Janice Dean of FOX News: COVID-19 killed my in-laws after Cuomo's reckless New York nursing home policy

If you did you would have to lock up every governor that is presiding over a state where the virus is out of control and yet still want to act like we are on the downside of this. Lots of old people are dead and many others are yet to perish in your red states yet you only seem to care about the ones you can pin on a democratic governor. Make up your minds. Is this a deadly disease or is this a minor flu with acceptible losses? Can't have it both ways.
We have to break down our population into categories. As a person who is getting older, we know that in history getting this old has not been the norm. Our aging need to be studied as much as possible. Getting old means the body breaks down a bit. Maybe a lot. Immunity and body systems can and does decrease. People getting sick with this virus or flu can die. I would hope as medicine gets better that improving the health of the aging increases by medical advancements. Extending the lifespan is less important then that.
Sounds like a Fox Personality, making lots of money but still sticking their parents in assisted living because they don't want to be bothered with them.
I rarely, if ever, agree with anything you say, but I have to agree with that - - - ^ ^ ^

My own mother is working on 92, and she requires constant care also, but we know damn well that if we put her in an assisted living nursing home, we'd never see her again. So my sister moved her into an apartment in the same building as her's so she can take care of her when she can, and we've hired a professional live in care giver for her. Yes this requires a lot of effort, and money, but if you love your parent, that's what you do.

However, it should be pointed out, that no one really expected what happened in nursing homes in NY to happen when this pandemic hit. Cuomo really did screw the pooch when he moved infected patients into these places. For all intents and purposes, he exposed the most vulnerable people to the virus, and thus condemned them to a death sentence, and to top it off, a death sentence to die alone. It's horrific, and an outrage. I hope the people that lost loved ones in these homes that Cuomo shipped covid patients to get together in a class action law suit and sue him into bankruptcy. His stupidity is simply mind numbing.
Yes, Cuomo really fucked up with that decision.....and it would have really been fucked up if he didn't acknowledge it and change direction......

Yet, the same folks outraged at Cuomo seems to give Trump a pass for continuing to do fucked up things regarding this pandemic.... and not changing direction....
Cuomo was trying to blame the President from the beginning. He knew he screwed it up.
However, it should be pointed out, that no one really expected what happened in nursing homes in NY to happen when this pandemic hit. Cuomo really did screw the pooch when he moved infected patients into these places. For all intents and purposes, he exposed the most vulnerable people to the virus, and thus condemned them to a death sentence, and to top it off, a death sentence to die alone. It's horrific, and an outrage. I hope the people that lost loved ones in these homes that Cuomo shipped covid patients to get together in a class action law suit and sue him into oblivion. I hope they sue in civil court for murder. His stupidity is simply mind numbing.

Again, where else were they going to put them? The Hospitals were filled to capacity, their families didn't want to take them back. The only places ready to care for people with chronic illnesses were - wait for it - the Nursing HOmes.

We wouldn't be here if it weren't for Trump's criminal incompetence to start with.
They had an entire hospital shop available. Cuomo fucked up big time.
People knew who was at risk before any lockdowns and he still fucked up.
this is horrifying! lock up Cuomo!

Meanwhile fox news and the right were saying this was all a hoex at the time New York was haviong thier influx. How do you explain a hoex doing this? By the way what policy exactly of Cuomos lead to these deaths?
Really putting those ten brain cells to the test aren't we? Do you live under a rock? Oh...my bust, you watch MSNBC and CNN so you are not connected with reality.
Not under a rock on the great lakes for a month. I have watched no tv. I go back on the water friday. Hope to be same for the next month. Three hots and a cot and a big check. Who cares what happens on land while on the water.
this is horrifying! lock up Cuomo!

Meanwhile fox news and the right were saying this was all a hoex at the time New York was haviong thier influx. How do you explain a hoex doing this? By the way what policy exactly of Cuomos lead to these deaths?
Really putting those ten brain cells to the test aren't we? Do you live under a rock? Oh...my bust, you watch MSNBC and CNN so you are not connected with reality.
Not under a rock on the great lakes for a month. I have watched no tv. I go back on the water friday. Hope to be same for the next month. Three hots and a cot and a big check. Who cares what happens on land while on the water.
The land where you have to port. I've been on ship on the big water in Marines. Now what does your merchant mariner job have to do with being out of touch with current events? Seems you watch enough propaganda to criticize conservatives.
Sure. Trump is to blame for a Chinese virus. Traitor.

Sure he is, he had three months of warning. He didn't order masks, he didn't order tests, he didn't tell people to shelter in place. He promoted quack cures and ignored the medical professionals and called it a hoax.

Totally his fault.

Tell the truth for once you lying fuck. Hospitals were NEVEr overwhelmed. Field hospitals sat empty. The medical ship left because it WASN’T NEEDED stupid. Cuomo killed those people and you are a fucking piece of shit for defending him and blaming Trump. Your excuses are just like you. Pathetic.

