January 6th hero's receive medals, January 6th rioters receive jail time

Yep. Meanwhile, their supporters continue to pretend the whole thing was no big deal. Let 'em.

It was a big deal that protesters went too far and stormed the Capitol , just not a planned insurrection to take over the government of the most powerful country in the world, which would have in fact been a much bigger deal with many more people armed with many, many guns.. That is how those things work. Pretty simple really for those not completely indoctrinated…..the same people that believe it was completely ok for the FBI to pay Twitter for their services of censoring speech from the right. Exactly the same people. Nothing but fully trained sheep.
"The real heroes are the people in jail."

You seem to be referring to the January 6th attackers who remain in jail awaiting trial or sentencing, or.....those have already been sentenced and incarcerated.

So, in either case.....how many people fall in your categories, poster Blaster?

And why do you think folks in either category would be "heroes"?

You seem to be referring to the January 6th attackers who remain in jail awaiting trial or sentencing, or.....those have already been sentenced and incarcerated.

So, in either case.....how many people fall in your categories, poster Blaster?

And why do you think folks in either category would be "heroes"?
Hey, stupid poster shit for brains, WHO GAVE THE ORDERS to the Capitol Police to LET THE "insurrectionists" IN THE BUILDING?????
It was a big deal that protesters went too far and stormed the Capitol , just not a planned insurrection to take over the government of the most powerful country in the world, which would have in fact been a much bigger deal with many more people armed with many, many guns.. That is how those things work. Pretty simple really for those not completely indoctrinated…..the same people that believe it was completely ok for the FBI to pay Twitter for their services of censoring speech from the right. Exactly the same people. Nothing but fully trained sheep.
Actually the proud boys and oath keepers had many many weapons stashed outside of washington dc in preparation of seizing the capitol.

Trump wanted troops to protect his supporters at Jan. 6 rally

Meadows Jan. 5 email indicated Guard on standby to ‘protect pro Trump people,’
Hey, stupid poster shit for brains, WHO GAVE THE ORDERS to the Capitol Police to LET THE "insurrectionists" IN THE BUILDING?????


Capitol Police Suspends 6 Officers, Investigates Dozens More After Capitol Riots

Videos from the day of the attack appear to show some officers escorting rioters inside the building. In one video, USCP officers can be seen opening barricades allowing the mob to enter the Capitol complex without resistance.
Actually the proud boys and oath keepers had many many weapons stashed outside of washington dc in preparation of seizing the capitol.

Trump wanted troops to protect his supporters at Jan. 6 rally

Meadows Jan. 5 email indicated Guard on standby to ‘protect pro Trump people,’

”Do whatever is necessary to protect demonstrators that were executing their constitutionally protected rights.”

And? What is wrong with protecting demonstrators? I mean there certainly was precedent that suggested the left may have people there to attempt to disrupt any protest. Remember, the year of burning cities? Yeah, that was the left.
January 6th hero's receive medals, January 6th rioters receive jail time.
The brave police officers who defended the Capitol on Jan. 6th, both living and dead, along with others who stood up to those trying to overturn the 2020 election, received Presidential Citizens Medal for their bravery.
The participants in the seditious riot continue to be prosecuted and jail.
Justice is being done. Our system, as defined by our Constitution, is winning over a challenge to our nation. The biggest internal challenge since the Civil War. Once again, good is winning over evil.

Where were the medals for those officers that protected the civilians during the BLM riots?

Those people had guns and lit fires.

The police didn't deserve medals?

Those medals are political. All they did that day was their job.

Capitol Police Suspends 6 Officers, Investigates Dozens More After Capitol Riots

Videos from the day of the attack appear to show some officers escorting rioters inside the building. In one video, USCP officers can be seen opening barricades allowing the mob to enter the Capitol complex without resistance.

NPR, Reuters and Politico are your last three sources. The title of article from Reuters is “Trump wanted troops to protect his supporters at Jan. 6 rally”. Funny because that is NOT what was said. This is how the MSM trick the small minded and pull them in. Sad.

Capitol Police Suspends 6 Officers, Investigates Dozens More After Capitol Riots

Videos from the day of the attack appear to show some officers escorting rioters inside the building. In one video, USCP officers can be seen opening barricades allowing the mob to enter the Capitol complex without resistance.
Yeah right, they acted on their own accord.
"GO GO GO!!!!!!!"
”Do whatever is necessary to protect demonstrators that were executing their constitutionally protected rights.”

And? What is wrong with protecting demonstrators? I mean there certainly was precedent that suggested the left may have people there to attempt to disrupt any protest. Remember, the year of burning cities? Yeah, that was the left.

Their constitutional right to protest ends on the capitol steps.
Once the protestors crossed the line, they went from patriots to seditionists.

It's like when the FBI has a mafia informant under witness protection, and finds out they started committing illegal acts.
Where were the medals for those officers that protected the civilians during the BLM riots?

Those people had guns and lit fires.

