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What do you care what Catholics do? You're not Catholic, have no desire to be one, so why do you care what they do or don't do? God obviously doesn't care or he might have said something to one or more of the Popes in the last 2000 years like "that's NOT what I said!"

Why is it God personally took matters into His own hands when people got out of line pre-Jesus, but the very people charged with delivering His message aren't doing it right and are inadvertently dooming His beloved children to an eternity of torment, yet God doesn't say jack shit? Either God is powerless, apathetic, or just a dick. Which is it?
Why would God - the most powerful being in the universe who created, you know, the universe - be so insecure that He expects us to worship Him?

Because He is God and when we worship Him he is present. God inhabits the praises of His people, Toro. It is written.

There are many blessings in worship. In Scripture, it is written, Put on the Garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. Do you know why the Scriptures tell us to do that, Toro? Because where the Spirit of the LORD is there is liberty and God inhabits the praises of His people. Satan cannot stay in the presence of God. When the presence of God shows up? He flees! Praising God gives us joy. When people are depressed and cast down and they begin to sing praises to the LORD the heaviness leaves them. Why? Because heaviness is a spirit. A demon spirit - once again demons cannot stand in the presence of God - they must go. So worshiping God is for OUR benefit although it is also written in Scripture that God delights in the praises of His people. He delights in having fellowship with us - this is why he created us to begin with - see Genesis 1:26 - God created us to have a relationship with us! God loves us and when we worship Him we are showing Him that we love Him too. God delights in us as a Father delights in His children. He desires us to seek Him with our whole hearts. It is all about relationship. It has nothing to do with rituals, rules, denominations - it is about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is God.
Psalm 22 3 Yet you are enthroned as the Holy One you are the one Israel praises.

2 Corinthians 3 17 Now the Lord is the Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom.

Isaiah 61 3 and provide for those who grieve in Zion-- to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes the oil of joy instead of mourning and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor.

Genesis 1 26 Then God said Let us make mankind in our image in our likeness so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky over the livestock and all the wild animals and over all the creatures that move along the ground.
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God loves you so much that you'll burn if you don't love Him back.

God sounds like the kind of guy who beats his wife. "I love you baby, why do you make me hit you?"
Hell is a literal place, Meriweather, and yes, Catholicism is a works based salvation - with Pergatory as a middle ground where people are working their way UP to heaven. None of which is scripture based. Never was anyone bought out of Pergatory (which does not exist - neither does Limbo exist - all babies go to heaven not Limbo) and placed in heaven because their living relative paid the Pope 500 dollars. Equally ridiculous their annulment of marriages (married for years) and with 5,000 dollars suddenly the divorced person has an annulled marriage and is free to marry yet again at their Catholic church - the latter I know of personally as it happened to my brother in law and that was his "THIRD" marriage. Not his second. $5,000 to the Priest and he was good to go for another annulment. Truly none of this is found in the bible. None of it. Catholicism is not based on the Bible and there is no salvation in the Roman Church nor is there forgiveness in prayers said to "Mary" or the saints. It's idolatry - the pope has made many false claims about requirements (from Roman Church) to assure salvation.

The problem is, every denomination has "stuff not found in the bible". And every denomination has "Stuff in the bible we totally ignore because it's psychotic." It's why your neighbors aren't stoning you for posting today.
I think you miss my point entirely. Sister Mary Butch didn't offend me by saying that my mom was in heaven.

That nasty old dyke offended me because she implied the horrid suffering my mom went through (she fought cancer for nearly a year) was part of "God's Plan".

The nuns that taught me had different insights. In this life, the question is not whether we will suffer, the question is, How will we suffer. There is no question that we will all face dark valleys where evil surrounds us--but even during those times God will be close by when we suffer through the realities of this life--injury, illness, poverty, loss, heartbreak. God deals in reality, not magic. I learned that "God's Plan" is to be with us during bad times as well as good. God's will for us is eternal life.

As far as an eternal life of sunshine and puppies being promoted for the purpose of manipulating people: A far better understanding is that a wondrous eternal life is open to all--and no one can prevent someone from entering it, no person is powerful enough to stand in anyone's way. No one can take it from you.

