Jake Tapper Asks Donald Trump 23 Times Explain what the Judge being Mexican has to do with Anything

Tapper should try and get a straight answer out of the board morons ...
Tapper should try and get a straight answer out of the board morons ...

The Trumpbots on the board are eagering awaiting Trump's murdering someone, so they can prove how truly loyal they are.
Tapper should've asked him "Does that mean that no Mexican American is able to treat you fairly?"

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) criticized Donald Trump for making comments about an American judge’s ethnicity, WFTV reports.

Said Rubio: “I don’t think it reflects well in the Republican Party. I don’t think it reflects wells on us as a nation.”

He added: “I ran for president, and I warned this was going to happen.”
Rubio Says Trump Comments Don’t Reflect Well on GOP

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) criticized Donald Trump for making comments about an American judge’s ethnicity, WFTV reports.

Said Rubio: “I don’t think it reflects well in the Republican Party. I don’t think it reflects wells on us as a nation.”

He added: “I ran for president, and I warned this was going to happen.”
Rubio Says Trump Comments Don’t Reflect Well on GOP

That can't be the same Rubio who recently endorsed Trump can it? I mean, that couldn't be possible. Who could be that retarded?

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) criticized Donald Trump for making comments about an American judge’s ethnicity, WFTV reports.

Said Rubio: “I don’t think it reflects well in the Republican Party. I don’t think it reflects wells on us as a nation.”

He added: “I ran for president, and I warned this was going to happen.”
Rubio Says Trump Comments Don’t Reflect Well on GOP

That can't be the same Rubio who recently endorsed Trump can it? I mean, that couldn't be possible. Who could be that retarded?

Paul Ryan Disavows Trump's Attack on Judge's 'Mexican Heritage'


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