Jack Chick Tracts - Read here!

I think you missed Meriweather's point, it was 'love' and as human beings, our connection to it.
Many people have been driven from their search of who we are as beings, individually and collectively by wrong elitist and/or contradictory views of our existence. It's not a matter of validation for many of us but our human drive to understand and make the most out of this life.
As Auntie Mame said.."Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving"..

People who "love" me don't threaten to burn me for all eternity if I don't do what they want.
People who "love" me don't threaten to burn me for all eternity if I don't do what they want.

God is love, and as love doesn't threaten, there must be a misunderstanding somewhere along the line. Ever think of the story of the Prodigal Son and the Father hopefully watching for his return?
God is love, and as love doesn't threaten, there must be a misunderstanding somewhere along the line. Ever think of the story of the Prodigal Son and the Father hopefully watching for his return?

Actually, I always thought that was a shitty story. I was totally with the loyal son who was responsible. That's actually pretty bad parenting.

Again, in the Christian philosophy, Ann Frank burns in Hell for all eternity for not accepting Jesus, and Chef Jeff Dahmner gets to go to heaven because he accepted Jesus into his soul.

That is all manner of fucked up, and I am thankful that's not how the universe works.
I think you missed Meriweather's point, it was 'love' and as human beings, our connection to it.
Many people have been driven from their search of who we are as beings, individually and collectively by wrong elitist and/or contradictory views of our existence. It's not a matter of validation for many of us but our human drive to understand and make the most out of this life.
As Auntie Mame said.."Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving"..

People who "love" me don't threaten to burn me for all eternity if I don't do what they want.
yeah. Patriarchal vengeful sky pixies just don't do it for me either.
Actually, I always thought that was a shitty story. I was totally with the loyal son who was responsible. That's actually pretty bad parenting.

Again, in the Christian philosophy, Ann Frank burns in Hell for all eternity for not accepting Jesus, and Chef Jeff Dahmner gets to go to heaven because he accepted Jesus into his soul.

1. Catholics, the largest denomination of Christianity, do not teach Ann Frank burns in Hell. Quite the contrary. We point out that God also has an everlasting covenant with the Jews. Just because you can find a few Christians who believe Ann Frank is in hell, it does not speak to the majority of Christian sentiment--or teaching.

2. As for Jeffrey Dahmer, the greater majority of Christians will tell you he must first face judgment. Dahmer's words do say something, but God judges not what comes out of the mouth, but what is in the heart.

3. Many of us, in our role of brother and sister, are with the older brother in the story of the Prodigal Son. However, when we become parents we also find we can empathize with the parent who rejoices when a child returns home. As the father told the responsible son who didn't think he could have as much as a kid goat, "Everything I have is yours...but we need to rejoice at your brother's return."
I think you missed Meriweather's point, it was 'love' and as human beings, our connection to it.
Many people have been driven from their search of who we are as beings, individually and collectively by wrong elitist and/or contradictory views of our existence. It's not a matter of validation for many of us but our human drive to understand and make the most out of this life.
As Auntie Mame said.."Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving"..

People who "love" me don't threaten to burn me for all eternity if I don't do what they want.
I would agree with that..but to generalize that that belief is held by a mass of people is illogical and seems as radical as their view. It only serves to make you as elitist as them, why become what you detest?
This one is called, Back From The Dead




Stay tuned for the rest!
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I think you missed Meriweather's point, it was 'love' and as human beings, our connection to it.
Many people have been driven from their search of who we are as beings, individually and collectively by wrong elitist and/or contradictory views of our existence. It's not a matter of validation for many of us but our human drive to understand and make the most out of this life.
As Auntie Mame said.."Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving"..

People who "love" me don't threaten to burn me for all eternity if I don't do what they want.
yeah. Patriarchal vengeful sky pixies just don't do it for me either.

Stay tuned for the rest of Back from the Dead - and as you have FOX news - Hannity Show - mentioned in your signature - did you happen to see this interview, Dot? If not, watch it now - this is something to think about.

1. Catholics, the largest denomination of Christianity, do not teach Ann Frank burns in Hell. Quite the contrary. We point out that God also has an everlasting covenant with the Jews. Just because you can find a few Christians who believe Ann Frank is in hell, it does not speak to the majority of Christian sentiment--or teaching.

2. As for Jeffrey Dahmer, the greater majority of Christians will tell you he must first face judgment. Dahmer's words do say something, but God judges not what comes out of the mouth, but what is in the heart.

3. Many of us, in our role of brother and sister, are with the older brother in the story of the Prodigal Son. However, when we become parents we also find we can empathize with the parent who rejoices when a child returns home. As the father told the responsible son who didn't think he could have as much as a kid goat, "Everything I have is yours...but we need to rejoice at your brother's return."

