Jack Chick Tracts - Read here!

Part 2 of ................The Death Cookie

Jerry's spamming again, but you might have hit on something.

Yes, MOST of Christianity IS a ripoff of earlier Pagan religions.

Christianity tried to co-opt Mithraism, Zoroastrianism, Mandeism, the worship of Sarapis and a bunch of other sects.

but here's a concept for you. If Satan took over the Catholic CHurch, doesn't that make your God sound kind of incompetent? I mean, like it or not, there's still more Catholics than all other flavors of Christianity combined, and while the Protestant Churches are largely in decline, the Catholic Church is still growing.
Who here can deny this is the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church? Yet scripture exposes these teachings to be a lie. A lie that opposes the truth of the Scriptures in the Holy Bible. Who are we to believe? The Roman Church? Or Jesus Christ, the Living Word of God? What are we to believe? The Doctrines of man? Or the Doctrine of Jesus Christ as found in the Holy Bible?

We are to be followers of Jesus Christ. Not men. We are to obey the Holy Bible, not the false teachings - doctrines of Demons the Apostles warned us about. The decision must be made - to call upon the name of the LORD and be saved - or to remain in a false church and perish. There is only one choice. Come out from among them - Call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved according to Romans 10:9,10. We are not to believe teachings that are opposed to the Word of God. We are to expose false teachings and defend the Word of God. That is what Christians are to do when they see the people being led like lambs to the slaughter by false teachers.

The Death Cookie
Who here can deny this is the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church? Yet scripture exposes these teachings to be a lie. A lie that opposes the truth of the Scriptures in the Holy Bible. Who are we to believe? The Roman Church? Or Jesus Christ, the Living Word of God? What are we to believe? The Doctrines of man? Or the Doctrine of Jesus Christ as found in the Holy Bible?

I think Transubstantiation is a little silly. I thought it was silly when I was a catholic and the nuns told us not to bite the wafers because we were biting Jesus.

My problem with Christianity is not the silly things that set your denominations apart, but the dumb stuff you all agree upon.

I have a real problem with a God that would forgive Jeffrey Dahmner and let him into heaven because he accepted Jesus but would burn Ann Frank for all eternity because she didn't. There's simply never a moral universe where that becomes okay.
Some of my favorite witnessing tools are the Jack Chick Tracts because they can be left anywhere and people enjoy reading them! This is a link to some of the great Jack Chick tracts that have been printed over the years. The cartoon drawings are part of the attraction for reading. Millions of people have read them and many have been saved as a result of reading them. Enjoy! Chick Cartoon Tracts

Are Roman Catholics Christians
Continue reading on the link!

These have been around for decades.

It's part of the anti-Roman Catholic movement in the Evangelical Churches, stemming from their own feelings of insecurity and resentment.

The Roman Catholic Church created the bible, assembling the books and letters, poetry and prose, into one collect. The bible is the first library of Western Civilization-- a collection of writings by different authors including the most of the already established Hebrew Bible.

Evangelicals like to forget the Roman Catholic Church is the first organized version of Christianity, followed by the Eastern Orthodox.

It does seem strange to hate your great-grandfather -- the church that gave birth to the church that gave birth to the church that gave birth to you.

Jack Chick tracts have been used for decades for preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Those who are offended by him are not offended by him but by the Word of God, Hazelnut. The reaction to the Gospel of Jesus Christ preached as not changed since the beginning. When the Apostle Paul preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ to unbelievers - two things were sure to follow - a revival and a riot. Nothing has changed.

Do you know a single person who picked up a Jack tract in the men's room and suddenly saw the light? Neither do I.

I do think that people take credit for "spreading the gospel" with the most minimum effort and cost possible. But it does take great effort and great cost to spread the gospel. Why do we send missionaries to foreign lands when we can just blanket them with Jack Chick publications pushed out of the back of a C-130 transport plane? People aren't convinced by brochures, they're convinced by people and there's no substitute for establishing relationships with people, earning the right to speak into their lives, and then presenting the gospel via a personal testimony.

Jack Chick tracts don't save anybody, and calling this "spreading the gospel" is an outrageous cheapening of the real thing.

