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Janet Reno Dies

A "kid?" A 6'2" 300 pound assaultive n!gger

Oh. Okay. so it's okay to shoot him if he's black, then. Got it.
Since you chose to impose a racial element onto the discussion, what does "criming while white" (see Message #117) mean?

Have you been so approving of what happened to the Davidians because you believe they were an exclusively White gathering? If so, you should know several of the Davidians were Black -- one of whom was an attorney.
sure you read them liar,you have ignored everything we have taken you to school on and defend the the clinton liars everyday so you are obviously a liar same as them shill.

Every investigation and trial has found the kiddy-diddlers did themselves in.
Every government investigation and government orchestrated trial, that is. And dismissing the Davidians as a bunch of pedophiles is a declaration of ignorance.

If you pay attention to the findings of independent researchers, those who do not have a committed cause to cover up the most egregious and stupidly brutal federal law-enforcement blunder in American history, one that even many FBI agents expressed criticism of and regrets about, you will form a very different impression. I personally know one former FBI agent who called that operation "shameful" and emphasized the fact that it was the work of the Bureau's infamous Hostage "Rescue" Team, the same group that shot Randy Weaver's wife to death while she held her infant child during the excessive and unnecessary Ruby Ridge raid. He referred to that unit as the Bureau's "hit squad." (Weaver was ultimately acquitted of the phony charges against him and he won a damage award in court.)
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Since you chose to impose a racial element onto the discussion, what does "criming while white" (see Message #117) mean?

I've explained that pretty clearly. If you are white and commit crimes, law enforcement treats you with kid gloves... YOu shoot 4 ATF Agents, and the FBI spends 51 days trying to talk you into giving yourself up.

Criming While White.

If you are a black kid who steals some cigars or plays with a toy gun, they shoot you on site.

Have you been so approving of what happened to the Davidians because you believe they were an exclusively White gathering? If so, you should know several of the Davidians were Black -- one of whom was an attorney.

I'm good with them all burning because they killed themselves. Less stupid people on the planet is always a good thing. Now if we can only get other cultists to follow their fine example.

Every government investigation and government orchestrated trial, that is. And dismissing the Davidians as a bunch of pedophiles is a declaration of ignorance.

David Koresh had sex with children. This isn't even in dispute. Every cultist in that compound knew he was doing it, and didn't turn him in to the cops.

If you pay attention to the findings of independent researchers, those who do not have a committed cause to cover up the most egregious and stupidly brutal federal law-enforcement blunder in American history, one that even many FBI agents expressed criticism of and regrets about, you will form a very different impression.

Which FBI agent was that? Name names.

I personally know one former FBI agent who called that operation "shameful" and emphasized the fact that it was the work of the Bureau's infamous Hostage "Rescue" Team, the same group that shot Randy Weaver's wife to death while she held her infant child during the excessive and unnecessary Ruby Ridge raid. He referred to that unit as the Bureau's "hit squad." (Weaver was ultimately acquitted of the phony charges against him and he won a damage award in court.)
Weaver was a Nazi POS who shot a Federal Marshal. The mistake they made was not double tapping him and every other Nazi Zombie in that house.
sure you read them liar,you have ignored everything we have taken you to school on and defend the the clinton liars everyday so you are obviously a liar same as them shill.

Every investigation and trial has found the kiddy-diddlers did themselves in.

Sure thing sport. I wonder what the verdict would have been had they had the cell cameras we enjoy these days. Face it baby killer, you, and they, are only interested in abusing power. To that I say "fuck you".
You must realize...Joey dreams of being STALIN. He masturbates to thoughts of dead children.
I've explained that pretty clearly. If you are white and commit crimes, law enforcement treats you with kid gloves... YOu shoot 4 ATF Agents, and the FBI spends 51 days trying to talk you into giving yourself up.

Criming While White.

If you are a black kid who steals some cigars or plays with a toy gun, they shoot you on site.
What do you suppose accounts for this apparent disparity? Can it be the fact that many Blacks are incapable of objective perception. This results in a sense of right and wrong which is opposite that of the existing social order. For example, you think of a 6'2" 300 lb male who already has demonstrated his innately violent criminal nature as a "kid" (a child).

What this means is those who think and behave that way belong to a category of relatively uncivilized persons who collectively and individually represent a lethal threat to the social order. The fact that you can perceive a violent thug as a "kid," thereby ignoring the insidious nature of his obvious orientation and capabilities, places you and others who think like you in a separate category from White people, the vast majority of whom have a clear perception of reality and are not inclined to behave in the irrational manner which is typical of those in the n!gger category.

