Jane Harmon Rep from California, Patriot Act supporter, wire tapped !!!

Not happy about this, no matter how big a scumbucket Harman is.
Supporting USAPATRIOT is bad enough....She can kiss my ass.
Absolutely....anyone that supports the Patriot Act or NDAA and especially those that voted for them are scumbags regardless of party affiliation.
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Absolutely....anyone that supports the Patriot Act or NDAA and especially those that voted for them are scumbags regardless of party affiliation.

All but 93 Dems and 43 Rep voted for NDAA.

ZERO Sentators voted against NDAA

So I guess your point is there's a lot of scumbags in Congress?

I completely agree with you on that point, Lib.
I thought there were like 7 senators that voted against it , I will have to check that, but yeah congress is full of scum. This lady was all for regular people being wiretapped and was only outraged whenit happened to her. She said she wanted to make sure congressman weren't wiretapped near the end.
I thought there were like 7 senators that voted against it , I will have to check that, but yeah congress is full of scum. This lady was all for regular people being wiretapped and was only outraged whenit happened to her. She said she wanted to make sure congressman weren't wiretapped near the end.

I was informed the Senator vote on NDAA was 99 FOR and 1 abstension.

The House Reps voted 93 Dems and 43 Reps against it.

Obama signed it into law.

But I could be wrong...it's easy to do when the reporting on bills is so lax.

Perhaps that was the vote on one of the many different versions...except that it is my understanding that that is the bill that Obama signed into law... so if that is the case, then my numbers on the final version are right.

Pretty dismal, isn't it?

Congress overwhelmingly approves of the notion that the government ought to have the right to run roughshod over our rights as citizens.

This isn't the American I put on a uniform to defend, I'll tell yas that.
Ummm...she's not in Congress any more.
So that makes it ok?

She probably thought that it would only be used on those Brown people who wear turbans. See how that works? :lol:

But it's alright as "she's not in Congress anymore". What an idiot!
Ummm...she's not in Congress any more.
So that makes it ok?

She probably thought that it would only be used on those Brown people who wear turbans. See how that works? :lol:

But it's alright as "she's not in Congress anymore". What an idiot!
Excuse me, but I was not editorializing. I was just correcting the record, since the OP posted a link called Congress Woman Outraged as she is Wiretapped...but voted for the Patriot Act
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But now I will editorialize.

Here's another nail in that Republican talking point that Liberals never criticize Obama:

Obama to sign indefinite detention bill into law

By Glenn Greenwald

In one of the least surprising developments imaginable, President Obama – after spending months threatening to veto the Levin/McCain detention bill – yesterday announced that he would instead sign it into law (this is the same individual, of course, who unequivocally vowed when seeking the Democratic nomination to support a filibuster of “any bill that includes retroactive immunity for telecom,” only to turn around – once he had the nomination secure — and not only vote against such a filibuster, but to vote in favor of the underlying bill itself, so this is perfectly consistent with his past conduct). As a result, the final version of the Levin/McCain bill will be enshrined as law this week as part of the the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). I wrote about the primary provisions and implications of this bill last week, and won’t repeat those points here.

Continue Reading
Here is what I found for the Senate vote on NDAA...

