Jack Smith admits he made false claims to court in Trump case

They are turning it over, right? It’s just a delay, an admission and a turnover of evidence, with no real adverse effect on the defendant, because Trump was seeking a delay anyway. If Trump had done the same in the documents case, there’d be one less indictment.

So why lie to the court.

Dude also lied in the indictment.

Any conviction will be overturned by SCOTUS.

By this standard, Hillary should be charged with her interference in 2016.
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They are turning it over, right? It’s just a delay, an admission and a turnover of evidence, with no real adverse effect on the defendant, because Trump was seeking a delay anyway. If Trump had done the same in the documents case, there’d be one less indictment.
Yeah they were ordered too…so yes after they were forced to, and after they attempted to defraud the court and deny the defendant his due process they did.

Special counsel Jack Smith's team made a startling admission in its case against former President Donald Trump, acknowledging in a new court filing that it failed to turn over all evidence to Mr. Trump's legal team as required by law and falsely claimed that it had.


This bullshit case needs to be thrown out.

The Epoch Times? Chinese propaganda at its finest. Of course, your other favourite sources TikTok, so I guess we know who you’re working for.
struth is lying, knowing that Smith had not intentionally falsified a statement and turn over documents to Defense.

Whereas, Trump, knowing he had the documents and knowing that he threaten the George secretary of state and knowing that the elections was not stolen, held onto the documents, threaten the GA secretary of state, and encouraged an overthrow of the electoral process.

This is open and shut. struth knows this, so is an accessory after the fact and is liable for defamation and perhaps criminal activity.
So why lie to the court.

Dude also lied in the indictment.

Any conviction will be overturned by POTUS.

By this standard, Hillary should be charged with her interference in 2016.

Not everyone is lying. People do make mistakes from time to time. The idea is that you acknowledge your mistakes and correct them.

You don’t lie about them and try to cover them up like Trump does.
All four charges have that at the crux - the Dems don’t like what Trump said.

in the meantime, why isn’t the DOJ charging Biden? Why instead are they refusing to turn over evidence of his corruption to Congress? Why did they give him a warning of a search so he could hide classified docs?

This two-tier system of justice being levied by the U.S. Government will be the reason Trump wins. Most Americans, other than leftists, want people treated the same.
Magaturds aren't most Americans. :dunno:
Why does Jack Smith need 3 years of video at Mar Lago? How long does it take to view 3 years of video?

Jack Smith is fishing, the video is so that they can search through it and try to concoct a crime or find people they can intimidate and extort until they turn on Trump.

Anyone in the video will be persecuted for associating with Trump.

More of a witch hunt, they have nothing, so they seized everything illegally.
Smith is being paid to dig up dirt on President Trump. The only trouble is, they have to add a few lying details to get anyone else to pay attention to the trauma of the drama.
They are turning it over, right? It’s just a delay, an admission and a turnover of evidence, with no real adverse effect on the defendant, because Trump was seeking a delay anyway. If Trump had done the same in the documents case, there’d be one less indictment.

Now that is rather funny to point out. Trumpsters are falling over themselves to bitch about this guy catching his own mistake and correcting it right away, 9 months before the trial where Trump withheld documents that he legally could not hold for a year, lied about it and actively tried to cover it up.

God they are so fucking dishonest. There is no way that these idiots are unaware they are lying.
Haha sure he does…he was hand picked by Xiden’s lackey the AG…he worked for Xiden, he’s helped the demklan prosecute political threats before
I cant find anything supporting your assertions.
now your in pure fantasy land.

Special counsel Jack Smith's team made a startling admission in its case against former President Donald Trump, acknowledging in a new court filing that it failed to turn over all evidence to Mr. Trump's legal team as required by law and falsely claimed that it had.


This bullshit case needs to be thrown out.

Have those propaganda sites been right once?

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