make the rules for taking meth amphetamines the same for drinking. No operating a motor vehicle, and I’ll even say, for hard drugs, you can only do them inside your house.

That should solve that problem.
I have no problem having drugs be legal. You have not seen me say otherwise. By the same token, if you support that, you should also support abortions being decided by the women themselves. Do you support that?
How exactly would that work? They each get a vote and the courts act as tie breakers?

A man has a fundamental right to do with his money whatever he wants. If she can't afford the baby on her own then she can abort it. My wallet my choice.
when a baby is born, both the father and the mother are financially obligated. It is the law. They both had something to do with the baby having been made.
Alcohol is very restricted legally. Only one in ten drinkers becomes alcoholic and alcohol’s problems rest mainly with alcoholics.
Most hard drugs are addictive for all who use, the impairment is intoxication and many cause mental illness.
Your analogy is out of balance.

Most hard drugs are addictive for all who use, the impairment is intoxication and many cause mental illness.

Actually, that’s not always true. I used to know some people that, while I didn’t know it at the time, I found out later, who recreationally used cocaine, or at least we thought it was. We found a small brown plastic vial that was about an inch tall, and about 1/4” wide with a cap on it that had white powder residue inside it, pretty sure it was cocaine.

These people were completely normal, both had well paying jobs, and never showed signs of any kind of addiction.

There are many people like that, who take cocaine occasionally, eat shrooms and other edibles, who do not become addicted.

I’m sure heroine and meth probably have a higher addiction rate, but not everyone who uses drugs turns into a junkie.
when a baby is born, both the father and the mother are financially obligated. It is the law. They both had something to do with the baby having been made.
That sexist law needs to be changed. Women are strong and independent now and don't need no man. If a woman can abort a fetus then a man can abort his financial obligations. My wallet my choice.
So Trump Organization Employee #0000002, Donald’s paid wife, has come out full 100% pro-choice for convenience. Awkward. You go girl! I guess Donald didn’t read the fine print in her contract. Hilarious.

I have no problem having drugs be legal. You have not seen me say otherwise. By the same token, if you support that, you should also support abortions being decided by the women themselves. Do you support that?

well, good on you for consistency. 👍

Here’s my stance on abortion, you ready for this? Because this will blow your mind! (Compared to most other right wingers you may encounter)

While I think a life is a life and all life should be protected, I also recognize that other people do not share my beliefs and it’s not my right to try to force my beliefs onto them. I actually agree with legalized abortion for rape, incest and the health/life of the mother (REAL health concerned, not made up bs just to be able to have abortions). However, again, recognize it’s not my place to decide what other people do.

In general, I really don’t care what someone else does with their bodies, including abortion. My only pushback on abortion is that it’s not a power of the federal government to make it legal nationwide. I support Dobbs, and the right of states to make their own decisions on the matter, and while there will have been, and will be some struggles along the way, eventually, I think that we will have equilibrium in the issue because the people in each state will demand it, and that’s how it’s supposed to work.

What say you..mind blown or what?!

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