Janice Dean of FOX News: COVID-19 killed my in-laws after Cuomo's reckless New York nursing home policy

If you did you would have to lock up every governor that is presiding over a state where the virus is out of control and yet still want to act like we are on the downside of this. Lots of old people are dead and many others are yet to perish in your red states yet you only seem to care about the ones you can pin on a democratic governor. Make up your minds. Is this a deadly disease or is this a minor flu with acceptible losses? Can't have it both ways.
Sounds like a Fox Personality, making lots of money but still sticking their parents in assisted living because they don't want to be bothered with them.
I rarely, if ever, agree with anything you say, but I have to agree with that - - - ^ ^ ^

My own mother is working on 92, and she requires constant care also, but we know damn well that if we put her in an assisted living nursing home, we'd never see her again. So we moved her into an apartment in the same building as my younger sister so she can take care of her when she can, which is every day, and we've hired a professional live in care giver for her. Yes this requires a lot of effort, and money, but if you love your parent, that's what you do.

However, it should be pointed out, that no one really expected what happened in nursing homes in NY to happen when this pandemic hit. Cuomo really did screw the pooch when he moved infected patients into these places. For all intents and purposes, he exposed the most vulnerable people to the virus, and thus condemned them to a death sentence, and to top it off, a death sentence to die alone. It's horrific, and an outrage. I hope the people that lost loved ones in these homes that Cuomo shipped covid patients to get together in a class action law suit and sue him into oblivion. I hope they sue in civil court for murder. His stupidity is simply mind numbing.
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Sounds like a Fox Personality, making lots of money but still sticking their parents in assisted living because they don't want to be bothered with them.
I rarely, if ever, agree with anything you say, but I have to agree with that - - - ^ ^ ^

My own mother is working on 92, and she requires constant care also, but we know damn well that if we put her in an assisted living nursing home, we'd never see her again. So my sister moved her into an apartment in the same building as her's so she can take care of her when she can, and we've hired a professional live in care giver for her. Yes this requires a lot of effort, and money, but if you love your parent, that's what you do.

However, it should be pointed out, that no one really expected what happened in nursing homes in NY to happen when this pandemic hit. Cuomo really did screw the pooch when he moved infected patients into these places. For all intents and purposes, he exposed the most vulnerable people to the virus, and thus condemned them to a death sentence, and to top it off, a death sentence to die alone. It's horrific, and an outrage. I hope the people that lost loved ones in these homes that Cuomo shipped covid patients to get together in a class action law suit and sue him into bankruptcy. His stupidity is simply mind numbing.
Yes, Cuomo really fucked up with that decision.....and it would have really been fucked up if he didn't acknowledge it and change direction......

Yet, the same folks outraged at Cuomo seems to give Trump a pass for continuing to do fucked up things regarding this pandemic.... and not changing direction....
this is horrifying! lock up Cuomo!

Meanwhile fox news and the right were saying this was all a hoex at the time New York was haviong thier influx. How do you explain a hoex doing this? By the way what policy exactly of Cuomos lead to these deaths?
Sounds like a Fox Personality, making lots of money but still sticking their parents in assisted living because they don't want to be bothered with them.
I rarely, if ever, agree with anything you say, but I have to agree with that - - - ^ ^ ^

My own mother is working on 92, and she requires constant care also, but we know damn well that if we put her in an assisted living nursing home, we'd never see her again. So my sister moved her into an apartment in the same building as her's so she can take care of her when she can, and we've hired a professional live in care giver for her. Yes this requires a lot of effort, and money, but if you love your parent, that's what you do.

However, it should be pointed out, that no one really expected what happened in nursing homes in NY to happen when this pandemic hit. Cuomo really did screw the pooch when he moved infected patients into these places. For all intents and purposes, he exposed the most vulnerable people to the virus, and thus condemned them to a death sentence, and to top it off, a death sentence to die alone. It's horrific, and an outrage. I hope the people that lost loved ones in these homes that Cuomo shipped covid patients to get together in a class action law suit and sue him into bankruptcy. His stupidity is simply mind numbing.
Yes, Cuomo really fucked up with that decision.....and it would have really been fucked up if he didn't acknowledge it and change direction......

Yet, the same folks outraged at Cuomo seems to give Trump a pass for continuing to do fucked up things regarding this pandemic.... and not changing direction....
Like what?
Calling out everyone who has family in a nursing home is really missing the fucking point.

If nursing homes are evil, they shouldn’t exist. Maybe these left wing fuckstains should protest nursing homes.

