J6 Unmasked: Security footage confirms Capitol door opened, allowing 300 to enter building freely

Chalk up at least three FAILED insurrection supporters in this thread so far.
I was going to write a response, but if you're this stupid to misinterpret so badly, it's just a waste of time.
now, you can't post anything to make me look more stupid than you.
Were you there on Jan 6th? Yes or no. Or did you just support the FAILED insurrection from afar....nice and safe?
It was not an insurrection. Also where I was is NOYB. You dumbass troll you demand nothing from me or anyone else about their personal lives. Got it?
How does that remove this...



Looks like a typical American protest.
It's the same video.

The cops don't open the door, the rioters do.

Post a screen cap of where cops opened the door or just admit you are a liar.
It shows what I said it does. Let others look. I do not care what you think you see.
so you too wish to double down on stupid, again, you'd eat dog shit if the DNC told you to, it's quite obvious since you can't observe the direction of the door. hahahahahahaahahahah I knew you were some kind of stupid, but you out classed yourself buba.
Funny how you deflect from admitting your support for the FAILED insurrection on Jan 6th.
And look who was President on Jan 6th.
Minneapolis sustained extraordinary damage from rioting and looting in the resulting chaos—largely concentrated on a 5-mile (8.0 km) stretch of Lake Street south of downtown—including the demise of the city's third police precinct building, which was overrun by demonstrators and set on fire. At cost of $350 million, approximately 1,300 properties in Minneapolis were damaged by the civil unrest, of which nearly 100 were entirely destroyed. Saint Paul suffered damages that totaled $82 million and affected 330 buildings, including 37 properties that were heavily damaged or destroyed, with most property destruction occurring along the University Avenue business corridor. The ATF tracked 164 structure fires due to arson in the Twin Cities region during the riots.

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