That is not true. The disciples owned very little and turned the world upside down preaching the Gospel. You've believed a lie. It is an excuse for the Vatican to hold onto the trillions of dollars in wealth they possess - lands, vaults full of gold and precious jewels, secular publishing companies, private day cares, private schools / colleges, hospitals, insurance companies, brothels, other businesses they own, the expensive cars, opulent luxury mansions / villas, you name it - it is an abomination. The gold and silver they have heaped up will testify against them at the Judgment - read James Chapter 5 of the Authorized King James Bible. Jesus Christ had no place to lay his head - the bible declares - you must be kidding me expecting us to believe it takes great wealth to preach the gospel. Utter nonsense. It is as simple as one Born Again person led by the Holy Spirit sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with a lost soul. That is how it was done from the very beginning. Read the bible and stop listening to the Roman Church.

Here is what the bible says:

James 5 3 Your gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire. You have hoarded wealth in the last days.
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Some of my favorite witnessing tools are the Jack Chick Tracts because they can be left anywhere and people enjoy reading them! This is a link to some of the great Jack Chick tracts that have been printed over the years. The cartoon drawings are part of the attraction for reading. Millions of people have read them and many have been saved as a result of reading them. Enjoy! Chick Cartoon Tracts

Are Roman Catholics Christians
Continue reading on the link!

These have been around for decades.

It's part of the anti-Roman Catholic movement in the Evangelical Churches, stemming from their own feelings of insecurity and resentment.

The Roman Catholic Church created the bible, assembling the books and letters, poetry and prose, into one collect. The bible is the first library of Western Civilization-- a collection of writings by different authors including the most of the already established Hebrew Bible.

Evangelicals like to forget the Roman Catholic Church is the first organized version of Christianity, followed by the Eastern Orthodox.

It does seem strange to hate your great-grandfather -- the church that gave birth to the church that gave birth to the church that gave birth to you.

Jack Chick tracts have been used for decades for preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Those who are offended by him are not offended by him but by the Word of God, Hazelnut. The reaction to the Gospel of Jesus Christ preached as not changed since the beginning. When the Apostle Paul preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ to unbelievers - two things were sure to follow - a revival and a riot. Nothing has changed.

Do you know a single person who picked up a Jack tract in the men's room and suddenly saw the light? Neither do I.

I do think that people take credit for "spreading the gospel" with the most minimum effort and cost possible. But it does take great effort and great cost to spread the gospel. Why do we send missionaries to foreign lands when we can just blanket them with Jack Chick publications pushed out of the back of a C-130 transport plane? People aren't convinced by brochures, they're convinced by people and there's no substitute for establishing relationships with people, earning the right to speak into their lives, and then presenting the gospel via a personal testimony.

Jack Chick tracts don't save anybody, and calling this "spreading the gospel" is an outrageous cheapening of the real thing.

That is not true. The disciples owned very little and turned the world upside preaching the Gospel. You've believed a lie. It is an excuse for the Vatican to hold onto the trillions of dollars in wealth they possess - lands, vaults full of gold and precious jewels, secular publishing companies, private day cares, private schools / colleges, hospitals, insurance companies, brothels, other businesses they own, the expensive cars, opulent luxury mansions / villas, you name it - it is an abomination. The gold and silver they have heaped up will testify against them at the Judgment - read James Chapter 5 of the Authorized King James Bible. Jesus Christ had no place to lay his head - the bible declares - you must be kidding me expecting us to believe it takes great wealth to preach the gospel. Utter nonsense. It is as simple as one Born Again person led by the Holy Spirit sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with a lost soul. That is how it was done from the very beginning. Read the bible and stop listening to the Roman Church.


I am surprised at how little so-called "christians" really know about the history of the church and how the bible came to be.

And you extreme evangelicals are extremely jealous and insecure. Get over it. You're a second cousin at best to the Christian Faith founded in the Roman Catholic Church. We still think you're okay. Just remember who gave you the good word.
Oh sure we did. And they promptly got whacked with a wooden ruler and told they were going to Hell.

I'm still trying to decide if you are angry and bitter--or perhaps a whole lot of fun.

The nuns who taught at my school never laid a finger on any student--or even anything as harmless as a wet noodle, let alone a wooden ruler. Instead, one brought in the George Carlin recording lampooning Catholicism and laughed right along with us. Another told us flat out that of the fifty-two students in the class, only a baker's dozen of us (one-in-four) would choose to remain practicing Catholics. Sure, after listening to George Carlin, we discussed what Carlin missed or didn't take into account--but this didn't make Carlin any less funny.

