

Silver Member
Mar 6, 2012
Shes a 3 year old Rottweiler,she was given to me by a neighbor who knew I missed my last male Rotty.But Jade is a mess she's spoiled rotten.She wont eat her food outside,it must be inside and warmed up.She wonteat dry food,you shoould see her turn her nose up and walk away.When I put her outside I must put her on a chain or she will run away.Damn dog is driving me crazy.I have thought about taking her to a shelter,but I just cant do it. Please someone help me....:mad::mad:
Easy .....slow down.....Patience and love....I have had several rescues who have had poor behavioral traits and I gave them direction and consistency in my behavior. It takes time and commitment to train a pet. The investment in the relationship is worth a life long companion. The dog needs your help...:)
Shes a 3 year old Rottweiler,she was given to me by a neighbor who knew I missed my last male Rotty.But Jade is a mess she's spoiled rotten.She wont eat her food outside,it must be inside and warmed up.She wonteat dry food,you shoould see her turn her nose up and walk away.When I put her outside I must put her on a chain or she will run away.Damn dog is driving me crazy.I have thought about taking her to a shelter,but I just cant do it. Please someone help me....:mad::mad:

She must not be too spoiled if someone just "gave her away."

I take it you don't have a fenced yard...too bad, it would make things a lot easier if you did. It's not good to chain dogs up outside, they are vulnerable. A fence not only keeps them in, it keeps other dogs or whatever...out.

I don't think it's fair to call her a mess, she's just used to what she's used to. You wouldn't like it if someone suddenly took you away from your home and gave you strange food to eat that you weren't used to, right? Well, she's just the same, she has feelings, too.

Have you tried mixing some of that warmed up wet food with dry food? That seems like the logical way to start teaching her to eat dry food. They didn't feed her dry food at all, are you sure? Have you asked? Maybe she's just accustomed to a different brand!

Sounds like you don't like her. Sounds like the neighbor didn't care for her all that much, either, if he could just give her away like that. Sounds to me like she needs someone who will love her. Is there a rotty rescue in your area? They would make sure she gets a good home. Better than taking her to Animal Control, they'll just give her to whomever can pay the fees, and she might end up in an abusive home. Don't let that happen to her!
This is SO common. Someone thinks they want an animal, can't do right by her, screws her up and passes her on. The second person can't figure out what to do, gives up, takes the dog to a shelter and the next person adopts without knowing the poor dog's history and the cycle just continues until the poor dog becomes un-adoptable.

It sounds very likely you are comparing her to the dog you used to have and she can't measure up. But, think back to the early days with your other dog. You each had to find ways to fit together and get along. Can you give this dog that same chance?

Either commit yourself to loving this dog and learning what she needs or do the right thing by her. But, I guarantee she has already committed herself and her life to you.

Koosh is right as well - chaining is not good for the dog.

What's the big deal about giving her food she likes and wants? If its good quality, do it. You can introduce dry, a little at a time. Wet it with hot water because it enhances the smell. Think about it - in nature, dogs (wolves, coyotes) mostly eat warm food. And why not feed her inside where she can feel secure and not looking over her shoulder. She's a member of your family. Would you make other family member eat food they didn't like and outside?

Talk to your neighbor and find out the real reason he gave her up because he lied to you. She's only three years old. The "mess" is the people around her who can't allow her to be what she is.

If you do decide not to keep this dog, take her to a reputable shelter or rott rescue and tell them the truth. Tell them everything. Don't lie just to make yourself feel better because her life depends on them knowing about her.
From reading these posts I have changed my mind I'm not going to give up on her,its just that all the past Rotty's I have had were puppies.This one is an adult,I know I have to slow down and take it easy on her.She can be a love-bug when she wants to be.She has her own mind.I'm going to work on changing that mind.Thanks everyone for all your suggestions.I really appreciate it.
Be a strong leader, but be a fair leader. Use positive reinforcement rather than negative reinforcement. In other words, reward when she does something you like rather than punish her for what you don't like.

I've been amazed at how positive reinforcement works at getting dogs to do what you want. :)

I know what you mean, though. It's definitely more of a challenge to take on an adult dog and try to correct the mistakes of previous owners. But it can be done and I'm proud of you for deciding to give her a chance.
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