Jailed Russian call girl ready to dump on Trump

Perhaps to help in his Senate run our Sheriff Joe should visit her. Surely she must also have a lead about Obama's real birth certificate. And it wouldn't surprise me if she's also withholding information on Lee Harvey Oswald's accomplices and knows all the hidden dirt behind that UFO crash in Roswell.
How many of these phony leads are going to implode before Dems get a clue that there was no collusion?
How many of these phony leads are going to implode before Dems get a clue that there was no collusion?

Umm....whelp..that ship has already sailed! (Donnie Jr meeting at Trump Tower).
And that's just what we know from the media leaks.
Obstruction??..well, Trump made that case himself. :)

Seriously, he's dirty. Only one man will judge how dirty he is...MAGA..yep, he ain't goin anywhere! lol!
Ah, fake news stories, posted by the mentally ill, for the mentally ill, indulging in one of it's many sick fetish fantasies.
How deranged are the left today? They bet their hopes on criminals, Russians, call girls, comedians, movie stars, drug addled rockstars and teenagers.

This is what a year of butthurt does to a brain that wasn’t too stable to begin with.

what is degenerate are trump and his worshippers.

Who told you that? Was it a criminal? Hooker? Comedian? Movie star? Homeless person? Russian?

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