The nuns who taught us taught that God didn't send anyone to hell--but some choose to go there to get away from God. Another analogy they were fond of was heaven being a banquet table with long spoons where everyone happily used the spoons to feed each other. Hell was the same banquet table with long spoons in another room where everyone was trying to eat off their own long spoon--and starving because they could not reach the food at the end of the spoon.
Okay, I'll just limit it to one.

10:32 And the LORD delivered Lachish into the hand of Israel, which took it on the second day, and smote it with the edge of the sword, and all the souls that were therein , according to all that he had done to Libnah.
10:33 Then Horam king of Gezer came up to help Lachish; and Joshua smote him and his people, until he had left him none remaining. (10:33)
10:34 And from Lachish Joshua passed unto Eglon, and all Israel with him; and they encamped against it, and fought against it: (10:34-35)
10:35 And they took it on that day, and smote it with the edge of the sword, and all the souls that were therein he utterly destroyed that day , according to all that he had done to Lachish.
10:36 And Joshua went up from Eglon, and all Israel with him, unto Hebron; and they fought against it:
10:37 And they took it, and smote it with the edge of the sword, and the king thereof, and all the cities thereof, and all the souls that were therein; he left none remaining , according to all that he had done to Eglon; but destroyed it utterly, and all the souls that were therein.
10:38 And Joshua returned, and all Israel with him, to Debir; and fought against it:
10:39 And he took it, and the king thereof, and all the cities thereof; and they smote them with the edge of the sword, and utterly destroyed all the souls that were therein; he left none remaining : as he had done to Hebron, so he did to Debir, and to the king thereof; as he had done also to Libnah, and to her king.
10:40 So Joshua smote all the country of the hills, and of the south, and of the vale, and of the springs, and all their kings: he left none remaining, but utterly destroyed all that breathed, as the LORD God of Israel commanded.

Sounds like Genocide to me.

Do you believe God promised the land to the Israelites?
That's what all nuns say. The problem is with the many "raised Catholics" out there thinking they're some kind of authority on Catholic teaching because they slept, doodled, or day dreamed their way through Catholic school. Kids can't be forced to take their lessons seriously and many don't. But that doesn't stop them from thinking they have some sort of pedigree to discuss Catholic teaching among real, devout Catholics. I've never failed to successfully demonstrate in debate that these "raised Catholics" never really understood what the Church teaches and that even converts like myself are far more intimately familiar with the history and teaching of the Church.

I don't waste my time arguing with materialists like Joe. I find it's like sweeping a dirt floor.

My dad was a convert! He married into a family that could trace its Catholic roots back past Colonial times. He (and others) told me if I really wanted to learn about my Catholic faith, I had to continue to study and practice it all the days of my life. He was also surprised that he knew more about the Catholic Church than many (not all, but many) who were raised in the faith. Dad was a great role model.

I do not mind discussing my faith with Joe and others like him. I won't change their mind, they won't change my mind, but all of us may find our understanding has been increased by the exchange.

The Death Cookie
Let's review one specific segment of the message from The Death Cookie and take a closer look at what this means:

Please examine the letters on the wafer the Roman Church claim has become the body of Jesus Christ - of which you are partaking of in the Roman Church - at communion - What does IHS stand for? IHS Stands for Isis, Horus, and Seb, the gods of Egypt. Have you ever wondered before what IHS stood for? Now you know. It stands for Isis, Horus and Seb, the gods of Egypt. Please do your own research into who these gods of Egypt are,,,,,,Isis, Horus and Seb.

Then renounce Catholicism once and for all, repent of your involvment with this false religion and call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved according to Romans 10:9,10. Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ shall be saved. We must follow Jesus Christ of the bible and not the false Jesus taught in the Roman Church. We must come out from among them as the bible commands - we must follow Jesus Christ and obey the Bible. Not men. Amen? Amen!
I think Transubstantiation is a little silly. I thought it was silly when I was a catholic and the nuns told us not to bite the wafers because we were biting Jesus.

Were you pre-Vatican II? Our nuns pointed out that the most accurate translation of what Jesus said was, "Gnaw on this..." meaning picture an animal gnawing on the flesh of its kill. Jesus was serious about, "Eat my flesh, drink my blood."

