A woman’s fundamental right of individual liberty, to her own life, grants her the authority to terminate her pregnancy if she wishes.

well, good on you for consistency. 👍

Here’s my stance on abortion, you ready for this? Because this will blow your mind! (Compared to most other right wingers you may encounter)

While I think a life is a life and all life should be protected, I also recognize that other people do not share my beliefs and it’s not my right to try to force my beliefs onto them. I actually agree with legalized abortion for rape, incest and the health/life of the mother (REAL health concerned, not made up bs just to be able to have abortions). However, again, recognize it’s not my place to decide what other people do.

In general, I really don’t care what someone else does with their bodies, including abortion. My only pushback on abortion is that it’s not a power of the federal government to make it legal nationwide. I support Dobbs, and the right of states to make their own decisions on the matter, and while there will have been, and will be some struggles along the way, eventually, I think that we will have equilibrium in the issue because the people in each state will demand it, and that’s how it’s supposed to work.

What say you..mind blown or what?!
My mind is officially blown
My mind is officially blown

Yep, I knew it would be, most people don’t expect someone who leans right to have that kind of opinion.

You want to known what else…I’m not sure i should say this…it might send you into a frenzied meltdown…hmm, this could be dangerous stuff…perhaps I’ll let you cool down a bit after that last one and give this to you in small doses

That sexist law needs to be changed. Women are strong and independent now and don't need no man. If a woman can abort a fetus then a man can abort his financial obligations. My wallet my choice.
You are making my point.

"financial obligations" have nothing to do with freedom to do with your own BODY.
My mind is officially blown

Alright, a minute has gone by…brace yourself!! Incoming bombshell #2

If 2 guys want to marry, I’m fine with that. I recognize that while some religions don’t believe in that, I also recognize that not everyone is religious, and many who are religious believe that it’s not their responsibility to try and force the issue on homosexuality. Let them do what they want.

I guess you could really say I’m more libertarian on these two issues, conservative on others.

The cotus says you have the freedom of religion, which also means you have the freedom FROM religion. This means that, while I do understand that Christian’s WILL preach about homosexuality, because they believe it’s a sin, and they are supposed to preach against it, in the United States, we live under the constitution, which says that people do not have to adhere to a religion if they don’t want to.

Like abortion, I really don’t care if gay people want to live together, get married or all that. The only issue i have is with children being exposed to things like the drag shows where there is suggestive clothing being worn, or the pride parades where dudes walk around naked, or, children being “programmed” into the gay lifestyle. I’ll be honest..I’m a bit iffy on same sex couples raising kids, because there are studies that say children of same sex couples have a much higher chance to identify as something other than straight, which would suggest there is an influence happening.

Beyond that, be who you want to be!

I hope that didn’t send you over the edge!
Alright, a minute has gone by…brace yourself!! Incoming bombshell #2

If 2 guys want to marry, I’m fine with that. I recognize that while some religions don’t believe in that, I also recognize that not everyone is religious, and many who are religious believe that it’s not their responsibility to try and force the issue on homosexuality. Let them do what they want.

I guess you could really say I’m more libertarian on these two issues, conservative on others.

The cotus says you have the freedom of religion, which also means you have the freedom FROM religion. This means that, while I do understand that Christian’s WILL preach about homosexuality, because they believe it’s a sin, and they are supposed to preach against it, in the United States, we live under the constitution, which says that people do not have to adhere to a religion if they don’t want to.

Like abortion, I really don’t care if gay people want to live together, get married or all that. The only issue i have is with children being exposed to things like the drag shows where there is suggestive clothing being worn, or the pride parades where dudes walk around naked, or, children being “programmed” into the gay lifestyle. I’ll be honest..I’m a bit iffy on same sex couples raising kids, because there are studies that say children of same sex couples have a much higher chance to identify as something other than straight, which would suggest there is an influence happening.

Beyond that, be who you want to be!

I hope that didn’t send you over the edge!
I don't remember the last time I was shocked twice in less than 30 minutes.

Here is something that may shock you, though it is not unexpected

I just reread my post and have concluded you didn’t read it one time for comprehension.
You said that it's awkward that she has a different opinion from her husband. This suggests that they should have the same opinions in order to avoid awkwardness. I'm just wondering if you think it's the wife who should change her opinion.
Actually, that’s not always true. I used to know some people that, while I didn’t know it at the time, I found out later, who recreationally used cocaine, or at least we thought it was. We found a small brown plastic vial that was about an inch tall, and about 1/4” wide with a cap on it that had white powder residue inside it, pretty sure it was cocaine.

These people were completely normal, both had well paying jobs, and never showed signs of any kind of addiction.

There are many people like that, who take cocaine occasionally, eat shrooms and other edibles, who do not become addicted.

I’m sure heroine and meth probably have a higher addiction rate, but not everyone who uses drugs turns into a junkie.
And there way more who become addicted and never recover. For no good reason.
You said that it's awkward that she has a different opinion from her husband. This suggests that they should have the same opinions in order to avoid awkwardness. I'm just wondering if you think it's the wife who should change her opinion.
It is awkward that his employee wife comes out on the opposite side of a critical issue. Name me another politician where that has happened.

She’s free to be correct. I approve.

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