1- Ann Frank was never baptized and never accepted Jesus as Lord. Since the Catholic Church decided LImbo isn't a think anymore, where else was she going to go?

Incidentally, when i was in about fifth grade, I did ask the Priest the question if non-Catholic go to Heaven or not. The guy bobbed and weaved around the question like I asked what he was doing with the altar boys.

2- As for Dahmer, the problem there is that you guys just don't think out the notion of forgiveness. If he confessed and got absolution from a Catholic Priest, then all his sins would have been forgiven. That's Catholic Dogma. It's fucking retarded, but there it is.
1. Catholics, the largest denomination of Christianity, do not teach Ann Frank burns in Hell. Quite the contrary. We point out that God also has an everlasting covenant with the Jews. Just because you can find a few Christians who believe Ann Frank is in hell, it does not speak to the majority of Christian sentiment--or teaching.

2. As for Jeffrey Dahmer, the greater majority of Christians will tell you he must first face judgment. Dahmer's words do say something, but God judges not what comes out of the mouth, but what is in the heart.

3. Many of us, in our role of brother and sister, are with the older brother in the story of the Prodigal Son. However, when we become parents we also find we can empathize with the parent who rejoices when a child returns home. As the father told the responsible son who didn't think he could have as much as a kid goat, "Everything I have is yours...but we need to rejoice at your brother's return."

1- Ann Frank was never baptized and never accepted Jesus as Lord. Since the Catholic Church decided LImbo isn't a think anymore, where else was she going to go?

Incidentally, when i was in about fifth grade, I did ask the Priest the question if non-Catholic go to Heaven or not. The guy bobbed and weaved around the question like I asked what he was doing with the altar boys.

2- As for Dahmer, the problem there is that you guys just don't think out the notion of forgiveness. If he confessed and got absolution from a Catholic Priest, then all his sins would have been forgiven. That's Catholic Dogma. It's fucking retarded, but there it is.

Yes, Joe, but Catholic Dogma is nothing more than a false teaching, a man made doctrine with no power to save.. one cannot hang their eternal life on a false teaching.

Believe the Bible, Joe. You can come to Christ just as you are - in fact - you must - because you cannot feign a new heart that desires to obey God - only Jesus can give you that desire. You come to Christ as you are and repent of your sins and believe upon Him for your eternal salvation. He will give you a new desire to serve Him - to know Him, to follow Him and obey Him. God loves you, Joe. His promise to you is very clear - WHOSOEVER calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. That means you, Joe. That means you.

1- Ann Frank was never baptized and never accepted Jesus as Lord. Since the Catholic Church decided LImbo isn't a think anymore, where else was she going to go?

Incidentally, when i was in about fifth grade, I did ask the Priest the question if non-Catholic go to Heaven or not. The guy bobbed and weaved around the question like I asked what he was doing with the altar boys.

2- As for Dahmer, the problem there is that you guys just don't think out the notion of forgiveness. If he confessed and got absolution from a Catholic Priest, then all his sins would have been forgiven. That's Catholic Dogma. It's fucking retarded, but there it is.

1. Ann Frank was Jewish. The Catholic Church (this is written in the Catholic Catechism) acknowledges that the Jews have an everlasting covenant with God.

2. Joe, you are stretching the limits of credibility I can give your stories. The Catholic Church (and this is also noted in the Catechism--which I am guessing your priest had a working knowledge of) teaches the way of salvation. The Church is sure its teachings on the way of salvation is correct. Those who do not follow the Catholic faith are entrusted to God who is merciful.

3. As a former Catholic, don't you recall that absolution is dependent on true contrition? If Dahmer was truly contrite and repentant, and if he truly turned his life around, then Christ promised forgiveness. If he was just giving lip-service, that will be determined at his final judgment.
People who "love" me don't threaten to burn me for all eternity if I don't do what they want.

God is love, and as love doesn't threaten, there must be a misunderstanding somewhere along the line. Ever think of the story of the Prodigal Son and the Father hopefully watching for his return?

Except the story isn't presented that way. God's love comes with an "...or else..." attached. Love God...or else. Obey My commandments...or else. Worship Me...or else. That "...or else..." isn't presented as anything other than an eternity of torment.

Assuming God exists and really loves us, why bother with eternity of hellfire and brimstones or even eternity without His love or even the possibility of redemption? If God exists and really loves us, instead of dooming us to eternal pain because we didn't believe in Him it would be far more merciful and loving if he simply negated the souls that chose not to join him. No Hell, no Purgatory, no eternity outside of God looking at Heaven from outside the gates, simply *poof* no more Steven_R's soul.

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