Stay on subject and admit Cuomo fucked a rat in the ass with his decision and he murdered thousands of people.
However, it should be pointed out, that no one really expected what happened in nursing homes in NY to happen when this pandemic hit. Cuomo really did screw the pooch when he moved infected patients into these places. For all intents and purposes, he exposed the most vulnerable people to the virus, and thus condemned them to a death sentence, and to top it off, a death sentence to die alone. It's horrific, and an outrage. I hope the people that lost loved ones in these homes that Cuomo shipped covid patients to get together in a class action law suit and sue him into oblivion. I hope they sue in civil court for murder. His stupidity is simply mind numbing.

Again, where else were they going to put them? The Hospitals were filled to capacity, their families didn't want to take them back. The only places ready to care for people with chronic illnesses were - wait for it - the Nursing HOmes.

We wouldn't be here if it weren't for Trump's criminal incompetence to start with.
Calling out everyone who has family in a nursing home is really missing the fucking point.

If nursing homes are evil, they shouldn’t exist. Maybe these left wing fuckstains should protest nursing homes.

Stay on subject and admit Cuomo fucked a rat in the ass with his decision and he murdered thousands of people.

No, he took the only option he really had, given that NY had half a million cases of Covid and nowhere to really send these people.

New York had 213 hospitals with 20,000 beds total. THere were 435,000 confirmed cases of Covid-19 in NY. That's not even accounting for the overflow from NJ and CT. That's 22 patients for every bed, and that's assuming no one else needed those beds for other things. They had to go somewhere, and a lot of these oldsters got sent back to the Nursing Homes they came from.

None of which would have been necessary if Trump hadn't fucked up the response to start with.
If you did you would have to lock up every governor that is presiding over a state where the virus is out of control and yet still want to act like we are on the downside of this. Lots of old people are dead and many others are yet to perish in your red states yet you only seem to care about the ones you can pin on a democratic governor. Make up your minds. Is this a deadly disease or is this a minor flu with acceptible losses? Can't have it both ways.
Liberals want to blame Trump...for everything. Why can't Cuomo have the balls to take responsibility for killing all those old people in the retirement homes? He gave the order to put those affected next to those most at risk to die from infection. Complete failure as state chief executive.
Calling out everyone who has family in a nursing home is really missing the fucking point.

If nursing homes are evil, they shouldn’t exist. Maybe these left wing fuckstains should protest nursing homes.

Stay on subject and admit Cuomo fucked a rat in the ass with his decision and he murdered thousands of people.

No, he took the only option he really had, given that NY had half a million cases of Covid and nowhere to really send these people.

New York had 213 hospitals with 20,000 beds total. THere were 435,000 confirmed cases of Covid-19 in NY. That's not even accounting for the overflow from NJ and CT. That's 22 patients for every bed, and that's assuming no one else needed those beds for other things. They had to go somewhere, and a lot of these oldsters got sent back to the Nursing Homes they came from.

None of which would have been necessary if Trump hadn't fucked up the response to start with.
Sure. Trump is to blame for a Chinese virus. Traitor.
Calling out everyone who has family in a nursing home is really missing the fucking point.

If nursing homes are evil, they shouldn’t exist. Maybe these left wing fuckstains should protest nursing homes.

Stay on subject and admit Cuomo fucked a rat in the ass with his decision and he murdered thousands of people.

No, he took the only option he really had, given that NY had half a million cases of Covid and nowhere to really send these people.

New York had 213 hospitals with 20,000 beds total. THere were 435,000 confirmed cases of Covid-19 in NY. That's not even accounting for the overflow from NJ and CT. That's 22 patients for every bed, and that's assuming no one else needed those beds for other things. They had to go somewhere, and a lot of these oldsters got sent back to the Nursing Homes they came from.

None of which would have been necessary if Trump hadn't fucked up the response to start with.
Response might have been faster had Obama not allowed all of our PPE and pharmaceuticals to become controlled by the world's enemy, China.
However, it should be pointed out, that no one really expected what happened in nursing homes in NY to happen when this pandemic hit. Cuomo really did screw the pooch when he moved infected patients into these places. For all intents and purposes, he exposed the most vulnerable people to the virus, and thus condemned them to a death sentence, and to top it off, a death sentence to die alone. It's horrific, and an outrage. I hope the people that lost loved ones in these homes that Cuomo shipped covid patients to get together in a class action law suit and sue him into oblivion. I hope they sue in civil court for murder. His stupidity is simply mind numbing.

Again, where else were they going to put them? The Hospitals were filled to capacity, their families didn't want to take them back. The only places ready to care for people with chronic illnesses were - wait for it - the Nursing HOmes.

