Jack Smith admits he made false claims to court in Trump case

Does he need another defense?
Prosecutorial malfeasance should be enough to get the job done.
If not, there's always that pesky 1A.

If you think that's enough ... then empty your prisons and jails ... that's the defense so all convicted must be released ... even that fella who hyperbolized your mother/daughter/sister/wife ...

Isn't that the Republican plank ... law and order ... putting criminals in confinement ... or now that it's your guy under the microscope, then "if the President does it. it's not illegal" ...


If the malfeasance interferes with justice ... then a mistrial is declared and a new trial started, with a new jury and new prosecutor, perhaps a new judge; what we call in the profession "dismissed" ... in this case, we've only gotten to the arraignment ... not even any preliminary hearings yet ... so we don't know if the Trump legal team is going to use the information or if the judge will allow the information in court ... so prosecution corrects the error and the trial proceeds ...

Compare this to the Bundy's Nevada trial ... years later it was discovered prosecutors LIED to the judge ... worse than a mistrial, the judge ruled a fair trial could never take place because of the lies ... so the case was "dismissed with prejudice" ... it can never be re-filed ... there were Federal snippers on the hilltops with orders to massacre the civilians ... "white lives matter" ... don't you know anything about BLM ...
Prosecutors withholding evidence has been a problem for a long time. They are never held accountable. This was one of the complaints those who protested an unfair justice system were condemning.

If it happened here, I believe there should be repercussions. I'd need something other than the Epoch Times to come to a definitive conclusion though. I looked, they were the only source I was able to find.
It happened here.
In the indictment, Smith included a speech made by Trump. But he knowingly, willfully and with malice left out key parts of Trumps speech. Simply left it out.
Alan Dershowitz - "lying by omission, under the law, can be just as serious as lying by commission And Jack Smith knowingly doctored Trumps words, without doctoring it, it moves Trump's speech into the territory of the 1st amendment. You can argue that, but you cannot argue that Smith didn't lie."
It's provable. It's right there in the false indictment he created.
It happened here.
In the indictment, Smith included a speech made by Trump. But he knowingly, willfully and with malice left out key parts of Trumps speech. Simply left it out.
Alan Dershowitz - "lying by omission, under the law, can be just as serious as lying by commission And Jack Smith knowingly doctored Trumps words, without doctoring it, it moves Trump's speech into the territory of the 1st amendment. You can argue that, but you cannot argue that Smith didn't lie."
It's provable. It's right there in the false indictment he created.

Sorry, anything said by Epstein's flight buddy is ignored by me.
Sorry, anything said by Epstein's flight buddy is ignored by me.
I don't like him either, but it doesn't change what he said.
No honest prosecutor is going to doctor the KEY COMPONENT in an indictment in order to make the indictment.
That is a fact. Not up for discussion.
And therefore if the key part of an indictment is a purposeful lie, then the entire indictment is worthless. 1st day of law school.
I don't like him either, but it doesn't change what he said.
No honest prosecutor is going to doctor the KEY COMPONENT in an indictment in order to make the indictment.
That is a fact. Not up for discussion.
And therefore if the key part of an indictment is a purposeful lie, then the entire indictment is worthless. 1st day of law school.

I've not seen the fact. Again the source is questionable. I've been looking for better sources.

Will I be surprised if true? No, as I said, it's long been a complaint but no one cared then.
Actually, it's Trump employees/staffers that are making the claims that Trump knew he lost, not Smith.

Bullshit. Only morons, like you, actually think Trump lost.

Everyone else knows the vote was stolen.
Why does Jack Smith need 3 years of video at Mar Lago? How long does it take to view 3 years of video?

Jack Smith is fishing, the video is so that they can search through it and try to concoct a crime or find people they can intimidate and extort until they turn on Trump.

Anyone in the video will be persecuted for associating with Trump.

More of a witch hunt, they have nothing, so they seized everything illegally.
Jack Smith did not subpoena 3 years of security video. Sheesh! Where do you get these lies from?

The two subpoena for the security video was for a few weeks/months, not 3 years...?
Bullshit. Only morons, like you, actually think Trump lost.

Everyone else knows the vote was stolen.
at this point you seem to be mentally deranged, mentally deficient, mentally demented?

ALL witnesses in Trump's trial to come, are Trump Admin and employee staffers. Not a Democrat in sight. CHEW on that for a bit....

Crooked Donald, is a Loser, from head to toe!
Jack Smith did not subpoena 3 years of security video. Sheesh! Where do you get these lies from?
The two subpoena for the security video was for a few weeks/months, not 3 years...?
I had no idea that Jack Smith leaked the subpoenas.
Go ahead and post the subpoena, you would of had to read, I would like to see them as well.
Mark Levin exposed how corrupt and incompetent J. Smith was over the last few weeks on his radio show.

And it's already showed up..............again.
Mark Levin?

This Mark Levin?

“As a result of what the Trump supporters have attempted here, particularly Roger Stone, I am not voting for Donald Trump. Period,” Levin said.

Mark Levin: I won't back Trump in the general

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