January 6th hero's receive medals, January 6th rioters receive jail time

Maybe that's how fox news spins it, but the actual memo's to the from the department of defense stated that unless the Sec of Def (acting) gave specific orders, that National Guard were not to detain any of the protestors, or to be equipped to impede the protests.

Specifically, not to be issued weapons or riot gear.

Sure, they shouldn’t imped the protest. That is correct. Like you said, the protestors were no longer protestors when they tried to invade the Capitol. If the National Guard had been present, they would have been expected to stop it.
"Hey, stupid poster shit for brains, WHO GAVE THE ORDERS to the Capitol Police to LET THE "insurrectionists" IN THE BUILDING?????"

Well, good poster Sea7, let's move beyond your epithets about 'stupid'.....and go to your assertion about "orders" to let in the attackers of our legislators on January 6th.

I've neither seen or heard any testimony about such orders. What is your source that such orders were actually given? By whom? To whom?
Do you have vetting on your assertion?

Saddle up, my friend
Ok, and when did Trump say that he wanted the protestors to be allowed to enter the Capital building and for the National Guard to protect them while doing so?

Actually Trump said just that in two separate stages. His orders to the Sec of Defense for the National Guard to protect the protestors. And his rally, where he was going to lead them to the Capitol, to confront Mike Pense, who was deep within the halls of congress.
The same is true of those who support and attempt to defend the rightwing domestic terrorists who attacked America’s democracy on 1/6; along with those on the right who try to deflect from or down-play the treasonous coup attempt with misinformation and lies.
Are these people terrorists?

Maybe that's how fox news spins it, but the actual memo's to the from the department of defense stated that unless the Sec of Def (acting) gave specific orders, that National Guard were not to detain any of the protestors, or to be equipped to impede the protests.

Specifically, not to be issued weapons or riot gear.
Where in the hell are you getting your information from?

First off, Christopher Miller was the Sec Def on J6....

"Miller approved the deployment of National Guard troops from neighboring states to reinforce the D.C. National Guard at 4:41 p.m....he said the delay was because he wanted to avoid a repeat of the Kent State shootings.[13]"

I can find nothing that indicates that NG troops would have been denied riot gear, or their weapons when deployed...You made that up....
Those on the right who try to deflect from or down-play the treasonous coup attempt with misinformation and lies are just as complicit as the rightwing domestic terrorists who attack America’s democracy on 1/6.
Al we do is ignore idiocy by leftwing kooks.
Actually Trump said just that in two separate stages. His orders to the Sec of Defense for the National Guard to protect the protestors. And his rally, where he was going to lead them to the Capitol, to confront Mike Pense, who was deep within the halls of congress.
Again another false narrative from postman....

When asked under oath if Trump had given him orders to deploy NG, Miller said:

"Miller later testified that he had no need to speak with the President on January 6 because, "I had all the authority I needed and I knew what had to happen"

So, here's where you have a chance to show your work here....Where are you getting this narrative from? Because it is misinformation...
Funny, I never noticed that sentiment from those of you on the left when Cindy Sheehan's group was disrupting Congressional hearings, or when Trump's SC appointments were having their hearings disrupted by far left screamers in the chamber...

Those people were escorted from the chambers, and detained awaiting possible prosecution.

Of course you left out how republican disrupters weren't thrown out.

Mar 1, 2022 — Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., and Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., repeatedly interrupted and interjected during President Joe Biden's State of the Union....
Well, good poster Sea7, let's move beyond your epithets about 'stupid'.....and go to your assertion about "orders" to let in the attackers of our legislators on January 6th.

I've neither seen or heard any testimony about such orders. What is your source that such orders were actually given? By whom? To whom?
Do you have vetting on your assertion?

Saddle up, my friend
Hey, condescending shit poster, who gave the orders for the Capitol Police to wave in the "insurrectionists"????
DC Police Waving People Towards Yesterday's Riots
"GO GO GO!!!"
Who gave the ORDERS for the Capitol Police to STAND DOWN????
Capitol Police Stood Down

Fuck you, and YOUR Reichstag Fire!
Those people were escorted from the chambers, and detained awaiting possible prosecution.
And all of em were never given more than a ticket for disorderly conduct....They sure weren't thrown in DC jail for over two years now were they?

Of course you left out how republican disrupters weren't thrown out.

For reasons we still don't know there were not enough Cap police on duty that day to do such...They should have been, but it is starting to seem like political forces within the Democrat party wanted this mismatch for the optics....So, Demo's put lives in danger so you could have your talking points...Ain't it great?

Mar 1, 2022 — Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., and Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., repeatedly interrupted and interjected during President Joe Biden's State of the Union....

Not a fan of either of those people....But disrespect at the POTUS is a pretty common thing these days....Beware of those horns holding up your halo....
That information will soon be revealed.
Let's hope so....I am not so sure it won't be another exercise in futility, just like Gowdy's show....

Republican's don't have the stomach to do what Democrat's did with the J6 committee for instance....

They just said that they were going to introduce a Select Committee to investigate the weaponization of our governmental agencies against the American people. Now, they should do exactly what Demo's did with the J6 committee and reject partisan hacks they try to put up, and watch them whine.....
They just said that they were going to introduce a Select Committee to investigate the weaponization of our governmental agencies against the American people.
I wonder if they’re going to investigate the Trump DoJ persecuting Dems to help Republicans?
Sure, they shouldn’t imped the protest. That is correct. Like you said, the protestors were no longer protestors when they tried to invade the Capitol. If the National Guard had been present, they would have been expected to stop it.

They were neither equipped, nor authorized by law to stop the protestors.

To paraphrase the line from the movie "aliens". What are we supposed to use, harsh language?
They were neither equipped, nor authorized by law to stop the protestors.

To paraphrase the line from the movie "aliens". What are we supposed to use, harsh language?
Bullshit....I have asked twice now where you are getting that from, because it is a lie....

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