J6: A True Timeline

J6: A True Timeline​

". . . Fischer's Less Lethal timeline was featured in an article written by Journalist Wendi Strauch Mahoney with UncoverDC. Fischer was both witness to and a victim of police brutality on Jan. 6. He has researched police actions extensively, comparing J6 with the way other D.C. protests were handled and adjudicated:

"As both witness and victim, I observed firsthand that the attacks by police with munitions and physical violence were often unprovoked and at times deeply disturbing. I later learned about required police procedure and the DC First Amendment Assemblies Act by watching congressional hearings on previous questionable police actions while clearing protests- specifically the clearing of the protests in Lafayette Square outside the White House on Memorial Day weekend. Given what I have learned about the statutes and other court cases, and the police actions I witnessed-it is likely the police violated the law."

"I then followed the facts, reviewed evidence from hundreds of J6 trials, as well as evidence from bodycam footage, radio communications, and police officer testimony. It became definitively clear the police disregarded protestor safety and well-established DC protest crowd clearing laws, said Fischer. "Law enforcement failed to give proper, required warnings prior to launching munitions. In some cases, police are heard admitting they were hurting and inciting innocent people."

"It became even more clear that there have been disparities between the way Congress investigated these illegal police actions when BLM protestors were involved," Fischer continued. "Those same illegal police actions have been ignored or buried when J6 protestors were targeted by police. In fact, the objective observer will tell you the J6 Select Committee ignored the facts to push a certain political narrative."

"J6 A True Timeline is a result of hours of investigation into the facts of J6. The purpose of this film is to set the record straight without favor to one side or another. January 6 is a dark day in American history, but not in the way it has been portrayed. The American people deserve the whole, uncut truth of what transpired minute by minute. In reality, J6 was a complex human event; one where a peaceful, joyous morning of First Amendment assembly became a riot for reasons that are much more nuanced than most want you to believe."

The seeds of this documentary were planted as far back as January 2021, with Dave Sumrall and Daniel Goodwyn of StopHate.com, who provided much of the research for the film. Goodwyn, the archival producer of J6 A True Timeline, played a major role in researching and archiving media. Sumrall was J6 A True Timeline's consulting producer, helping with production and key research.

According to J6 A True Timeline Executive Producer, Jason Rink,

"The small group of collaborators have collected one of the largest repositories of J6 footage in private hands. When the government continued to drag its feet on the release of footage, this group decided to take matters into their own hands. They went about the task of laying out every angle of body cam footage, security footage and footage filmed by citizens, and compiled it in a timeline using metadata and timecode. The result is a view of January 6 from almost every angle, simultaneously, providing a much different story than previously known. Over the past year the filmmakers worked to edit the footage into a concise but accurate documentary which allows people to see the events of the day as they unfolded."

The creators hope the film will provoke all Americans to ask questions based on what they see and hear.

  • How did these protestors die and why?
  • How is the government misrepresenting "restricted area" to convict Americans?
  • How many protestors really knew they were entering restricted areas on the Capitol grounds?
  • Do Americans know the flexible fencing was placed on the Capitol grounds for the purpose of constructing the inaugural stage?
  • Do Americans know the Capitol police were told prior to Jan. 6 not to use munitions on the crowds.
  • Why was there so much chaos? Why did people riot?
  • Were the police prepared to handle the crowds that day? Why didn't the police arrest individuals before the violence escalated?
  • What really happened at the "tunnel" on Jan. 6. and how did Roseanne Boyland die?
  • Why did Officer Byrd shoot Ashli Babbitt when she was flanked from behind by Metro police?
  • What were the communications between Mayor Bowser, members of Congress, Chief Sund, and Yogananda Pittman?
  • Why are police heard saying they were "set up?"
  • Why does former Capitol Police officer Tarik Johnson continue to say that former Assistant Chief of USCP Intelligence Yogananda Pittman is largely responsible for the chaos on Jan. 6, not former President Donald J. Trump . . . . "
Look at the close-minded ignorance displayed in the few posts replying above. Wow. Like A barnyard pen full of fat muddy sows rolling around waiting on the feeder to be filled with corn kernels by the master. As they get fattened up for slaughter at the market. Going along willingly. SMH.
Look at the close-minded ignorance displayed in the few posts replying above. Wow. Like A barnyard pen full of fat muddy sows rolling around waiting on the feeder to be filled with corn kernels by the master. As they get fattened up for slaughter at the market. Going along willingly. SMH.

They really do live in a world where their feelings mean more than reality.

We need to stay busy building the mental institutions.


They really do live in a world where their feelings mean more than reality.

We need to stay busy building the mental institutions.

Well, here's your "reality" then.
On 1/6/2021, then soon to be ex President Trump stood up at the Elipse and fomented insurrection. A large group of domestic terrorists then stormed the Capitol in an attempt to halt a Constitutional procedure and reverse the results of a free and fair election that he lost. Soon to be ex President Trump then went back to the White House to gleefully watch the carnage on TV while the domestic terrorists that he egged on stormed the Capitol, broke windows, assaulted Capitol police, ransacked offices, attempted to hunt down said members of Congress, and smeared feces all over the walls.

And eventually, he's going to answer for these crimes.
His only hope at avoiding jail time is to be re-elected as President and pardon himself....and that ain't gonna happen. :)

All of em. No matter how long it takes. Hire 50K FBI and IRS agents to do the job.
That day...can never happen again.

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