We wouldn't be here if it weren't for Trump's criminal incompetence to start with.
Cuomo fucked-up and people died. Stop trying to defend his sorry ass.
Sounds like a Fox Personality, making lots of money but still sticking their parents in assisted living because they don't want to be bothered with them.
I rarely, if ever, agree with anything you say, but I have to agree with that - - - ^ ^ ^

My own mother is working on 92, and she requires constant care also, but we know damn well that if we put her in an assisted living nursing home, we'd never see her again. So my sister moved her into an apartment in the same building as her's so she can take care of her when she can, and we've hired a professional live in care giver for her. Yes this requires a lot of effort, and money, but if you love your parent, that's what you do.

However, it should be pointed out, that no one really expected what happened in nursing homes in NY to happen when this pandemic hit. Cuomo really did screw the pooch when he moved infected patients into these places. For all intents and purposes, he exposed the most vulnerable people to the virus, and thus condemned them to a death sentence, and to top it off, a death sentence to die alone. It's horrific, and an outrage. I hope the people that lost loved ones in these homes that Cuomo shipped covid patients to get together in a class action law suit and sue him into bankruptcy. His stupidity is simply mind numbing.
Yes, Cuomo really fucked up with that decision.....and it would have really been fucked up if he didn't acknowledge it and change direction......

Yet, the same folks outraged at Cuomo seems to give Trump a pass for continuing to do fucked up things regarding this pandemic.... and not changing direction....
Acknowledge his mistake? He STILL refuses to take responsibility for murdering thousands. He blames Trump, the NY Post, and now the families of the deceased. Cuomo is an uneducated asshole who deserves to be assaulted by those family members he just smeared.
this is horrifying! lock up Cuomo!

Meanwhile fox news and the right were saying this was all a hoex at the time New York was haviong thier influx. How do you explain a hoex doing this? By the way what policy exactly of Cuomos lead to these deaths?
Really putting those ten brain cells to the test aren't we? Do you live under a rock? Oh...my bust, you watch MSNBC and CNN so you are not connected with reality.
Calling out everyone who has family in a nursing home is really missing the fucking point.

If nursing homes are evil, they shouldn’t exist. Maybe these left wing fuckstains should protest nursing homes.

Stay on subject and admit Cuomo fucked a rat in the ass with his decision and he murdered thousands of people.

No, he took the only option he really had, given that NY had half a million cases of Covid and nowhere to really send these people.

New York had 213 hospitals with 20,000 beds total. THere were 435,000 confirmed cases of Covid-19 in NY. That's not even accounting for the overflow from NJ and CT. That's 22 patients for every bed, and that's assuming no one else needed those beds for other things. They had to go somewhere, and a lot of these oldsters got sent back to the Nursing Homes they came from.

None of which would have been necessary if Trump hadn't fucked up the response to start with.
Tell the truth for once you lying fuck. Hospitals were NEVEr overwhelmed. Field hospitals sat empty. The medical ship left because it WASN’T NEEDED stupid. Cuomo killed those people and you are a fucking piece of shit for defending him and blaming Trump. Your excuses are just like you. Pathetic.
If you did you would have to lock up every governor that is presiding over a state where the virus is out of control and yet still want to act like we are on the downside of this. Lots of old people are dead and many others are yet to perish in your red states yet you only seem to care about the ones you can pin on a democratic governor. Make up your minds. Is this a deadly disease or is this a minor flu with acceptible losses? Can't have it both ways.
Liberals want to blame Trump...for everything. Why can't Cuomo have the balls to take responsibility for killing all those old people in the retirement homes? He gave the order to put those affected next to those most at risk to die from infection. Complete failure as state chief executive.
Cuomo made some mistakes that the right have absolutely refused to learn anything from. New York paid attention and now they are one of the few places in America that even looks like they have a handle on this. What about all the old people who have died in the memorial day surge across the red states? Got any outrage over their deaths? Didn't think so.
Calling out everyone who has family in a nursing home is really missing the fucking point.

If nursing homes are evil, they shouldn’t exist. Maybe these left wing fuckstains should protest nursing homes.

Stay on subject and admit Cuomo fucked a rat in the ass with his decision and he murdered thousands of people.

No, he took the only option he really had, given that NY had half a million cases of Covid and nowhere to really send these people.

New York had 213 hospitals with 20,000 beds total. THere were 435,000 confirmed cases of Covid-19 in NY. That's not even accounting for the overflow from NJ and CT. That's 22 patients for every bed, and that's assuming no one else needed those beds for other things. They had to go somewhere, and a lot of these oldsters got sent back to the Nursing Homes they came from.

None of which would have been necessary if Trump hadn't fucked up the response to start with.
Tell the truth for once you lying fuck. Hospitals were NEVEr overwhelmed. Field hospitals sat empty. The medical ship left because it WASN’T NEEDED stupid. Cuomo killed those people and you are a fucking piece of shit for defending him and blaming Trump. Your excuses are just like you. Pathetic.
Back, back, back...gone! Home Run!!!!!!

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