Jane Fonda, "Let's fix men."


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Jane Fonda: Let’s ‘fix’ men
News 1 Day AgoPage Six — Cindy Adams

Jane Fonda. Three husbands. Maybe assorted stand-ins. She says: “I haven’t given up on men. Let’s just fix them. They’re trained not to be empathetic and emotional.”

About the #MeToo movement: “Bad guys shouldn’t come back. Let them work at Starbucks. F - - k it! Poor top executive lost his job? Let him sweep floors until he learns. He doesn’t belong in the boardroom. Plenty of women belong there.”

Jane Fonda: Let’s ‘fix’ men - news - att.net

Do you all think I am joking when I say left wing white American women are the dumbest most annoying things on earth?

These are the types of limp dicks they want?

Don't buy it. Women ARE NOT attracted to weak men. Women ARE attracted to MASCULINITY.

The left are against all science and everything decent about nature. All of it. They hate the natural world.
Wow, a coupla Star Trek aliens there, trying to convince Capt. Kirk to castrate himself.
kirk restraint.jpg
Jane Fonda: Let’s ‘fix’ men
News 1 Day AgoPage Six — Cindy Adams

Jane Fonda. Three husbands. Maybe assorted stand-ins. She says: “I haven’t given up on men. Let’s just fix them. They’re trained not to be empathetic and emotional.”

About the #MeToo movement: “Bad guys shouldn’t come back. Let them work at Starbucks. F - - k it! Poor top executive lost his job? Let him sweep floors until he learns. He doesn’t belong in the boardroom. Plenty of women belong there.”

Jane Fonda: Let’s ‘fix’ men - news - att.net

Do you all think I am joking when I say left wing white American women are the dumbest most annoying things on earth?

These are the types of limp dicks they want?

Don't buy it. Women ARE NOT attracted to weak men. Women ARE attracted to MASCULINITY.

The left are against all science and everything decent about nature. All of it. They hate the natural world.

Blame it on the postmodernists and Milli Vanilli. Neither are terribly concerned with the truth.

After 16 years of marriage, my wife and I universally agree on one eternal truth:

All women are crazy. It's just a matter of degrees. Some are temporarily crazy, while others are full-blow bat-shit.

Jane Fonda has been married three times and has had multiple partners.

After that much relationship failure, a rational person will start to wonder if they are the problem.

Jane Fonda is not a rational person.
And Barbarella was the hands-down dumbest movie I have ever stopped watching. After she shows her tits, the movie is useless.

That is her greatest success in film.


Don't buy it. Women ARE NOT attracted to weak men. Women ARE attracted to MASCULINITY.

A guy like those in the video might come in handy. They can make some croissants and mimosas for breakfast at the far end of the duck blind and fetch the ducks I shoot.
Problem is, they would probably whine more than the dog.
Jane Fonda: Let’s ‘fix’ men
News 1 Day AgoPage Six — Cindy Adams

Jane Fonda. Three husbands. Maybe assorted stand-ins. She says: “I haven’t given up on men. Let’s just fix them. They’re trained not to be empathetic and emotional.”

About the #MeToo movement: “Bad guys shouldn’t come back. Let them work at Starbucks. F - - k it! Poor top executive lost his job? Let him sweep floors until he learns. He doesn’t belong in the boardroom. Plenty of women belong there.”

Jane Fonda: Let’s ‘fix’ men - news - att.net

Do you all think I am joking when I say left wing white American women are the dumbest most annoying things on earth?

These are the types of limp dicks they want?

Don't buy it. Women ARE NOT attracted to weak men. Women ARE attracted to MASCULINITY.

The left are against all science and everything decent about nature. All of it. They hate the natural world.

They're like the goats, not the sheep.
After 16 years of marriage, my wife and I universally agree on one eternal truth:

All women are crazy. It's just a matter of degrees. Some are temporarily crazy, while others are full-blow bat-shit.

Jane Fonda has been married three times and has had multiple partners.

After that much relationship failure, a rational person will start to wonder if they are the problem.

Jane Fonda is not a rational person.

True women are crazy; men are just as nuts. We balance out each other's insanity. Ain't it cool?
Jane Fonda: Let’s ‘fix’ men
News 1 Day AgoPage Six — Cindy Adams

Jane Fonda. Three husbands. Maybe assorted stand-ins. She says: “I haven’t given up on men. Let’s just fix them. They’re trained not to be empathetic and emotional.”