The police didn't deserve medals?

Those medals are political. All they did that day was their job.

The BLM riots were for a just cause to the left, so they were ok. This is how their minds work. As long as they get their way, they don’t care what laws are violated, what property is destroyed or who is killed.
Their constitutional right to protest ends on the capitol steps.
Once the protestors crossed the line, they went from patriots to seditionists.

It's like when the FBI has a mafia informant under witness protection, and finds out they started committing illegal acts.

Ok, and when did Trump say that he wanted the protestors to be allowed to enter the Capital building and for the National Guard to protect them while doing so? He merely said they should be protected while protesting. I am not arguing that they should have been allowed into the Capitol building and Trump didn’t ask for protection to allow them to do so.
"......just not a planned insurrection to take over the government of the most powerful country in the world, which would have in fact been a much bigger deal with many more people armed with many, many guns.. That is how those things work."

Here's another way things work:
With no need to have thousands armed to assault the Capitol and our assembled legislators one could have relatively small organized groups.....ala' Oathkeepers and/or Proud Boys, et al......act as the 'tip-of-the-spear' and lead the assault to disrupt the actual execution of the Electoral College protocols. Once the count is stopped in such a manner we are by definition in a Constitutional crisis.

And with no need to install a brand new government with all new people the existing government ---the Trump Administration -- declares a corruption of the Electoral College and installs martial law. And follow with re-counts of specific Republican controlled state's ballots; and/or rules that the 'alternative EC ballots' submitted by several of those same Republican controlled states are the real and valid EC ballots.
That's how things could be done, too.

And there seems to be testimony to that effect.

A not irrelevant insight:

"Former Assistant Attorney General Richard Donoghue said he once spent 90 minutes debunking Trump’s false claims about the election being stolen from him one by one. But eventually, Trump gave up trying to convince them of legal merit.

“Just say it was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the Republican congressmen,” Trump said at one point, meaning himself and Republican allies in Congress, according to notes taken by Donoghue and made public during the hearing. Donoghue reiterated: “That’s an exact quote."

Michael Flynn offered:
"Flynn....... made an impassioned case to invoke martial law and deploy the military in a bid to prevent President-elect Joe Biden from taking office.

"Within the swing states, if he wanted to, he could take military capabilities, and he could place those in states and basically rerun an election in each of those states.
"I mean, it's not unprecedented. These people are out there talking about martial law like it's something that we've never done."


"My Pillow founder and Trump supporter Mike Lindell was photographed entering the West Wing of the White House on Friday, carrying notes which seemed to advocate the imposition of martial law."
January 6th hero's receive medals, January 6th rioters receive jail time.
The brave police officers who defended the Capitol on Jan. 6th, both living and dead, along with others who stood up to those trying to overturn the 2020 election, received Presidential Citizens Medal for their bravery.
The participants in the seditious riot continue to be prosecuted and jail.
Justice is being done. Our system, as defined by our Constitution, is winning over a challenge to our nation. The biggest internal challenge since the Civil War. Once again, good is winning over evil.

Fakes news about a fake event
Where were the medals for those officers that protected the civilians during the BLM riots?

Those people had guns and lit fires.

The police didn't deserve medals?

Those medals are political. All they did that day was their job.
Actually the supreme court ruled that police have no obligation to protect either individuals or individuals property. That's a collective right with no standing by the individuals involved.

In contrast the capitol police are specifically chartered for the protection of the Capitol, it's grounds and it's members.
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NPR, Reuters and Politico are your last three sources. The title of article from Reuters is “Trump wanted troops to protect his supporters at Jan. 6 rally”. Funny because that is NOT what was said. This is how the MSM trick the small minded and pull them in. Sad.
Maybe that's how fox news spins it, but the actual memo's to the from the department of defense stated that unless the Sec of Def (acting) gave specific orders, that National Guard were not to detain any of the protestors, or to be equipped to impede the protests.

Specifically, not to be issued weapons or riot gear.
Their constitutional right to protest ends on the capitol steps.
Once the protestors crossed the line, they went from patriots to seditionists.

It's like when the FBI has a mafia informant under witness protection, and finds out they started committing illegal acts.
Funny, I never noticed that sentiment from those of you on the left when Cindy Sheehan's group was disrupting Congressional hearings, or when Trump's SC appointments were having their hearings disrupted by far left screamers in the chamber...

Now, surely you wouldn't be advocating different standards for your protestors, and your opposition now would you?
The BLM riots were for a just cause to the left, so they were ok. This is how their minds work. As long as they get their way, they don’t care what laws are violated, what property is destroyed or who is killed.
I've said many times, that the protests were justified, not the riots, arson or lootings. And that those who committed those crimes should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Your whine is because the BLM protestors wore masks, and did much of their criminality outside of surveillance equipment, in the dark of night, and weren't easy to identify.

Those of January 6th, mostly didn't wear masks, and committed their acts in broad daylight, in front of thousands of surveillance cameras.

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