Jack Chick Tracts - Read here!

This tract is called,
Love that Money




I love this tract - Love that Money

Because Jack Chick does such a wonderful job of revealing what is happening behind the scenes - the battle for the souls of men - how demons entice men to sin - how their assignments operate against mankind - Satan assigning his demons to entice men with promise of reward - how man does not realize he is being duped and once he finds out it is too late! There are no rewards given in hell - to any living soul - only eternal torment and suffering. Do not let that be you. Call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ today. Repent of your sins and invite the LORD into your heart and He will give you a desire to follow Him and leave your old life of sin behind.

He was worth Christ dying on the cross for. You may have to leave some people (to themselves) who reject the Good News but that does not mean God is finished with them. He sends more laborers because His goal is that they would not perish but receive eternal life and become His own children. That is why we pray for others. So that the LORD will send His Holy Spirit to draw them.

So let me get this straight. God puts a curse on mankind because a woman listened to a talking snake and ate from a tree he put RIGHT THERE. And God being kind of a drama queen decides the only way to erase that curse- which again, i might remind you, he invoked - was to knock up a virgin, be born as a person and then get himself crucified so he could raise himself from the dead.

Oh, yeah, and if you aren't totally impressed by this, he's going to burn you for hell forever and ever.
I love this tract - Love that Money

Because Jack Chick does such a wonderful job of revealing what is happening behind the scenes - the battle for the souls of men - how demons entice men to sin - how their assignments operate against mankind - Satan assigning his demons to entice men with promise of reward - how man does not realize he is being duped and once he finds out it is too late! There are no rewards given in hell - to any living soul - only eternal torment and suffering. Do not let that be you. Call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ today. Repent of your sins and invite the LORD into your heart and He will give you a desire to follow Him and leave your old life of sin behind.

Actually, I have to ask the logical question, what does Satan get out of this deal? I mean is he on a quota of how many souls he gets? It is like some kind of pyramid scheme?

You see, you can post all the bad artwork comics you want, but the big problem is, the whole thing fall apart if you apply any logic to it.
I love this tract - Love that Money

Because Jack Chick does such a wonderful job of revealing what is happening behind the scenes - the battle for the souls of men - how demons entice men to sin - how their assignments operate against mankind - Satan assigning his demons to entice men with promise of reward - how man does not realize he is being duped and once he finds out it is too late! There are no rewards given in hell - to any living soul - only eternal torment and suffering. Do not let that be you. Call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ today. Repent of your sins and invite the LORD into your heart and He will give you a desire to follow Him and leave your old life of sin behind.

Actually, I have to ask the logical question, what does Satan get out of this deal? I mean is he on a quota of how many souls he gets? It is like some kind of pyramid scheme?

You see, you can post all the bad artwork comics you want, but the big problem is, the whole thing fall apart if you apply any logic to it.
You have not applied logic, Joe. Twisting the scriptures is not logic. It's perverse and defies logic in light of what you already know. You are accountable for what you know, Joe. All of us must give an account of ourselves to the Lord one day and what will be your excuse when you are reminded of all that you have been given? You live in a free nation - you have the freedom to read the bible, to seek the Lord, to know the truth and to follow it. You are a very intelligent person. You do not have a problem with your mind. You have a heart problem. You've hardened your heart against the truth. I believe you do want to reconcile yourself to God through Christ you just are bound by a spirit of bitterness and it is keeping you in a state of unbelief. Why not ask the LORD to remove that root of bitterness and take it away? Tell him - Lord, I believe! help my unbelief! Humble yourself before the LORD and he will help you. I know he will.

(in answer to your question)

We've covered this before - you were made in the image and the likeness of God (Genesis 1:26) Just as every human being who has ever been born was made in the image and likeness of God. For this reason alone, Satan despises you and I. He knows (in a limited sense) how much God loves you and I and how deeply God grieves over the loss of even one of his creation. He does not want us to go to hell. He wants us to be His child through the sacrifice of His Only begotten Son - Jesus Christ - so that we may be forgiven our sins and walk in holiness and obedience to Christ. Satan hates God so much - he knows Jesus Christ defeated him at the cross and that he has been stripped of his authority over those who are born again and abiding in Christ - he knows his time is short and he is seeking whom he can devour. He knows that he is destined for the Lake of Fire and that those who serve him will suffer in hell for all eternity - but he has deceived the world - for a time - that those who will not come to Christ and abide in Christ can be destroyed - it would be the ultimate picture of Misery loves company only this is for all eternity, Joe. Jesus wants you to be in heaven. I want to see you in heaven one day too! Satan wants you to be in hell because it will not only cause you eternal suffering - you who were made in the image of God - but it will cause God great sorrow to see you choose death over life in His Son. So choose life, Joe. Choose life. God loves you. Jesus Christ LOVES YOU! That is the truth. Believe it and come to Him while there is still time. Today is the day of Salvation, Joe. TODAY.
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Who will you choose to be your Lord and Master? Jesus Christ or Satan? That is the question each person must decide. Choose Life! Choose Jesus Christ!
He was worth Christ dying on the cross for. You may have to leave some people (to themselves) who reject the Good News but that does not mean God is finished with them. He sends more laborers because His goal is that they would not perish but receive eternal life and become His own children. That is why we pray for others. So that the LORD will send His Holy Spirit to draw them.

So let me get this straight. God puts a curse on mankind because a woman listened to a talking snake and ate from a tree he put RIGHT THERE. And God being kind of a drama queen decides the only way to erase that curse- which again, i might remind you, he invoked - was to knock up a virgin, be born as a person and then get himself crucified so he could raise himself from the dead.

Oh, yeah, and if you aren't totally impressed by this, he's going to burn you for hell forever and ever.
If you reject Jesus Christ, Guno, you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. Jesus is God and it is His Kingdom. It would be using wisdom to read and examine the Scriptures and see that He is the One that Isaiah prophesied would come. Isaiah 53. Read it.

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