The only way to receive eternal life is by being born again, Meriweather. The Roman Church cannot save you. There is no salvation in Catholicism - it is dead works, rituals and teachings of idolatry. As to Salvation in Christ according to Romans 10: 9,10... Once saved always saved is not biblical. Without holiness no one will see the LORD. See Hebrews 10:26. Jesus was very clear - it is written in the 24th Chapter of Matthew - Those that endure until the end - the same shall be saved. If you deny Jesus before men He will deny you before the Father. He said so.
Hell is a literal place, Meriweather, and yes, Catholicism is a works based salvation - with Pergatory as a middle ground where people are working their way UP to heaven. None of which is scripture based. Never was anyone bought out of Pergatory (which does not exist - neither does Limbo exist - all babies go to heaven not Limbo) and placed in heaven because their living relative paid the Pope 500 dollars. Equally ridiculous their annulment of marriages (married for years) and with 5,000 dollars suddenly the divorced person has an annulled marriage and is free to marry yet again at their Catholic church - the latter I know of personally as it happened to my brother in law and that was his "THIRD" marriage. Not his second. $5,000 to the Priest and he was good to go for another annulment. Truly none of this is found in the bible. None of it. Catholicism is not based on the Bible and there is no salvation in the Roman Church nor is there forgiveness in prayers said to "Mary" or the saints. It's idolatry - the pope has made many false claims about requirements (from Roman Church) to assure salvation.

People who are separated from God have to be some place. That place is separate from where God is. If you believe hell is literally fire and brimstone, then we do disagree.

Purgatory is not a place where people work their way up to heaven. Purgatory is a purging, or a purification process. This purification process, which Catholics call Purgatory, is scriptural. Catholicism is not "works based salvation." Christ redeemed us, and Catholics choose to become disciples of Christ and follow the ways he taught. I am not clear how you get "works based salvation" from discipleship. If I should see you feeding someone who is hungry is it your position that I should to point at you and declare, "That's work-based salvation!" Or, do I acknowledge the work and say, "That is discipleship." I would call it discipleship because I know there is no such thing as "work based salvation," or, "earning salvation." Our redemption/salvation was gifted to us by God.

Limbo is not a place. The question before us is, "Do unbaptized babies go to heaven." The answer is, "We are in limbo over that question because scripture does not specifically address the question. It appears that over time, people came to think of it as babies being in Limbo rather than Church teaching being in a state of limbo because scripture does not address the question.

You do know there is no cost for investigating whether an actual contractual marriage (versus a wedding) took place, don't you? An annulment cannot be had by bribing a single priest, or even a single church. The process is more complex than that. When a couple requests that research be done to determine whether the marriage was an actual contract before God, the investigation covers whether either person was coerced, deceived, or had no intent in keeping the vows that were made. If there was no true contract, then there was no marriage, and it is declared null. If it was found that both parties entered into the marriage freely and with good intent, then the contract is considered valid. Did your brother-in-law take part in three Catholic marriages?
God loves you so much that you'll burn if you don't love Him back.

God sounds like the kind of guy who beats his wife. "I love you baby, why do you make me hit you?"

No. God loves us so much that should we choose not to be with Him, He is not going to force Himself upon us. We can exist separately from him.

Can you imagine an existence without love? How would you describe it?
The only way to receive eternal life is by being born again, Meriweather. The Roman Church cannot save you. There is no salvation in Catholicism - it is dead works, rituals and teachings of idolatry. As to Salvation in Christ according to Romans 10: 9,10... Once saved always saved is not biblical. Without holiness no one will see the LORD. See Hebrews 10:26. Jesus was very clear - it is written in the 24th Chapter of Matthew - Those that endure until the end - the same shall be saved. If you deny Jesus before men He will deny you before the Father. He said so.

I am not sure where you are getting the idea that the Catholic Church is redeeming people. Redemption/Salvation is the gift bequeathed to mankind by God. The Catholic Church is a servant of God that Christ anointed to carry out his ministry in the same way that he did during his life on Earth. The Catholic Church proclaims the good news of redemption, forgiveness for the repentance of sins, anoints and welcomes all into the Body of Christ. The Church is guided by God's grace and the Holy Spirit.
God loves you so much that you'll burn if you don't love Him back.