Joe, I know you don't take it seriously, but Christ did--and so do practicing Catholics.
Wrong again, Meriweather. Jesus Christ did not teach that the bread was transformed into his physical flesh nor did he teach that the wine was transformed into his physical blood. The Blood of Jesus Christ was shed for the remission of sins once and for all. There is no teaching in the Bible that Jesus Christ is sacrificed over and over and over again. That is not found in the Bible anywhere. Nor is membership to the Roman church and belief on its false doctrines the way to Salvation. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man comes to the Father except through the Son.. Read the bible... there is no mention of Mary having any part in the forgiveness of sins nor salvation. She is not our mediator. Jesus Christ is. Jesus Christ is Lord.

We are to believe the Bible and not the teachings of men. Salvation is a free gift. It is not earned. It is not based on rituals. It is based on Faith in Jesus Christ. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Abraham was justified by Faith. Anyone who has read the Bible knows that God gave the land as an inheritance to Isaac and his descendants. Not the Roman Church. They have no claim to the land of Israel and should not be interfering with the inheritance that God promised to Abraham's son, Isaac, and his descendants.
Wrong again, Meriweather. Jesus Christ did not teach that the bread was transformed into his physical flesh nor did he teach that the wine was transformed into his physical blood. The Blood of Jesus Christ was shed for the remission of sins once and for all. There is no teaching in the Bible that Jesus Christ is sacrificed over and over and over again. That is not found in the Bible anywhere. Nor is membership to the Roman church and belief on its false doctrines the way to Salvation. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man comes to the Father except through the Son.. Read the bible... there is no mention of Mary having any part in the forgiveness of sins nor salvation. She is not our mediator. Jesus Christ is. Jesus Christ is Lord.

We are to believe the Bible and not the teachings of men. Salvation is a free gift. It is not earned. It is not based on rituals. It is based on Faith in Jesus Christ. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Abraham was justified by Faith. Anyone who has read the Bible knows that God gave the land as an inheritance to Isaac and his descendants. Not the Roman Church. They have no claim to the land of Israel and should not be interfering with the inheritance that God promised to Abraham's son, Isaac, and his descendants.

The Catholic Church does not teach:

1. That is Christ sacrificed over and over again;
2. That Mary forgives sins:
3. That it is possible to earn one's way to heaven.

If someone has deluded you into thinking the above are Church teachings, they are mistaken. If you, or they, wish to hear the actual teachings, I would be happy to share.

The Catholic Church does teach John 6 and what the other three Gospels record of the Last Supper. All of it. Without hesitation and without apology.
I'm still trying to decide if you are angry and bitter--or perhaps a whole lot of fun.

Probably all of the above.

The nuns who taught us taught that God didn't send anyone to hell--but some choose to go there to get away from God. Another analogy they were fond of was heaven being a banquet table with long spoons where everyone happily used the spoons to feed each other. Hell was the same banquet table with long spoons in another room where everyone was trying to eat off their own long spoon--and starving because they could not reach the food at the end of the spoon.

Yes, yes, I get that. God is going to totally send you to hell for all eternity, but you "sent yourself" there by not worshipping him or not following his rules or doing things that most sensible people wouldn't even send you to jail for.

Incidentally, my nuns used the spoon anology (except their version was chopsticks.) And I thought that was kind of retarded. Frankly, it sounds like Heaven is a place where they intentionally made things needlessly difficult.
Were you pre-Vatican II? Our nuns pointed out that the most accurate translation of what Jesus said was, "Gnaw on this..." meaning picture an animal gnawing on the flesh of its kill. Jesus was serious about, "Eat my flesh, drink my blood."

Joe, I know you don't take it seriously, but Christ did--and so do practicing Catholics.

My Catholic upbringing was from 1968 to 1980. In 1983, my mom died of cancer and a nun said it was part of "God's Plan".

Pretty much done with Catholicism after that, except to viciously mock it at every oppurtunity.
Yes, yes, I get that. God is going to totally send you to hell for all eternity, but you "sent yourself" there by not worshipping him or not following his rules or doing things that most sensible people wouldn't even send you to jail for.

Incidentally, my nuns used the spoon anology (except their version was chopsticks.) And I thought that was kind of retarded. Frankly, it sounds like Heaven is a place where they intentionally made things needlessly difficult.

Hell, as I was taught, was a separation from God. God does not choose to separate Himself from us, but He will honor the wish of those who choose to separate themselves from Him.

The spoon, or chopsticks, analogy is meant to compare heaven to a place where we serve one another. Hell is the place where we serve only self, and those around us are only interested in self as well.

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