Jack Chick Tracts - Read here!

it sure is- how are ya? I miss the other place:(
Sorry to say there's not much going on there as many have left. I have a new grandson who is just 6 months old and my oldest daughter has just announced she's going to have another baby too. My cup runneth over.
How's your furry friends?

who has left? And why? Getting too strict there? My cats are fine, thx, just missing one. He ran away a month ago:(
Except the story isn't presented that way. God's love comes with an "...or else..." attached. Love God...or else. Obey My commandments...or else. Worship Me...or else. That "...or else..." isn't presented as anything other than an eternity of torment.

Which Bible story is presented with the "or else"? Are you thinking of one in particular, or are you thinking of a relative, teacher, or friend manipulating you with an "or else?"

Assuming God exists and really loves us, why bother with eternity of hellfire and brimstones or even eternity without His love or even the possibility of redemption? If God exists and really loves us, instead of dooming us to eternal pain because we didn't believe in Him it would be far more merciful and loving if he simply negated the souls that chose not to join him. No Hell, no Purgatory, no eternity outside of God looking at Heaven from outside the gates, simply *poof* no more Steven_R's soul.

Purgatory is the purification of the soul following death (separating the wheat from the chaff). In Jewish thought, if needed, this lasted no more than a year. There is no eternal hell. In Catholic thought, people can choose to be eternally separated from God--but they must willfully and knowingly make this choice. They don't just stumble into it unaware.

Let's take you as an example, Steven. If, in this life you really don't like the idea of God, really don't see a need for God, truly don't want to learn about Him or know Him, what is going to change between the one second before your death and the one second after for you to suddenly love the idea of God, and gain a desire to learn about Him and know Him? If you wanted God to leave you alone in this life, what would change that you would suddenly not want God to leave you alone in eternity?
Yes, Joe, but Catholic Dogma is nothing more than a false teaching, a man made doctrine with no power to save.. one cannot hang their eternal life on a false teaching.

Believe the Bible, Joe. You can come to Christ just as you are - in fact - you must - because you cannot feign a new heart that desires to obey God - only Jesus can give you that desire. You come to Christ as you are and repent of your sins and believe upon Him for your eternal salvation. He will give you a new desire to serve Him - to know Him, to follow Him and obey Him. God loves you, Joe. His promise to you is very clear - WHOSOEVER calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. That means you, Joe. That means you.

As fucked up as I think the Catholics are, the rest of you aren't any closer. The Bible has nothing to teach me. Most of you Christians ignore 90% of the Evil Shit that's in there.
1. Ann Frank was Jewish. The Catholic Church (this is written in the Catholic Catechism) acknowledges that the Jews have an everlasting covenant with God.

Um, yeah. About that. Besides the fact the Catholic Church spent CENTURIES oppressing the fuck out of the Jews. I mean, the Spanish Inquisition, the Holocaust, those are just the highlights. Boy, I'm sure glad God had a everlasting covenant with the Jews that Catholics were totally living up to.

2. Joe, you are stretching the limits of credibility I can give your stories. The Catholic Church (and this is also noted in the Catechism--which I am guessing your priest had a working knowledge of) teaches the way of salvation. The Church is sure its teachings on the way of salvation is correct. Those who do not follow the Catholic faith are entrusted to God who is merciful.

Yeah, this would be the same Church that used to sell indulgences when it wasn't inquisitioning the fuck out of Jews, Muslims, Protestants, and the odd "Heretic".

3. As a former Catholic, don't you recall that absolution is dependent on true contrition? If Dahmer was truly contrite and repentant, and if he truly turned his life around, then Christ promised forgiveness. If he was just giving lip-service, that will be determined at his final judgment.

But again, that's HORSESHIT. Whether Dahmner was truly "sorry" or not is besides the point. He killed and ate 19 people.
Joe has been a 'former' everything... lol I don't know why people waste time even engaging him?
Don't include me in that, I rarely respond to you because you're a troll. And I have yet to see you 'kick' anyone's ass. lol

You're what I call a 'scroll by', I rarely even read your posts, and when I see you've joined a thread, I know to not bother wasting time even reading it, it's pretty much bottom of the barrel at that point.
Don't include me in that, I rarely respond to you because you're a troll. And I have yet to see you 'kick' anyone's ass. lol

You're what I call a 'scroll by', I rarely even read your posts, and when I see you've joined a thread, I know to not bother wasting time even reading it, it's pretty much bottom of the barrel at that point.

I'm starting to feel guilty i don't pay you rent for all that space I occupy in your head.
Yes, Joe, but Catholic Dogma is nothing more than a false teaching, a man made doctrine with no power to save.. one cannot hang their eternal life on a false teaching.

Believe the Bible, Joe. You can come to Christ just as you are - in fact - you must - because you cannot feign a new heart that desires to obey God - only Jesus can give you that desire. You come to Christ as you are and repent of your sins and believe upon Him for your eternal salvation. He will give you a new desire to serve Him - to know Him, to follow Him and obey Him. God loves you, Joe. His promise to you is very clear - WHOSOEVER calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. That means you, Joe. That means you.

As fucked up as I think the Catholics are, the rest of you aren't any closer. The Bible has nothing to teach me. Most of you Christians ignore 90% of the Evil Shit that's in there.

Joe, if there is a cover up (and we know there has been a huge one) and every attempt to keep the people in the dark, keep them from reading the bible and learning what is in there? There is the genuine article too and that is what we find in Jesus Christ. The LORD loves you, Joe. The Bible has everything you need - it is a 2,000 yr plus arrow pointing straight towards Jesus Christ. Your salvation is in Him, Joe. Not in a denomination, not in yourself, not in a political party. It is in Jesus, Joe. The Lord loves you!
The next tract is called, It s Not Your Fault



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Don't include me in that, I rarely respond to you because you're a troll. And I have yet to see you 'kick' anyone's ass. lol

You're what I call a 'scroll by', I rarely even read your posts, and when I see you've joined a thread, I know to not bother wasting time even reading it, it's pretty much bottom of the barrel at that point.
Lol same. Waste of time to answer his stupid questions.

He doesn't know anything about the Triune God, I Am.
Joe, if there is a cover up (and we know there has been a huge one) and every attempt to keep the people in the dark, keep them from reading the bible and learning what is in there? There is the genuine article too and that is what we find in Jesus Christ. The LORD loves you, Joe. The Bible has everything you need - it is a 2,000 yr plus arrow pointing straight towards Jesus Christ. Your salvation is in Him, Joe. Not in a denomination, not in yourself, not in a political party. It is in Jesus, Joe. The Lord loves you!

Guy, I've read the bible. Not just the pretty parts that you guys read on Sunday, but the gritty, evil shit that expose Yahweh as the Piece of Shit that he truly is.

I've read where God demanded Jephthah butcher and burn his virgin daughter because of an oath.

I've read where God killed David's baby to teach him a lesson.

The bible is full of one horrible story after another about a vindictive God who slaughters his faithful on petty pretences.

He's not a person I would want as a friend, much less a God.

Thankfully, he doesn't exist. Now all I have to do is keep stupid people like you who do think he does from causing any damage.
He was worth Christ dying on the cross for. You may have to leave some people (to themselves) who reject the Good News but that does not mean God is finished with them. He sends more laborers because His goal is that they would not perish but receive eternal life and become His own children. That is why we pray for others. So that the LORD will send His Holy Spirit to draw them.

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