Jackie Robinson Day and What Really Could have Been Done?

We're talking about a time in America when there was legal segregation you Moron.
You are the moron, you racist skell piece of drek. Try to keep that in mind. 👍

And the discussion from your racist idiot pal is that instead of Jackie Robinson and Branch Rickey starting the difficult task of integrating MLB, what should have taken place was to put in several whole teams from the “Negro Leagues.”

Sure. Why not? Just because it obviously wouldn’t have worked at that time. You imbecile
Pointing out the racism of the apartheid State that existed at the time isn't itself racist.
No. That the time was far more racist than the days that followed isn’t even disputed, you feeble hack. But that wasn’t the point you low IQ pal was trying to make and it’s not the point of the discussion, you moron.
You are the moron, you racist skell piece of drek. Try to keep that in mind. 👍

And the discussion from your racist idiot pal is that instead of Jackie Robinson and Branch Rickey starting the difficult task of integrating MLB, what should have taken place was to put in several whole teams from the “Negro Leagues.”

Sure. Why not? Just because it obviously wouldn’t have worked at that time. You imbecile
Because yours was a racist ass culture. We know. You're just apparently salty about that fact.
No. That the time was far more racist than the days that followed isn’t even disputed, you feeble hack. But that wasn’t the point you low IQ pal was trying to make and it’s not the point of the discussion, you moron.
I think the OP can speak for himself you dipshit and the fact that he liked my posts seems to indicate I've understood the assignment. Why don't you fucking cry some more?
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Poor plantation bots, waiting around for the white man to do something for them.....then start an onslaught of racist attacks at any minority that questions their demaklan ideologic views.
Lawn jockey, you need to quit repeating what the white man tells you. The whiite man is where he is thanks to us. He owes US. We are't waiting for them to give us anythng but the debt they owe. So if you are black, learn the truth and stand up.

“By a conservative estimate, in 1860 the total value of American slaves was $4 billion, far more than the gold and silver then circulating nationally ($228.3 million, “most of it in the North,” the authors add), total currency ($435.4 million), and even the value of the South’s total farmland ($1.92 billion). Slaves were, to slavers, worth more than everything else they could imagine combined.”

In today’s money, slaves were worth over 127 billion dollars. That is a conservative estimate, meaning the amount could be even more. In 1860 the total value of slaves was 17- and one-half times more than the money circulating in the economy. Slaves were worth more than the gold, silver, total U.S. currency, plus all the farmland in the South combined in 1860, but did not receive a dime. Remember that enslaved people were considered property. Because they were, the following activity could occur.

During slavery, wealthy slave owners securitized slavery. That’s right. I said they securitized slavery. Slave owners created and sold slave-backed securities. Your eyes are not playing tricks on you. Let me repeat, slave owners securitized slavery, and the securities were sold internationally. Wall Street should be called Slavery Street. Slavery is what built American capitalism. Cornell professors Edward E. Baptist and Louis Hyman detailed how it was done in an article published by the Chicago Sun-Times on its website dated March 7, 2014. This is from the article:

In the 1830s, powerful Southern slaveowners wanted to import capital into their states so they could buy more slaves. They came up with a new, two-part idea: mortgaging slaves; and then turning the mortgages into bonds that could be marketed all over the world.

First, American planters organized new banks, usually in new states like Mississippi and Louisiana. Drawing up lists of slaves for collateral, the planters then mortgaged them to the banks they had created, enabling themselves to buy additional slaves to expand cotton production. To provide capital for those loans, the banks sold bonds to investors from around the globe — London, New York, Amsterdam, Paris. The bond buyers, many of whom lived in countries where slavery was illegal, didn’t own individual slaves — just bonds backed by their value. Planters’ mortgage payments paid the interest and the principle on these bond payments. Enslaved human beings had been, in modern financial lingo, “securitized.”

As slave-backed mortgages became paper bonds, everybody profited — except, obviously, enslaved African Americans whose forced labor repaid owners’ mortgages. But investors owed a piece of slave-earned income. Older slave states such as Maryland and Virginia sold slaves to the new cotton states, at securitization-inflated prices, resulting in slave asset bubble. Cotton factor firms like the now-defunct Lehman Brothers — founded in Alabama — became wildly successful. Lehman moved to Wall Street, and for all these firms, every transaction in slave-earned money flowing in and out of the U.S. earned Wall Street firms a fee.

