Jan. 6th, The Law, and Nancy Pelosi's Dereliction of Duty

I definitely prefer a discussion to the endless bickering so many threads become..
That was my point over umpteenth threads.....................and you took a hissy fit over it.......LOL
You can't call federal troops to guard the capitol.
Here is one of several precedents, a fact, you are disagreeing with.
You can't call federal troops to guard the capitol.

You threw the first stone..................... :biggrin:
yes, you are right, I missed the point you made, it went over my head and I took offense. I am sorry. I got tied up into a bit of a knot over attacks hence I did not think about what you were saying. Sorry, I am not perfect, I made a mistake.
Not sure if you noticed, but you've gotten the same results as the other umpteenth threads....... :eek:
I kind of am puzzled, my first interpretation of this was all backwards. I got the same results. I really did not care about the results. My point in the thread was not to challenge and argue, which I did. I made this thread so that all the links and quotes I find I can put in one thread, and come back to if I want to use them in other threads. I use multiple computers, my cell phone. So I wanted all the stuff I find in one place.

I will make another thread, bury it in education. I will have the links stacked in the first post. Then posts with links and quotes. Maybe I can even do that as a message to myself?

But a post with all the information I think is relevant. Stuff others post that is relevant.

I got the same results, which was not something I thought about, but I got a bit emotionally attached.
No longer valid.
well, that comes to my next link and quote that will go with it, I think the quote will be from Jefferson's Manual, I will get it and quote, you can tell me if it is still not valid, based on what is in Jefferson's Manual/House Rules.
Has any other US president ever incited a mob attack on the Capitol?
Was a president indicted for inciting?

So where do they go then and why did the rioters want the entrances guarded to catch fleeing congressmen?

Kinda a follow the leader thing.

Trump likes Oathkeepers, QAnon and all those creepy militia types.
No longer valid.
I am reading, from the time I responded the first time to this post. Not that this is related, this from the House Rules, but I am thinking of pelosi ripping Trump's speech as I read this from the House Rules. Which then will take another search to see if there are penalties to violating the House Rules.

I can say, Pelosi violated this rule.

I will make another thread, bury it in education. I will have the links stacked in the first post. Then posts with links and quotes. Maybe I can even do that as a message to myself?
Well don't expect any different results. You can post all the actual factual data you can find but it won't make a bit of difference with the Trump haters and the the supporters already know the truth.
well, that comes to my next link and quote that will go with it, I think the quote will be from Jefferson's Manual, I will get it and quote, you can tell me if it is still not valid, based on what is in Jefferson's Manual/House Rules.
It doesn't matter anymore as I think it was FDR maybe, who cut an EO on using state militia troops in DC. It ended up as EO 11485 under Nixon and has been modified since. That EO and many in gov't who didn't have a clue to what COC and how it was supposed to roll are what caused the delay in response on J6.
Now those protocols have been streamlined since then.

Trump likes Oathkeepers, QAnon and all those creepy militia types.
Who probably are less in numbers than those creepy LGBTQ types.
Irving said Pelosi's policy was no NG, he was following her orders. So yeah, I blame Pelosi.
I also call bullshit that Irving made the NG call without consulting with Pelosi directly.

He didn't say he was following orders. He never said she told him not to call up the DCNG. You're saying she did. And you can call bulkshit about whatever you want. You have nothing but worthless feelz backing you up.
EXACTLY. We need the House GOP to find out exactly why the NG was not deployed for j6 as requested by Trump and Capitol Police Chief Sund. IMHO they were blocked by Pelosi & Bowser, but we'll see what they say under oath.

That's on Trump's administration. He asked his acting Secretary of Defense and Miller didn't seek to have to DCNG called up.
He asked his acting Secretary of Defense and Miller didn't seek to have to DCNG called up.

While there has been public criticism that it took the National Guard too long to get to the US Capitol on January 6 and help fend off the mob, testimony from former Secretary of the Army Ryan McCarthy, Army Chief of Staff Gen. James McConville and former acting Secretary of Defense Chris Miller states that this perception might be due to a simple misunderstanding of how the military works.

Miller approved the request for DC National Guard support at 3:04 p.m. on January 6. DC National Guard deployed from the armory shortly after 5:00 p.m. Miller attributed criticism around how long it took DC National Guard troops to reach the Capitol to “either hyper-politicization of the situation or an ignorance of how military operations work.”

Miller, McConville and McCarthy all stressed in testimony that they were on board with sending DC National Guard troops to support US Capitol Police when the request for assistance came on January 6, but a mission plan needed to be developed and communicated to DC National Guard troops before they could be deployed.

“I’ve been in a few riots and just having people show up without a plan and without mission intent, and having understanding of what is happening on the ground – you can just run to the sound of the gunfire, but usually it just doesn’t work. It’s not effective,” Miller said in testimony included in the report.

Capitol Police Board gets it's authority by who?
The Emergency Plan for the Protection of the Capitol (EPPC) is the document we need, that document is classified. The EPPC who state the exact steps taken during an imminent threat. The EPPC gives the Capitol police chief the authority during an emergency to request the National Guard.

Why did it take 5 phone calls before the ECCP became in effect.

The board reports only to subcommittees for appropriations

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