Jackson Browne Sues McCain Using Song Without Permission

Actually, that's not true. And after years of posting, and dealing with people, and spending a lot of time getting paid to litigate, I can tell you that the people who whine about jury nullification never have the guts to actually tell a judge that they wouldn't follow the law. And they actually do try to follow the law once they're seated. You see, most people, despite bitching and moaning about jury duty, really do take their obligations seriously once faced with real people telling their stories.

I'm not sure who *you* think believes the copyright laws to be a joke, but I can tell you that the owners, and the courts, take them VERY seriously.

Whether or not they "have the guts" to tell the judge anything doesn't really matter. You indicated that the jury must follow the law, and that's simply not true.

If they take their obligations seriously, that should include nullifying a law that they believe is unjust, rather than simply going along with it because the judge says so.
Whether or not they "have the guts" to tell the judge anything doesn't really matter. You indicated that the jury must follow the law, and that's simply not true.

If they take their obligations seriously, that should include nullifying a law that they believe is unjust, rather than simply going along with it because the judge says so.

Candy assed republicans with their hands in the musical cookie jar just don't seem to comprehend that they are trying to validate stealing someone elses cookies. You pussies won't see Mccain use Browne's songs again. Nor Heart. Nor anyone else who decides that THEIR art is not fodder for your fucking political machine. Deal with it.

and go call the fucking Right Brothers... THEY sure are obscure as fuck these days, eh??

Jackson Brown needs to worry more about not smacking around women in a heroine rage and less about a politician using one of his songs from a gazillion years ago.

That said, Running On Empty is a great fucking song!
Jackson Brown needs to worry more about not smacking around women in a heroine rage and less about a politician using one of his songs from a gazillion years ago.

That said, Running On Empty is a great fucking song!

Now, how did I know that some person of limited brain cells would mention that? (long time ago... youthful indiscretions, all that sort of stuff)

And yes, it's a great song... great album, actually.
Candy assed republicans with their hands in the musical cookie jar just don't seem to comprehend that they are trying to validate stealing someone elses cookies. You pussies won't see Mccain use Browne's songs again. Nor Heart. Nor anyone else who decides that THEIR art is not fodder for your fucking political machine. Deal with it.

and go call the fucking Right Brothers... THEY sure are obscure as fuck these days, eh??


lol you shitfuck who wants your cookies anyways or your sorry ass music McCain prolly boosted their sorry ass deadbeat ratings, besides who listens to that BS Music anyways??????Deal with that you mack daddy asshole
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Candy assed republicans with their hands in the musical cookie jar just don't seem to comprehend that they are trying to validate stealing someone elses cookies. You pussies won't see Mccain use Browne's songs again. Nor Heart. Nor anyone else who decides that THEIR art is not fodder for your fucking political machine. Deal with it.

and go call the fucking Right Brothers... THEY sure are obscure as fuck these days, eh??


LOL at the Right Brothers reference.
Because not just anyone can sue a not for profit. Its part of there protection.

Who Can Sue a Nonprofit Board

I'm not arguing agianst the breaking of copyright laws. The campaign should have recieved permission(I suspect that wouldn't have), but this may not fly.

You're a lawyer, Crimson?

Anyone who feels they are aggrieved can can sue a not for profit.

I don't know where you're getting the impression that NFP's have this superpower, but I can assure you they do not.
You're a lawyer, Crimson?

Anyone who feels they are aggrieved can can sue a not for profit.

I don't know where you're getting the impression that NFP's have this superpower, but I can assure you they do not.

Once again. Not anyone can sue a 501(c)(3).

Who Can Sue a Nonprofit Board

I reversed my position after researching the the tax classification of election campaigns.

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