22,000 beds and 435,000 cases. There wasn't enough room to put them all, that was the point.

Trump Plague was a totally preventable tragedy. Cuomo did the best he could in a bad situation.
this is horrifying! lock up Cuomo!

Meanwhile fox news and the right were saying this was all a hoex at the time New York was haviong thier influx. How do you explain a hoex doing this? By the way what policy exactly of Cuomos lead to these deaths?
Really putting those ten brain cells to the test aren't we? Do you live under a rock? Oh...my bust, you watch MSNBC and CNN so you are not connected with reality.
Not under a rock on the great lakes for a month. I have watched no tv. I go back on the water friday. Hope to be same for the next month. Three hots and a cot and a big check. Who cares what happens on land while on the water.
The land where you have to port. I've been on ship on the big water in Marines. Now what does your merchant mariner job have to do with being out of touch with current events? Seems you watch enough propaganda to criticize conservatives.
during the summer I do not care much about any of it. better things to do. You should try the same you might grow a brain in the time off.
Sure. Trump is to blame for a Chinese virus. Traitor.

Sure he is, he had three months of warning. He didn't order masks, he didn't order tests, he didn't tell people to shelter in place. He promoted quack cures and ignored the medical professionals and called it a hoax.

Totally his fault.

Tell the truth for once you lying fuck. Hospitals were NEVEr overwhelmed. Field hospitals sat empty. The medical ship left because it WASN’T NEEDED stupid. Cuomo killed those people and you are a fucking piece of shit for defending him and blaming Trump. Your excuses are just like you. Pathetic.

22,000 beds and 435,000 cases. There wasn't enough room to put them all, that was the point.

Trump Plague was a totally preventable tragedy. Cuomo did the best he could in a bad situation.
Chinese virus has nothing to do with President Trump. It was sweeping across the world and with the size of our country and a free market economy it was going to come here. Nothing could have prevented the Chinese virus from hitting our nation. That's the or we pay for allowing a communist regime to dump their crap in our marketplace. Your Trump Derangement Syndrome on full display with yet another example of leftist diatribe.
Chinese virus has nothing to do with President Trump. It was sweeping across the world and with the size of our country and a free market economy it was going to come here.

Yes, it was going to. But TRump had three months to prepare.

He ignored the doctors, he called it a hoax, he reversed himself on masks several times, he pushed quack cures.

It's why we have 4% of the population and 25% of the cases/deaths.
Chinese virus has nothing to do with President Trump. It was sweeping across the world and with the size of our country and a free market economy it was going to come here.

Yes, it was going to. But TRump had three months to prepare.

He ignored the doctors, he called it a hoax, he reversed himself on masks several times, he pushed quack cures.

It's why we have 4% of the population and 25% of the cases/deaths.
Liberals were prepared to blame Trump for his response before one case even hit the United States. They have been criticizing him and trying to delegitmize his presidency since day one. Why should Chinese virus be any different? 25% of deaths is a false figure when you take into account pre-existing conditions and hospital's falsely flaming COVID deaths to get more federal funds. Documented in media, but liberal national media won't report on it.
Liberals were prepared to blame Trump for his response before one case even hit the United States. They have been criticizing him and trying to delegitmize his presidency since day one. Why should Chinese virus be any different? 25% of deaths is a false figure when you take into account pre-existing conditions and hospital's falsely flaming COVID deaths to get more federal funds. Documented in media, but liberal national media won't report on it.

You think there was no funding issues or pre-existing conditions in those other countries? You know, the ones that handled this crisis competently.
Liberals were prepared to blame Trump for his response before one case even hit the United States. They have been criticizing him and trying to delegitmize his presidency since day one. Why should Chinese virus be any different? 25% of deaths is a false figure when you take into account pre-existing conditions and hospital's falsely flaming COVID deaths to get more federal funds. Documented in media, but liberal national media won't report on it.

You think there was no funding issues or pre-existing conditions in those other countries? You know, the ones that handled this crisis competently.
Like Denmark and it's 12 people? Funding issues? Didn't Obama cut the funding for emergency response and allow our PPE and pharmaceuticals to be produced in China? Sure did.
Like Denmark and it's 12 people? Funding issues?

No, I mean like Japan with it's 110 Million people, who despite being closer to China and having much closer economic ties to them, has had only 26,000 cases and 989 deaths. Japan did what we refused to do. They closed down the schools immediately, imposed social distancing, wore masks, etc.

Didn't Obama cut the funding for emergency response and allow our PPE and pharmaceuticals to be produced in China?

