james biden ripped off and defrauded elderly americans and then cut joe a check


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
remember tuco in the Good, the bad, and the ugly was hung for receiving and selling stolen goods.

That $200,000 was a loan too. All the money that Biden gets is from loans. He bought his mansions with money that was paid back from loans, and he got the original loan money from previous repaid loans. If you want to know how he got the money for those previous loans... yep, you guessed it, it was from repaid loans. :dunno:

Loans, loans, loans, loans, loans, loans, loans, loans loans, loans, loans, loans, loans, loans, loans loans, loans, loans, loans, loans, loans, loans loans, loans, loans, loans, loans, loans, loans loans, loans, loans, loans, loans, loans, loans loans, loans, loans, loans, loans, loans, loans loans, loans, loans, loans, loans, loans, loans loans, loans, loans, loans, loans, loans, loans loans, loans, loans, loans, loans, loans, loans loans, loans, loans, loans, loans, loans, loans loans, loans, loans, loans, loans, loans, loans loans, loans, loans, loans, loans, loans, loans loans, loans, loans, loans, loans, loans, loans loans, loans, loans, loans, loans, loans, loans loans, loans, loans, loans, loans, loans, loans.
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Getting 'loans' that are never intended to be paid back is a common organized crime money laundering gimmick.
When Biden lifted Trump's sanctions on the Moscow mayor's wife
When Biden got Ukraine to fire Shokin against Obama admin policy to protect the Biden cash cow Burisma
When China's spy balloon was allowed to fly across the entire US even secret sites
When Biden's open borders is letting in thousands of potential spies and terrorists from US adversaries
When Hunter's Chinese linked oil company gets oil from the US SPR.
When Biden lifted Trump sanctions on NordStream2 for no apparent reason
There is no other explanation for the Bidens getting $millions from US adversaries and then laundering it


After the JFK assassination the corruption, graft, stealing and a move towards tyranny ramped up. As the federal government grew so did the state, local and city governments. It's now an unwieldly monster that is so insulated from personal political destruction that the elected criminal element flaunts it. The powerful every once in a while, will give up one of them as proving to us we are free. We are not. We are freer than some other nations and are actually falling down the list of nations. Authoritarians are at every level at every government entity in this nation. If they have abused a citizen, then they are fascists. And many will murder citizens if the governments become dictatorial in a nasty nation. The major difference between us and despot nations are our own authoritarians are not allowed to murder with impunity even though it has happened, and authoritarians get away with it.

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