J6......July 21st Edition

When you got nothing then run a TV spectacle about what “should” have been.
Wait, McEnaney is a lawyer. She said that Trump was calling Senators to break the law? Those were her words? Did she say that she listened in on the calls?
trump asked McEnaney for a list of Senators.
She gave him a list .
trump proceded to call Senators, McEnaney confirms this, and demanded that they stop the certification.
McEnaney was asked by the committee, "Which Senators did trump call."
McEnaney "I don't recall"

McEnaney didn't deny that trump called Senators to break the law, McEnaney just "couldn't recall" who trump called.
I said that she said that trump asked her for a list of Senators.
She gave trump the list of Senators.

McEnaney was asked which Senators trump called.
She didn't deny that trump made those calls.
She just stated "I don't recall" when asked which Senators trump had called.
I said that she said that trump asked her for a list of Senators.
She gave trump the list of Senators.

McEnaney was asked which Senators trump called.
She didn't deny that trump made those calls.
She just stated "I don't recall" when asked which Senators trump had called.
So fucking what? How is asking for a list of senators a crime? Show us the transcript of McEnaney saying Trump asked anyone to break the law or go the fuck away.
Um, below his pay grade? NG was offered. Probably wouldn't have been any unarmed protestors murdered for trespass.
Trump did NOT call the NG during those 187 minutes.
In FACT, trump hid in a room and watched Fox News.
Trump did NOT call the NG during those 187 minutes.
In FACT, trump hid in a room and watched Fox News.
Another lie, Trump DID authorize extra security that was IGNORED way before that 187 minutes. In fact DAYS before. Bowser, Pelosi, etc. ignored the request.
Two takes from tonight's Select Committee hearing:

1. During the siege, Trump watched Fox News and “poured gasoline” on what he saw unfolding

“The tweet looked to me like the opposite of what we needed at that moment, which was a de-escalation,” Pottinger said. “It looked like fuel being poured on the fire. That is the moment I decided I would resign.”
2. Pence’s Secret Service agents feared for their lives
as usual, no evidence, no transcript, no nothing but a bunch of bullshit from the fake committee.
McEnaney is on VIDEO you moron.
She didn't tell trump to Break the Law,
Trump did that ^^^^ all on his own
Because he is a fucking clueless POS moron.

trump asked them to stop the certification.
Are you denying that trump asked them to stop the certification?
Another lie, Trump DID authorize extra security that was IGNORED way before that 187 minutes. In fact DAYS before. Bowser, Pelosi, etc. ignored the request.
Prove it.
Provide the OFFicial request.

All you have is hearsay, and hearsay is BAD.
You cannot and will not provide ANY proof about trump and the NG.
If so, PROVE IT.
McEnaney is on VIDEO you moron.
She didn't tell trump to Break the Law,
Trump did that ^^^^ all on his own
Because he is a fucking clueless POS moron.

trump asked them to stop the certification.
Are you denying that trump asked them to stop the certification?
You wrote:
She gave him a list .
trump proceded to call Senators, McEnaney confirms this, and demanded that they stop the certification.

You outright lied in that one sentence and you know it. I asked for the transcript were Trump told anyone to break the law. You obviously don't have it, all you have is innuendo based on a fake committee.
Prove it.
Provide the OFFicial request.

All you have is hearsay, and hearsay is BAD.
You cannot and will not provide ANY proof about trump and the NG.
If so, PROVE IT.
You first. Provide a real transcript of McEnaney saying that Trump asked anyone to break the law. Stop obfuscating.
Trump did NOT call the NG during those 187 minutes.
In FACT, trump hid in a room and watched Fox News.
Settle down moron. The NG was offered before that date ever got there and Piglosi refused it. She was figuring on a gotcha moment and it blew up in her face, AGAIN. What did you figure a POTUS was supposed to do on Jan. 6---put on his flak jacket and grab his M-60 and Rambo those dirty protestors? What did Piglosi, Booker, Pressley, AOC et al do when BLM rioted in front of the WH?
Wise up.
I asked for the transcript were Trump told anyone to break the law. Put up or shut the fuck up.
trump asked numerous times to "Stop the certification"

When trump stated 'send it back to the states and rectify' he is asking pence to do something illegal.

How much more proof do you need?
Asking for a list is not the crime.

Asking them to Stop the Certification, <<<<<< that's the crime.
trump did in fact, ask for them to stop the certification.
How is asking a question a crime?
trump asked numerous times to "Stop the certification"

When trump stated 'send it back to the states and rectify' he is asking pence to do something illegal.

How much more proof do you need?

Asking is not a crime, moron. Trying to unseat a sitting President, as the Democrats did in 20126, IS a crime. Lying to a court, as the Democrats did in 2016 IS a crime. Why wasn't anyone punished? You guys are nothing but a bunch of filthy, lying hypocrites.
trump asked numerous times to "Stop the certification"

When trump stated 'send it back to the states and rectify' he is asking pence to do something illegal.

How much more proof do you need?

I'm ASKING you to go out on I-5 and drive your car down the road at 150 mph. Am I a criminal? Again wise up.
I'm ASKING you to go out on I-5 and drive your car down the road at 150 mph. Am I a criminal? Again wise up.
It's a crime dude.
trump is not smart, he says stupid shit, then you guys always have to restate and say, "That's not what he meant."

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