About the #MeToo movement: “Bad guys shouldn’t come back. Let them work at Starbucks. F - - k it! Poor top executive lost his job? Let him sweep floors until he learns. He doesn’t belong in the boardroom. Plenty of women belong there.”

Jane Fonda: Let’s ‘fix’ men - news - att.net

Do you all think I am joking when I say left wing white American women are the dumbest most annoying things on earth?

These are the types of limp dicks they want?

Don't buy it. Women ARE NOT attracted to weak men. Women ARE attracted to MASCULINITY.

The left are against all science and everything decent about nature. All of it. They hate the natural world.

'Hanoi Jane' voices one of the biggest problems with Women in regards to Men - 'They Want To FIX Men'.

I heard A great comedian - John Pinette - on the radio several weeks ago, and what he said was EPIC, wise words one might expect to hear uttered from a holy man atop a high mountain say after making the long, arduous trek to get to him and asking, 'What is the secret for women finding peace, serenity, and happiness with men?'

Pinette said for this to happen, the answer is surprisingly simple:


Men are actually extremely easy (no pun intended) to live with and keep happy. Bottom Line - Men want 3 things from women that will make and keep them happy:
- To Fee Loved
- To Feel Respected
- To Feel Appreciated

That's it.

In regards to Fonda, I will make 1 exception. Men also want a woman who is not a traitorous POS who betrays her country and our prisoners of war, who takes propaganda photo Op pictures with the enemy, sitting her ass atop enemy anti-aircraft guns.

That doesn't get men to like you....that gets your photo on a urinal target...

upload_2018-9-27_9-47-43.jpeg [URL='https://www.google.com/search?q=Hanoi+Jane+urinal+targets&biw=1008&bih=714&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=_tx_xfyfal4W2M%253A%252CDnSJ3-sR1iS7nM%252C_&usg=AI4_-kQzOWevmuGnXYyroD03Jqf-cxu_ow&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwify4yQqdvdAhUPq1MKHWxrD_QQ9QEwAHoECAQQBA#imgrc=_tx_xfyfal4W2M:']upload_2018-9-27_9-48-15.jpeg[/URL]
Jane Fonda: Let’s ‘fix’ men
News 1 Day AgoPage Six — Cindy Adams

Jane Fonda. Three husbands. Maybe assorted stand-ins. She says: “I haven’t given up on men. Let’s just fix them. They’re trained not to be empathetic and emotional.”

About the #MeToo movement: “Bad guys shouldn’t come back. Let them work at Starbucks. F - - k it! Poor top executive lost his job? Let him sweep floors until he learns. He doesn’t belong in the boardroom. Plenty of women belong there.”

Jane Fonda: Let’s ‘fix’ men - news - att.net

Do you all think I am joking when I say left wing white American women are the dumbest most annoying things on earth?

These are the types of limp dicks they want?

Don't buy it. Women ARE NOT attracted to weak men. Women ARE attracted to MASCULINITY.

The left are against all science and everything decent about nature. All of it. They hate the natural world.

Don't buy it. Women ARE NOT attracted to weak men. Women ARE attracted to MASCULINITY.

And that's why evolution is a bull shit theory ..

Jane Fonda: Let’s ‘fix’ men
News 1 Day AgoPage Six — Cindy Adams

Jane Fonda. Three husbands. Maybe assorted stand-ins. She says: “I haven’t given up on men. Let’s just fix them. They’re trained not to be empathetic and emotional.”

About the #MeToo movement: “Bad guys shouldn’t come back. Let them work at Starbucks. F - - k it! Poor top executive lost his job? Let him sweep floors until he learns. He doesn’t belong in the boardroom. Plenty of women belong there.”

Jane Fonda: Let’s ‘fix’ men - news - att.net

Do you all think I am joking when I say left wing white American women are the dumbest most annoying things on earth?

These are the types of limp dicks they want?

Don't buy it. Women ARE NOT attracted to weak men. Women ARE attracted to MASCULINITY.

The left are against all science and everything decent about nature. All of it. They hate the natural world.

Dear women,

We merely need, plenty of practice and high numbers; we are Men.
Who pushed that treasonous old bag's button so she started flapping her Viet-Cong-fellating mouth again? She was never even a good actress; there is absolutely no reason this cheap, $2 old whore should have ever been famous in the first place. What a waste of menopausal fallopian tubes that pond-vermin of the female gender is. And that piggish harridan is sooo arrogant, it thinks that a plurality of America even gives a fuck what it thinks about anything?

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