James Hodgekinson a Bernie Sanders campaigner shoots up Congress b-ball practice

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Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2015
As reported by the liberal NY Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/14/us/steve-scalise-congress-shot-alexandria-virginia.html?_r=0

Just what we need, more dopey democrats shooting up Congress. Please take a minute to pray for all of these very sick Hillary Clinton supporters

View mentally ill


Actually Hodgkinson is one of yours.

He went onto a baseball field to shoot "Republicans". Just because they're "Republicans", didn't matter who any of them were. That means he was operating on a blanket generalization/Composition fallacy.

Whelp --- that's exactly what you just did with this bullshit title. So you and Hodgkinson are the same kind of vermin --- intellectual cripples who see the world in dichotomous "Us" and "Them" terms.

But hey, you made your bed. Have fun trying to get out of it. Dumb shit.
Actually Hodgkinson is one of yours.

He went onto a baseball field to shoot "Republicans". Just because they're "Republicans", didn't matter who any of them were. That means he was operating on a blanket generalization/Composition fallacy.

Whelp --- that's exactly what you just did with this bullshit title. So you and Hodgkinson are the same kind of vermin --- intellectual cripples who see the world in dichotomous "Us" and "Them" terms.

But hey, you made your bed. Have fun trying to get out of it. Dumb shit.
Get over it Hodgie is a democrat who campaigned for Sanders, thus you are delusional. Accept it, this retard would have killed Trump if he thought he could have, so he shot at some senators because in his sick mind he was saving America by altering the balance of power.

All we need to do to save society is ban democrats and car smashers, which are the same thing.

Accept what you are
and all during the 2016 campaign, the left claimed that it was the republicans who were the violent ones?
Get over it Hodgie is a democrat

I presume in you illiteracy you mean "Democat" but --- link?

And ---- significance?

Know what a Composition Fallacy is? If you'd like an example check your own title.

so he shot at some senators

Senators huh? In the House?

Accept what you are

Oh I do. I'm a logician. And I just proved it.
Look you ignoramus, Senator Rand Paul was on the baseball field, you wanna advertise your complete ignorance some more?

'Everybody would have been killed' without Capitol Police there, Paul says

Please try, you are quite amusing
Get over it Hodgie is a democrat

I presume in you illiteracy you mean "Democat" but --- link?

And ---- significance?

Know what a Composition Fallacy is? If you'd like an example check your own title.

so he shot at some senators

Senators huh? In the House?

Accept what you are

Oh I do. I'm a logician. And I just proved it.
Look you ignoramus, Senator Rand Paul was on the baseball field, you wanna advertise your complete ignorance some more?

'Everybody would have been killed' without Capitol Police there, Paul says

Please try, you are quite amusing

So you think Steve Scalise is a Senator do ya?

Kinda figures.
Get over it Hodgie is a democrat

I presume in you illiteracy you mean "Democat" but --- link?

And ---- significance?

Know what a Composition Fallacy is? If you'd like an example check your own title.

so he shot at some senators

Senators huh? In the House?

Accept what you are

Oh I do. I'm a logician. And I just proved it.
Look you ignoramus, Senator Rand Paul was on the baseball field, you wanna advertise your complete ignorance some more?

'Everybody would have been killed' without Capitol Police there, Paul says

Please try, you are quite amusing

So you think Steve Scalise is a Senator do ya?

Kinda figures.

Rand Paul is a Senator, he was on the field you MORON.

All you are doing is mocking yourself

Quotes from Senator Rand Paul, who was shot at

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., told ABC News in a telephone interview that he was in the batting cage when he heard gunshots.

"The first shot was kind of an isolated shot, and everybody kind of looks up and says, 'Hey, what's that?'"

Then "a burst of gunfire" erupted, Paul said.

"At that point, people were dropping," he said. "Scalise was shot around second base, and he crawled a little bit into the outfield," Paul added.

He said Capitol Hill police officers in Scalise's security detail exchanged gunfire with the shooter.

"These guys were real heroes, and I think without, them everybody probably would have been killed," Paul added. "Steve Scalise is in leadership, and that's the only reason there was security detail there at all. I'm sad that he was shot, but he actually saved everybody's life by being there."

In an earlier telephone interview with MSNBC, Paul said, "It would have been a massacre" if Capitol Hill police had not been present

Which one are you

Actually Hodgkinson is one of yours.

He went onto a baseball field to shoot "Republicans". Just because they're "Republicans", didn't matter who any of them were. That means he was operating on a blanket generalization/Composition fallacy.

Whelp --- that's exactly what you just did with this bullshit title. So you and Hodgkinson are the same kind of vermin --- intellectual cripples who see the world in dichotomous "Us" and "Them" terms.

But hey, you made your bed. Have fun trying to get out of it. Dumb shit.

This individual is strikingly stupid. I bet he couldn't put 2 and 2 together.

"Us", "Them"? Like white males and the so called diverse? You reap what you sow. From the start these crazy hard leftists have insisted that every republican is a homophobic, xenophobic, racist, misogynist... and portrayed Trump as the great enemy.
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