January 6th hero's receive medals, January 6th rioters receive jail time

Your denial of reality is so extreme you should be institutionalized

Then come get me, butthole and see what it gets you. I'm so sick and tired of you pathetic, deranged bozos whose every answer to every post is to label the messenger because you can never refute the argument.
Those who rioted and attacked the Capitol on Jan. 6th are looked on as criminals and seditionists by the vast majority of Americans.
The same is true of those who support and attempt to defend the rightwing domestic terrorists who attacked America’s democracy on 1/6; along with those on the right who try to deflect from or down-play the treasonous coup attempt with misinformation and lies.
those who support and attempt to defend the rightwing domestic terrorists who attacked America’s democracy or down-play the treasonous coup attempt with misinformation and lies.

The reason non-MAGA people come to this site is to be entertained by what the MAGA minions say. You block the MAGA minions, you might as well shut down.
I answered your question, satan.
Please answer my question.
"What if many major media sites reported "The Great Satan" (whatever your real name is) is a pedophile. All the people in your neighborhood, your city, your state receive the information. Should those media site have the right to report that without being banned?"
January 6th hero's receive medals, January 6th rioters receive jail time.
The brave police officers who defended the Capitol on Jan. 6th, both living and dead, along with others who stood up to those trying to overturn the 2020 election, received Presidential Citizens Medal for their bravery.
The participants in the seditious riot continue to be prosecuted and jail.
Justice is being done. Our system, as defined by our Constitution, is winning over a challenge to our nation. The biggest internal challenge since the Civil War. Once again, good is winning over evil.

Massive wins for the good guys.
Those on the right who try to deflect from or down-play the
. . . warped bullshit hypocritical stories of the Left?

treasonous coup attempt with misinformation and lies
When do you Ministry of Propaganda psychotic Nazi types intend to start arresting and shooting all of the tens of millions of people out there with an actual, functioning brain who don't fall into line with your party's fascist agenda?

are just as complicit as the rightwing domestic terrorists who attack America’s democracy on 1/6.
Better get loaded for bear. Tough guys like you are good at making baseless accusations hiding in your mother's attic typing on a keyboard. After all, you're an EXPERT on domestic terrorism after practicing it through most of 2020 on 60,000 police, millions of citizens, hundreds of cities and countless businesses who still sit smoking largely in ruin, like everything else you dangerous idiots touch!
I have a better question. Why do you believe propaganda and spread it?

I have an even better question: If the 2020 election had been held the EXACT SAME WAY except everything were reversed with Trump in hiding, Joe having had an historic win and popularity just the election before while producing an economic boom, the debates all heavily slanted and hostile then against Biden, then Joe's big lead suddenly disappeared at 4AM in empty rooms in JUST THE SWING STATES NEEDED FOR A WIN with many republicans passing illegal actions and committing things clearly against state voting law with loads of illegitimate "voters" voting on highly flawed voter listings, and scads of other highly irregular actions, ALL favoring Trump, then immediately after the shocking turnaround, everything locked down, no one allowed to even challenge nor question anything as the entire MSM went on the same "all fraud claims are baseless and disproven" a mere THREE FUCKING DAYS after the election when 100% of the votes had not even yet been counted and none of the claims, cases or data supporting fraud had even been filed yet much less looked into, then you find out that the Koch Brothers had given HALF A BILLION dollars to fifty secret subversive organizations run by The Proud Boys and The Oath Keepers to ballot harvest and swing the election while the FBI no less was working with social media to suppress Biden supporters and anti-Trump news and things like that all across the internet while the media all pulled 98% for Trump,


We all know what the answer to that would be so don't you dare try to wiggle your ass out of it. :1peleas:
Hundreds of police were assaulted by thousands of rioters.

HEY BONEHEAD! Have you read what your president just said? Joe said on 1/6:

"On Friday, Biden even canonized saints for this new religion, awarding the Presidential Citizens Medal to twelve (twelve, just like the apostles!) capitol police who supposedly held the line against the vicious “insurrectionists.” These twelve, he declared, “embody the best before, during and after January the 6, 2021.”

Looks like Joe Bedpan himself only sees TWELVE police, NOT HUNDREDS you fucking twit, as having even put up a fight against all of your imaginary "thousands" of rioters!" :laughing0301:

Had that really been true, had they really wanted to or actually been ARMED, they would have torn through that building faster that quack through a duck's ass, moron.

excited duck waddle gif | WiffleGif

That's Nancy running away from the fact that whatever did happen on J6 happened only because she refused to assign protection against all warnings and left the Capitol wide open to attack. :lmao:
What propaganda am I spreading?
To quote you:
There are 3 types of Democrats.

Democrats who actively groom children and partake in child drag shows and get gender affirming care for their kids, AKA sex changes.

Democrats who defend the pedos

And Democrats who deny any of the trans stuff is happening to cover for the pedos"
To quote you:
There are 3 types of Democrats.

Democrats who actively groom children and partake in child drag shows and get gender affirming care for their kids, AKA sex changes.

Democrats who defend the pedos

And Democrats who deny any of the trans stuff is happening to cover for the pedos"
What type of Democrat are you? A type 1, type 2, or type 3?
January 6th hero's receive medals, January 6th rioters receive jail time.
The brave police officers who defended the Capitol on Jan. 6th, both living and dead, along with others who stood up to those trying to overturn the 2020 election, received Presidential Citizens Medal for their bravery.
The participants in the seditious riot continue to be prosecuted and jail.
Justice is being done. Our system, as defined by our Constitution, is winning over a challenge to our nation. The biggest internal challenge since the Civil War. Once again, good is winning over evil.

The real heroes are the people in jail.

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