J6......July 21st Edition


Not again!

OK, you be you, poster Back.
But, should we ask for ....or even just listen to ... the testimony of those Capitol officers who got clubbed, MACE'd, Taze'd, stomped on, spit on.

They may, tho I don't know for sure, but they may disagree with the good poster Back, that they were NOT attacked.

But you be you.
And you be you, Chilliconfuzed. 🙄
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There are several news media treatments of "take-aways" from last night's hearings....meaning important points made or developments revealed.

Later today if events allow, I'll see what other such lists have been prepared. In the meantime, here is just a taster of the New York Times coverage:

1. Trump ignored a torrent of pleas to call off his supporters.
2. Trump never made a single call to the military or law enforcement.
3. Members of Pence's Secret Service detail feared for their lives.
4. New testimony bolstered Cassidy Hutchinson's credibility.
5. Even the next day Trump would not say the election was over.

Read the whole enchilada at this link. It is a far more extensive piece than these 5 bullet-points.

I said that she said that trump asked her for a list of Senators.
She gave trump the list of Senators.

McEnaney was asked which Senators trump called.
She didn't deny that trump made those calls.
She just stated "I don't recall" when asked which Senators trump had called.
Then where did you get the part about her hearing "Trump break the law?"

Oh, you just made that up?
trump asked numerous times to "Stop the certification"

When trump stated 'send it back to the states and rectify' he is asking pence to do something illegal.

How much more proof do you need?

It's a crime dude.
trump is not smart, he says stupid shit, then you guys always have to restate and say, "That's not what he meant."
In your own video you posted, Trump cited a legal expert. So, there was no criminal intent on his part.

But you said that McEnany, also a legal expert, said she heard Trump "break the law." That was a lie.
There are several news media treatments of "take-aways" from last night's hearings....meaning important points made or developments revealed.

Later today if events allow, I'll see what other such lists have been prepared. In the meantime, here is just a taster of the New York Times coverage:

1. Trump ignored a torrent of pleas to call off his supporters.
No, he just didn't react fast enough to suit you. He did call them off, it is on video, and was broadcast nationally at the time. He did not ignore those pleas.
2. Trump never made a single call to the military or law enforcement.
Pelosi refused any such help. If Trump had sent the NG, we would be talking about the Democratic hearing to impeach Trump for violating separation of powers, and sending "goons" to the Capital.
3. Members of Pence's Secret Service detail feared for their lives.
So, do women and school children. Every day in Biden's open-borders America.

If the heavily armed and body-armored commandos in suits that guard the VP are that chicken-shi-ite, it is time to clean house with that organization.

4. New testimony bolstered Cassidy Hutchinson's credibility.
None of the "new" witnesses said they saw Trump attempt to wrestle the steering wheel from the secret service driver. They said that they heard that there was a "heated exchange."

No kidding.

A "heated exchange" should lead to criminal charges for a former president? Do you see why "snowflake" is such an appropriate term for liberals?
5. Even the next day Trump would not say the election was over.
It is not the job of Republicans or other Americans who oppose the Democratic plan to weaken the United States to recite the formulaic words you obsess over.
Read the whole enchilada at this link. It is a far more extensive piece than these 5 bullet-points.

No, you summarized it well. Thanks.
Your party lives on alternative facts
Your revision of the events of Jan 6 are laughable
My party thrives on proving your party’s false claims are not facts.

And you are the revisionist historian. Not so much laughable, your efforts are pathetic and tiresome.
Trump ignored a torrent of pleas to call off his supporters.
What was he supposed to do? Boots on the ground is below his pay grade.
Trump never made a single call to the military or law enforcement.
Capitol police are Piglosi's responsibility. Nat'l Guard was offered and refused prior to the event.
. Members of Pence's Secret Service detail feared for their lives.
Not Trump's problem. SS seems to need to grow some balls.
New testimony bolstered Cassidy Hutchinson's credibility.
Still hearsay.
Even the next day Trump would not say the election was over.
Not a crime.

Bottom line, more democrat NOTHING BURGER. Convenient how they are pushing more hearings out til September trying to deflect from the democrat dumpster fire that this regime has been. Mid terms will be the end of this scam.
Y'all . . . we're being kinda mean to Winco . . .

He promised us updates and we just argue with him and now he doesn't want to give any more.

Come on, Winco! The first one fell flat, but give us some more. Think first, this time, maybe.
Y'all . . . we're being kinda mean to Winco . . .

He promised us updates and we just argue with him and now he doesn't want to give any more.

Come on, Winco! The first one fell flat, but give us some more. Think first, this time, maybe.
I can't help it that with every update given, you supply a denial.

You will just deny all this ^^^^^^^^

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