James Clapper says the Comrade's wire tapping assertions are crap...

Frankly, were I Obama, I'd sue Trump for libel/slander. One, not even the POTUS, should not be allowed to accuse specific individuals of criminal acts and get away with it.

Unfortunately, Trump may know he is immune from lawsuits.....But, YES, he is a moron for casting such spurious allegations based on Mark Levin's say so......

trump will pay heavily for his immaturity.
Frankly, were I Obama, I'd sue Trump for libel/slander. One, not even the POTUS, should not be allowed to accuse specific individuals of criminal acts and get away with it.

Unfortunately, Trump may know he is immune from lawsuits.....But, YES, he is a moron for casting such spurious allegations based on Mark Levin's say so......

trump will pay heavily for his immaturity.

He may think he is immune from lawsuits, but he'd be mistaken if he does.

Justice John Paul Stevens wrote in his 1997 opinion that while Presidents may be protected from liability regarding official actions in office so they can “perform their designated functions effectively without fear,” that protection does not extend to unofficial conduct. The protection against damages for official acts was determined by the Supreme Court in the 1982 Nixon v. Fitzgerald decision.
Unless he follows up his charge by having the DoJ act to prosecute, there's nothing official about his claim. Twitter is not an official mode of communication of charges. One does not file affidavits via Twitter.
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We all know how credible Clapper is when it comes to telling the truth about the government's surveillance of private citizens. Just ask Snowden.
Sooner or later the left had to find somebody but Clapper, a Clinton appointee, has been out of the loop since 1995. In other words you can believe him but Clapper has been in the crapper.
Former DNI Clapper: 'I can deny' wiretap of Trump Tower

Ya, like we need the world laughing at our Liar in Chief more than they already are...

Then you also believe him when he says there is nothing to the allegations of a Trump/Russia connection.

and again for the learning impaired, the investigation is not over. Your boy is losing his orange mind. You do realize that, right?

Actually it is you kooks who are losing yours, it's fun to watch :)

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