The infant American financial industry nourished itself on profits taken from financing slave traders, cotton brokers and underwriting slave-backed bonds. But though slavery ended in 1865, in the years after the Civil War, black entrepreneurs would find themselves excluded from a financial system originally built on their bodies.
Edward E. Baptist and Louis Hyman, American Finance Grew on the Back of Slaves

First, African slavery did not involve securitizing slaves then seling bonds all over the world to investors. So when your masters tell you about Africans selling each other, this is a inconvienent fact they leave out. Secondly, this is how America grew into the industrialization phase. So then it is our ancestors that created the initial wealth of this country that has compounded into what we have now. And they did not get one penny of it. So instead of letting the white man tell your dumb ass about blacks waiting for the white man to give us something, get some backbone and stop running your mouth to other blacks with the white mans lie.
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Because yours was a racist ass culture.
Wait. Are you contending that racism is what led to a need to integrate MLB? WOW. You’re a real historical sleuth. You figured that out, did you? Good little feller. :itsok:
We know. You're just apparently salty about that fact.
Not at all. I already understood history. You’re just very fucking slow on the uptake, you moron. 🤣

We all know that’s a lie. 😂
the OP can speak for himself

More like “grunt.”
and the fact that he liked my posts seems to indicate I've understood the assignment.

Lol. Yeah. That’s the ticker. 🤣😂
Why don't you fucking cry some more?
I leave the crying to you, Jerk Chicken. You’re doing beautifully on that score. You pathetic asshole.
She is of the mindset of folks like Clarence Thomas, Ben Carson, Tim Scott, etc., they think that to go along to get along is the way to go. That shining and cooning will make white folks like them.
And we know how that has worked. The house negro does not own the house, and once they think they do, they get evicted.

Heed these words from the great Frederick Douglass.

“If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters. This struggle may be a moral one; or it may be a physical one; or it may be both moral and physical; but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will.”
Wait. Are you contending that racism is what led to a need to integrate MLB? WOW. You’re a real historical sleuth. You figured that out, did you? Good little feller. :itsok:

Not at all. I already understood history. You’re just very fucking slow on the uptake, you moron. 🤣

We all know that’s a lie. 😂

More like “grunt.”

Lol. Yeah. That’s the ticker. 🤣😂

I leave the crying to you, Jerk Chicken. You’re doing beautifully on that score. You pathetic asshole.
Is there a point to this post other than your salty tears? :dunno:
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Is there a point to this post other than your salty tears?
My tears don’t exist. You’re a void.

Try to find a Board for your level of sophistication. Maybe just lurk at the Dim Underground. 👍

You’re also off topic, dope. The topic (such as it is) was about the questionable alternative method of integrating MLB.

Dopey OP with dopey support from a whining turd like you. Great thread. 🙄
Because yours was a racist ass culture. We know. You're just apparently salty about that fact.

I think the OP can speak for himself you dipshit and the fact that he liked my posts seems to indicate I've understood the assignment. Why don't you fucking cry some more?
What that idiot doesn't understand is that there is no acceptable amount of racism. So to say there was less racism later is a dumb argument. There is less crime now than at some points in rhe past, so do we ignore crime and quit trying to eliminate it? Maybe if we just stop talking about murder, murder will end.
My tears don’t exist. You’re a void.

Try to find a Board for your level of sophistication. Maybe just lurk at the Dim Underground. 👍

You’re also off topic, dope. The topic (such as it is) was about the questionable alternative method of integrating MLB.
And instead of wanting to address the racism of American culture at the time and today that subverts and dilutes black economic activity you want to engage in the nonsense below as distraction.
Dopey OP with dopey support from a whining turd like you. Great thread. 🙄
What is this kindergarten shit?
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And instead of wanting to address the racism of American culture at the time and today that subverts and dilutes black economic activity
Which has virtually not a damn thing to do with IQ2’s idiotic OP.
you want to engage in the nonsense below as distraction.
Wrong. I wanted to highlight your imbecility. Little did I know that you’d immediately seek to buttress my position. 👍
What is this kindergarten shit?
Your constant style of posting.
You don't understand history. You understand CWST.
You only understand things through the filthy lens of your own vitriolic racist hatred.