The majority of contemporary Black Americans do not belong to this violent, anti-social category. They are decent, hard-working, peaceful people who know the difference between right and wrong. Unfortunately their position in American society is compromised by the relatively uncivilized behavior of the n!gger category which consists of those Blacks whose essential nature and uncontrollable temperament resembles that of predatory, opportunistic creatures. They really do not know right from wrong. They lie instinctively. They cannot be trusted under any circumstances and are inclined to psychopathic violence.
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What do you suppose accounts for this apparent disparity? Can it be the fact that many Blacks are incapable of objective perception. This results in a sense of right and wrong which is opposite that of the existing social order. For example, you think of a 6'2" 300 lb male who already has demonstrated his innately violent criminal nature as a "kid" (a child).

18 years old is a kid from my perspective. But I find it amusing you are okay with a cop shooting him for "Grand Theft Cigar", when you defend the Davidians after they killed 4 ATF agents and ever given every chance to surrender peacefully.

But you go on defending "Criming while white!"
18 years old is a kid from my perspective. But I find it amusing you are okay with a cop shooting him for "Grand Theft Cigar", when you defend the Davidians after they killed 4 ATF agents and ever given every chance to surrender peacefully.

But you go on defending "Criming while white!"
Your assessment of why Brown was killed is a textbook example of what I mean by not knowing right from wrong. Brown was shot for attacking a cop, attempting to take his weapon and attempting to escape. Ptl. Wilson wasn't aware of Brown's actions in the cigar store when he killed him but it certainly does serve to further justify the killing.

Re: the Davidians' killing the four ATF agents: I along with millions of other Constitution-loving Americans believe those shootings were perfectly justified. The Davidians had done nothing to justify that raid. The raid was not only unnecessary, it was unlawful. The warrant was wholly defective and was not presented when entry was demanded. The only reason some guilt was attached to the Davidians' actions was the cover-up and manipulation of the facts by the federal law-enforcement bureaucracy.

The Davidians defended themselves against heavily armed, masked raiders who were attempting to break into their home. That is the uncomplicated reality. In a truly free society there would be no further consideration.
Okay- Any custody court in the country would have awarded custody of Elian to his father.

And four investigations determined the Davidians committed mass suicide.

Dear JoeB131 I know a minister in Houston with experience counseling "apocalyptic Christians" who had been on the scene asking to negotiate with the Davidians and their leaders. He was denied access at that point because of security issues that already went too far in the wrong direction. He was able to counsel the surviving members but too late to save the larger group from violent destruction and death.

had this been set up correctly, nobody needed to die. it was not handled properly.

And neither are immigration policies that split families and cost taxpayers for lack of accountability,
enforcement, deterrence of violations and RESTITUTION for crimes and trafficking:
http://www.earnedamnesty.org It will take all sectors to team up to solve the border issues.
Trump as an independent business man is more able to cross over barriers to work out such
collaborative solutions. Clinton can't even go after crooks if she uses the law to hide her own party's collusions.

yeah they didnt need to die but the clintons same as the Bushs take pleasure in the sufferering and murdering of others so in their minds of course all those children DID have to die a horrible death no less.

some of the suvivors said there were people coming out saying dont shoot,yet the ATF mowed them down and of course they did not get any punishment for their deeds,they got rewarded to no surprise.The clintons were probably the ones that encouraged the agency to reward them for their actions no less.
Reno's order to storm Waco compound and mass murder 80 people including 24 children didn't happen without Clinton's approval. Bill and Hillary Clinton have a special hatred for Christians. We know this.

Wikileaks emails uncovered a discussion in which they were openly hostile to Catholics - it's already out there and if anyone thinks that Hillary Clinton's administration will not go after Christians with a vengeance is dangerously naive about who Hillary Clinton is.

Luckily, The Trump Train smashed the Clintons.
Your assessment of why Brown was killed is a textbook example of what I mean by not knowing right from wrong. Brown was shot for attacking a cop, attempting to take his weapon and attempting to escape. Ptl. Wilson wasn't aware of Brown's actions in the cigar store when he killed him but it certainly does serve to further justify the killing.

ONce he was running away from the officer, shooting him wasn't acceptable. Of course, Wilson lied about knowing about the robbery, too. But it was okay, the White DA whitewashed that. Also put a woman who was delusional in front of the Grand Jury and suborned perjury... But that's okay with you.

Re: the Davidians' killing the four ATF agents: I along with millions of other Constitution-loving Americans believe those shootings were perfectly justified.

Of course you do. Because you're a nut. so once again, you are okay with WHITE people killing law enforcement.

Criming while White, baby.

For me, I'm happy that 80 or so kiddy-diddly cultists are out of the gene pool.
What do you suppose accounts for this apparent disparity? Can it be the fact that many Blacks are incapable of objective perception. This results in a sense of right and wrong which is opposite that of the existing social order. For example, you think of a 6'2" 300 lb male who already has demonstrated his innately violent criminal nature as a "kid" (a child).