Voted Yes
Sen. Daniel Akaka [D, HI]
Sen. Lamar Alexander [R, TN]
Sen. Kelly Ayotte [R, NH]
Sen. John Barrasso [R, WY]
Sen. Max Baucus [D, MT]
Sen. Mark Begich [D, AK]
Sen. Michael Bennet [D, CO]
Sen. Jeff Bingaman [D, NM]
Sen. Richard Blumenthal [D, CT]
Sen. Roy Blunt [R, MO]
Sen. John Boozman [R, AR]
Sen. Barbara Boxer [D, CA]
Sen. Scott Brown [R, MA]
Sen. Sherrod Brown [D, OH]
Sen. Richard Burr [R, NC]
Sen. Maria Cantwell [D, WA]
Sen. Benjamin Cardin [D, MD]
Sen. Thomas Carper [D, DE]
Sen. Robert Casey [D, PA]
Sen. Saxby Chambliss [R, GA]
Sen. Daniel Coats [R, IN]
Sen. Thad Cochran [R, MS]
Sen. Susan Collins [R, ME]
Sen. Kent Conrad [D, ND]
Sen. Chris Coons [D, DE]
Sen. Bob Corker [R, TN]
Sen. John Cornyn [R, TX]
Sen. Michael Crapo [R, ID]
Sen. Jim DeMint [R, SC]
Sen. Richard Durbin [D, IL]
Sen. Michael Enzi [R, WY]
Sen. Dianne Feinstein [D, CA]
Sen. Al Franken [D, MN]
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand [D, NY]
Sen. Lindsey Graham [R, SC]
Sen. Charles Grassley [R, IA]
Sen. Kay Hagan [D, NC]
Sen. Orrin Hatch [R, UT]
Sen. Dean Heller [R, NV]
Sen. John Hoeven [R, ND]
Sen. Kay Hutchison [R, TX]
Sen. James Inhofe [R, OK]
Sen. Daniel Inouye [D, HI]
Sen. John Isakson [R, GA]
Sen. Mike Johanns [R, NE]
Sen. Ron Johnson [R, WI]
Sen. Tim Johnson [D, SD]
Sen. John Kerry [D, MA]
Sen. Mark Kirk [R, IL]
Sen. Amy Klobuchar [D, MN]
Sen. Herbert Kohl [D, WI]
Sen. Jon Kyl [R, AZ]
Sen. Mary Landrieu [D, LA]
Sen. Frank Lautenberg [D, NJ]
Sen. Patrick Leahy [D, VT]
Sen. Carl Levin [D, MI]
Sen. Joseph Lieberman [I, CT]
Sen. Richard Lugar [R, IN]
Sen. Joe Manchin [D, WV]
Sen. John McCain [R, AZ]
Sen. Claire McCaskill [D, MO]
Sen. Mitch McConnell [R, KY]
Sen. Robert Menéndez [D, NJ]
Sen. Barbara Mikulski [D, MD]
Sen. Jerry Moran [R, KS]
Sen. Lisa Murkowski [R, AK]
Sen. Patty Murray [D, WA]
Sen. Ben Nelson [D, NE]
Sen. Bill Nelson [D, FL]
Sen. Robert Portman [R, OH]
Sen. Mark Pryor [D, AR]
Sen. John Reed [D, RI]
Sen. Harry Reid [D, NV]
Sen. James Risch [R, ID]
Sen. Pat Roberts [R, KS]
Sen. John Rockefeller [D, WV]
Sen. Marco Rubio [R, FL]
Sen. Charles Schumer [D, NY]
Sen. Jefferson Sessions [R, AL]
Sen. Jeanne Shaheen [D, NH]
Sen. Richard Shelby [R, AL]
Sen. Olympia Snowe [R, ME]
Sen. Debbie Ann Stabenow [D, MI]
Sen. Jon Tester [D, MT]
Sen. John Thune [R, SD]
Sen. Patrick Toomey [R, PA]
Sen. Tom Udall [D, NM]
Sen. Mark Udall [D, CO]
Sen. David Vitter [R, LA]
Sen. Mark Warner [D, VA]
Sen. Jim Webb [D, VA]
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse [D, RI]
Sen. Roger Wicker [R, MS]

Voted No
Sen. Rand Paul [R, KY]
Sen. Jeff Merkley [D, OR]
Sen. Ron Wyden [D, OR]
Sen. Mike Lee [R, UT]
Sen. Thomas Harkin [D, IA]
Sen. Thomas Coburn [R, OK]
Sen. Bernard Sanders [I, VT]


Indefinite Detention Law Hall of Shame - List of Senators Who Voted Yes on the NDAA bill (And a list of their twitter accounts) | Waiting for the Storm

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