God sounds like the kind of guy who beats his wife. "I love you baby, why do you make me hit you?"

No. God loves us so much that should we choose not to be with Him, He is not going to force Himself upon us. We can exist separately from him.

Can you imagine an existence without love? How would you describe it?

Uh, once again, the alternatives are kiss God's ass for all eternity or burn for all eternity. That sounds a little passive-aggressive.
Limbo is not a place. The question before us is, "Do unbaptized babies go to heaven." The answer is, "We are in limbo over that question because scripture does not specifically address the question. It appears that over time, people came to think of it as babies being in Limbo rather than Church teaching being in a state of limbo because scripture does not address the question.

Okay, when I was growing up, the Nuns talked about Limbo like it was totally a real place where all the good people went before Jesus came along and all the babies if you parents didn't rush out and baptize them right away as good Catholics- because the Church has to shake you down for money.
Uh, once again, the alternatives are kiss God's ass for all eternity or burn for all eternity. That sounds a little passive-aggressive.

The definition you presented for love missed the mark. Nor is Dantes Inferno a literal version of hell. Sure gets people's attention though. Makes them forget it is a work of fiction.
Okay, when I was growing up, the Nuns talked about Limbo like it was totally a real place where all the good people went before Jesus came along and all the babies if you parents didn't rush out and baptize them right away as good Catholics- because the Church has to shake you down for money.

Neither I, nor anyone in my family, was shaken down for money by the Catholic Church. I know of no person in real-life (versus online comments) who has complained for such a shakedown. All donations/gifts to the Church are voluntary.
The definition you presented for love missed the mark. Nor is Dantes Inferno a literal version of hell. Sure gets people's attention though. Makes them forget it is a work of fiction.

Actually, I think Milton has had more an influence than Dante, but most Christians actually think that's the real place.

Frankly, I would find any version of the Christian Afterlife as pretty horrible.
Neither I, nor anyone in my family, was shaken down for money by the Catholic Church. I know of no person in real-life (versus online comments) who has complained for such a shakedown. All donations/gifts to the Church are voluntary.

I think when your Magic Sky Fairy threatens you with burning in hell for all eternity, it's a better shakedown than the Mafia does. The Mafia has to actually provide real violence.
I think when your Magic Sky Fairy threatens you with burning in hell for all eternity, it's a better shakedown than the Mafia does. The Mafia has to actually provide real violence.

I hold no belief in a magic sky fairy, but there is a loving God whom I have had the good fortune to experience. Once experiencing this great love, all thoughts of something as insignificant as a magic sky fairy evaporate. Love truly is the great reality, and one cannot help but want to enter into it.
I think when your Magic Sky Fairy threatens you with burning in hell for all eternity, it's a better shakedown than the Mafia does. The Mafia has to actually provide real violence.

I hold no belief in a magic sky fairy, but there is a loving God whom I have had the good fortune to experience. Once experiencing this great love, all thoughts of something as insignificant as a magic sky fairy evaporate. Love truly is the great reality, and one cannot help but want to enter into it.

whatever... frankly, I don't need magical imaginary beings to validate my life.
I think when your Magic Sky Fairy threatens you with burning in hell for all eternity, it's a better shakedown than the Mafia does. The Mafia has to actually provide real violence.

I hold no belief in a magic sky fairy, but there is a loving God whom I have had the good fortune to experience. Once experiencing this great love, all thoughts of something as insignificant as a magic sky fairy evaporate. Love truly is the great reality, and one cannot help but want to enter into it.

whatever... frankly, I don't need magical imaginary beings to validate my life.
I think you missed Meriweather's point, it was 'love' and as human beings, our connection to it.
Many people have been driven from their search of who we are as beings, individually and collectively by wrong elitist and/or contradictory views of our existence. It's not a matter of validation for many of us but our human drive to understand and make the most out of this life.
As Auntie Mame said.."Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving"..

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