18 years old is a kid from my perspective. But I find it amusing you are okay with a cop shooting him for "Grand Theft Cigar", when you defend the Davidians after they killed 4 ATF agents and ever given every chance to surrender peacefully.

But you go on defending "Criming while white!"
Yeah, dipshit, and you go on ignoring the thankfully dead black criminal thug Brown attacked a cop sitting in his car and attempted to take his gun from him. Which ultimately lead to his dead ass on the street. Chalk one up for karma.
Your assessment of why Brown was killed is a textbook example of what I mean by not knowing right from wrong. Brown was shot for attacking a cop, attempting to take his weapon and attempting to escape. Ptl. Wilson wasn't aware of Brown's actions in the cigar store when he killed him but it certainly does serve to further justify the killing.

ONce he was running away from the officer, shooting him wasn't acceptable. Of course, Wilson lied about knowing about the robbery, too. But it was okay, the White DA whitewashed that. Also put a woman who was delusional in front of the Grand Jury and suborned perjury... But that's okay with you.

Re: the Davidians' killing the four ATF agents: I along with millions of other Constitution-loving Americans believe those shootings were perfectly justified.

Of course you do. Because you're a nut. so once again, you are okay with WHITE people killing law enforcement.

Criming while White, baby.

For me, I'm happy that 80 or so kiddy-diddly cultists are out of the gene pool.

He never said that asshat. And, for the record, when the ATF launched the raid without the Warrant being on the premises...do you know what that's called??????

Yup. It's a CRIME! So, the only people provably committing a crime on the day of the raid was the ATF. Now piss off stalinist asshole.
Yeah, dipshit, and you go on ignoring the thankfully dead black criminal thug Brown attacked a cop sitting in his car and attempted to take his gun from him. Which ultimately lead to his dead ass on the street. Chalk one up for karma.

When the fatal shots were fired, the kid was 100 feet away from Officer McShooty, with his hands up.
ONce he was running away from the officer, shooting him wasn't acceptable. Of course, Wilson lied about knowing about the robbery, too. But it was okay, the White DA whitewashed that. Also put a woman who was delusional in front of the Grand Jury and suborned perjury... But that's okay with you.
I don't know what you mean by "acceptable" but the killing of Michael Brown was judged on its legality, not whether it was acceptable. The law in Missouri (and in most other states) holds that a peace officer may use deadly force to subdue or to apprehend a fleeing felon who has demonstrated lethally violent behavior then resists arrest. Brown's attacking Wilson and attempting to to seize Wilson's gun, then attempting to flee, satisfies that criterion by showing Brown to be a menace to society.

The only reason such a media sensation was made of this incident is the lies put forth by the mob of Brown-friendly "eye-witnesses."
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He never said that asshat. And, for the record, when the ATF launched the raid without the Warrant being on the premises...do you know what that's called??????


Again, that's an issue you fight out in court, not on a doorstep with machine guns.

Yup. It's a CRIME! So, the only people provably committing a crime on the day of the raid was the ATF. Now piss off stalinist asshole.

Yet 11 Davidians were tried and convicted in their roles in the shooting, but no ATF Agents were.

Wait, wait. I know...


I don't know what you mean by "acceptable," but the killing of Michael Brown was judged on its legality not whether it was acceptable. The law in Missouri (and most other states) holds that a peace officer may use deadly force to subdue or to apprehend a fleeing felon who has demonstrated lethally violent behavior then resists arrest. Brown's attacking Wilson and attempting to to seize his gun, then attempting to flee, satisfies that criterion by showing Brown to be a menace to society.

And you are still trying to claim that Kiddly-diddling cultists weren't a bigger threat to society?
Again, that's an issue you fight out in court, not on a doorstep with machine guns.
So said King George to George Washington.

But that was a long time ago and much has changed where the Spirit of '76 is concerned. The percentage of Americans who have acquired an authoritarian/submissive orientation has grown and continues to increase year-by-year. In this example degradation of the Liberty spirit is manifest in the expressed willingness to submit to authority rather than to defend the sanctity and privacy of one's home. The Castle Doctrine was contemptuously ignored.

Correctly believing the government agents had no just cause to break into and search their home the Davidians chose to defend that sovereign right. Koresh believed the American People would rise in support of the Davidians' decision if they knew the truth, but the federal agents blocked access to the media. In spite of the fact that reporters demanding access to the Davidians were willing to assume all responsibility for their personal safety the federal agents isolated them to a location about a mile away from the site of the standoff. They were also denied access by telephone.

The American People tolerated this oppressive isolation thus allowing the Waco Massacre to occur as the symbolic death of the First and Fourth Amendments.

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