Um, no, he didn't. And no one allowed PPE to be made in China, it's just that it was cheaper to make disposable items there.
Sounds like a Fox Personality, making lots of money but still sticking their parents in assisted living because they don't want to be bothered with them.
I rarely, if ever, agree with anything you say, but I have to agree with that - - - ^ ^ ^

My own mother is working on 92, and she requires constant care also, but we know damn well that if we put her in an assisted living nursing home, we'd never see her again. So my sister moved her into an apartment in the same building as her's so she can take care of her when she can, and we've hired a professional live in care giver for her. Yes this requires a lot of effort, and money, but if you love your parent, that's what you do.

However, it should be pointed out, that no one really expected what happened in nursing homes in NY to happen when this pandemic hit. Cuomo really did screw the pooch when he moved infected patients into these places. For all intents and purposes, he exposed the most vulnerable people to the virus, and thus condemned them to a death sentence, and to top it off, a death sentence to die alone. It's horrific, and an outrage. I hope the people that lost loved ones in these homes that Cuomo shipped covid patients to get together in a class action law suit and sue him into bankruptcy. His stupidity is simply mind numbing.
Yes, Cuomo really fucked up with that decision.....and it would have really been fucked up if he didn't acknowledge it and change direction......

Yet, the same folks outraged at Cuomo seems to give Trump a pass for continuing to do fucked up things regarding this pandemic.... and not changing direction....
Cuomo was trying to blame the President from the beginning. He knew he screwed it up.
and right now Trump is blaming the same governors he urged to open up now or else.....claiming they opened up too soon, and you folks have no problem with that sort of gaslighting....

But Trump is use to blaming everyone else but himself -- and he has an army of sycophants that will carry water for him........
Cuomo was trying to blame the President from the beginning. He knew he screwed it up.
"I just want to reiterate once again that the policy that the Department of Health put out was in line directly with the March 13 directive put out by (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) that read, and I quote, 'Nursing homes should admit any individuals from hospitals where Covid is present,'" said Secretary to the Governor Melissa DeRosa on Saturday during a briefing. "Not could, should ... that is President (Donald) Trump's CMS and CDC.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services issued a memorandum on March 13 stating, in part, "Nursing homes should admit any individuals that they would normally admit to their facility, including individuals from hospitals where a case of COVID-19 was/is present."
Cuomo was trying to blame the President from the beginning. He knew he screwed it up.
"I just want to reiterate once again that the policy that the Department of Health put out was in line directly with the March 13 directive put out by (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) that read, and I quote, 'Nursing homes should admit any individuals from hospitals where Covid is present,'" said Secretary to the Governor Melissa DeRosa on Saturday during a briefing. "Not could, should ... that is President (Donald) Trump's CMS and CDC.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services issued a memorandum on March 13 stating, in part, "Nursing homes should admit any individuals that they would normally admit to their facility, including individuals from hospitals where a case of COVID-19 was/is present."
Nothing like the facts to mess up another unresearched, bullshit thread from a Trumplehead.
Cuomo was trying to blame the President from the beginning. He knew he screwed it up.
"I just want to reiterate once again that the policy that the Department of Health put out was in line directly with the March 13 directive put out by (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) that read, and I quote, 'Nursing homes should admit any individuals from hospitals where Covid is present,'" said Secretary to the Governor Melissa DeRosa on Saturday during a briefing. "Not could, should ... that is President (Donald) Trump's CMS and CDC.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services issued a memorandum on March 13 stating, in part, "Nursing homes should admit any individuals that they would normally admit to their facility, including individuals from hospitals where a case of COVID-19 was/is present."
Nothing like the facts to mess up another unresearched, bullshit thread from a Trumplehead.
What fact? The fact is Cuomo killed those people and Janice Dean would kick your punk ass.
Over 41% of ALL COVID-19 deaths in America occurred in nursing homes.
The majority of nursing home deaths occurred in New York State.
So the majority of COVID-19 deaths in the United States can be directly traced back to the failed policy of one man: Cuomo
However, now that Cuomo is done requiring that all infected nursing patients remain in their facilities, so they can effectively kill other residents...
...he’s busy violating his own mask & travel mandate, by failing to wear one on his recent trip to Georgia, as well as refusing to self-quarantine for 14 days after visiting a high-risk state.
But, evidently, according to Dr. Cuomo, you can’t get COVID if you’ve been in the infected state for less than 24 hours.
Cuomo was trying to blame the President from the beginning. He knew he screwed it up.
"I just want to reiterate once again that the policy that the Department of Health put out was in line directly with the March 13 directive put out by (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) that read, and I quote, 'Nursing homes should admit any individuals from hospitals where Covid is present,'" said Secretary to the Governor Melissa DeRosa on Saturday during a briefing. "Not could, should ... that is President (Donald) Trump's CMS and CDC.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services issued a memorandum on March 13 stating, in part, "Nursing homes should admit any individuals that they would normally admit to their facility, including individuals from hospitals where a case of COVID-19 was/is present."
Lie! Already debunked multiple times. Try again lifelong loser. This is all on Cuomo, not Trump.

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