Now go cry in a corner somewhere.
And instead of wanting to address the racism of American culture at the time and today that subverts and dilutes black economic activity you want to engage in the nonsense below as distraction.

What is this kindergarten shit?
Idiots can't grasp complex things. But this story shows just how much some whites do not seem to or want to, understand what real equality entails. They look for he easy way at every chance. So in this case letting a black player into the "major leagues" satisfied their mental picture of integration. And unfortunately blacks, some of them former slaves and children of slaves, were so beaten by the racism of that time, that they saw this as a great thing. But the MLB did not fully integrate. Full integration would have included adding the black franchises.

This is another inconvenient truth dumb whites like BrokeBack Mountain cannot understand.
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Which has virtually not a damn thing to do with IQ2’s idiotic OP.

Wrong. I wanted to highlight your imbecility. Little did I know that you’d immediately seek to buttress my position. 👍

Your constant style of posting.
We know you're obsessing over me like thirsty bitch instead of addressing the topic of America's deplorable history of apartheid. Your singular and hyperfocused posts make that pretty clear. The question is how many posts are you going to make just about me? :dunno:
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Idiots can't grasp complex things. But this story shows just how much some whites do not seem to or want to, understand what real equality entails. They look for he easy way at every chance. So in this case letting a black player into the "major leagues" satisfied their mental picture of integration. And unfortunately blacks, some of them former slaves and chidren of slaves, were so beaten by the racism of that time, that they saw this as a great thing. But the MLB did not fully integrate. Full integration would have incuded adding the black franchises.

This is another inconvenient truth dumb whites like BrokeBack Mountain cannot understand.
Poor deluded fail black racists can’t wrap their tiny petty arrogant hateful minds around the notion that “full integration” [sic] at the time of Jackie Robinson joining MLB wouldn’t have succeeded at all.
Idiots can't grasp complex things. But this story shows just how much some whites do not seem to or want to, understand what real equality entails. They look for he easy way at every chance. So in this case letting a black player into the "major leagues" satisfied their mental picture of integration. And unfortunately blacks, some of them former slaves and chidren of slaves, were so beaten by the racism of that time, that they saw this as a great thing. But the MLB did not fully integrate. Full integration would have incuded adding the black franchises.

This is another inconvenient truth dumb whites like BrokeBack Mountain cannot understand.
They really do imagine their minimal effort (when it was also personally convenient and financially rewarding) at reconciliation and reparation is adequate. :laugh:
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We know you're obsessing over me like thirsty bitch instead of addressing the topic of America's deplorable history of apartheid.

That wasn’t the thread topic you dishonest assclown. Obsess over you? Bwahaha. Youre a dimwit. I only mock you because of the sub moron crap you post.

If you wanna have a conversation about the alleged history of American “apartheid,” start a thread about. You’re a dipshit. That’s beyond doubt. But maybe you can cobble something together better than IQ2’s perpetual fails.
Your singular and hyperfocused posts make that pretty clear.
Youre an idiot who couldn’t find a point on a compass.
The question is how many posts are you going to make just about me?

Again, unlike you, I have tried to address this ridiculous thread topic. And you? As always, you have been off topic and focused entirely on me. Your hypocrisy is funny as fuck. You’re dumber than dirt.
That wasn’t the thread topic you dishonest assclown. Obsess over you? Bwahaha. Youre a dimwit. I only mock you because of the sub moron crap you post.

If you wanna have a conversation about the alleged history of American “apartheid,” start a thread about. You’re a dipshit. That’s beyond doubt. But maybe you can cobble something together better than IQ2’s perpetual fails.

Youre an idiot who couldn’t find a point on a compass.


Again, unlike you, I have tried to address this ridiculous thread topic. And you? As always, you have been off topic and focused entirely on me. Your hypocrisy is funny as fuck. You’re dumber than dirt.
Alleged history of apartheid? :laugh:

How do you even talk about Jackie's place in history without the backdrop of that American apartheid? :dunno:
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