January 6th hero's receive medals, January 6th rioters receive jail time

I posted Millers memo. That's not opinion, that's not spin, that's not bias. Read the memo. That's the orders the national guard had to follow from the (acting) Sec of Def, who was in charge of the DC Nati0onal Guard.
they were requested to do traffic control....You left that out...
they were requested to do traffic control....You left that out...
Actually that was only ONE of the requests of them, and that was from the Mayor who had been told they were there to protect the protestors, not the Capitol.

So she requested the National Guard be deployed where they could do the least damage. So her forces wouldn't have to confront both protestors, and guardsmen running protection for them.
You'll need to do your own head count. We know we have video of columns of them, marching in combat formation, breeching the doors, windows and entering the halls of congress, ahead of the crowd that followed them in.
Ooooh, "columns of them" eh?

Would it surprise you to find out according to the NYTimes, it was about 40?

"To date, more than 40 people linked to the Proud Boys are among the more than 800 people charged in connection with the riot."

So, why don't you just quit the hyperbole, and lying here...You're starting to embarrass yourself...
Actually that was only ONE of the requests of them, and that was from the Mayor who had been told they were there to protect the protestors, not the Capitol.

So she requested the National Guard be deployed where they could do the least damage. So her forces wouldn't have to confront both protestors, and guardsmen running protection for them.
Laughable...Now you start to spin....Tell me why NG would need riot gear, and weapons to do traffic control?
You have to be kidding. There has been video and images on every media outlet in the world. You are a liar and a an idiot. You justify assaulting police officers. You are worse than ANTIFA.


Now do Antifa and BLM at CHAZ/CHOP
Actually the supreme court ruled that police have no obligation to protect either individuals or individuals property. That's a collective right with no standing by the individuals involved.

In contrast the capitol police are specifically chartered for the protection of the Capitol, it's grounds and it's members.
So the fact that they DID protect the civilians even though they are not required to do so by a SCOTUS ruling means they are not worthy of recognition.

Got it.
Ooooh, "columns of them" eh?

Would it surprise you to find out according to the NYTimes, it was about 40?

Would it surprise you that's many more than it took to take out Obama BinLaden?

The raid, approved by president Barack Obama and involving two-dozen Navy Seals in two Black Hawk helicopters, was launched from Afghanistan, where U.S. forces were based, about 120 miles (190 km) away. The raid was 40 minutes long; bin Laden was killed shortly before 1:00 a.m. PKT
So the fact that they DID protect the civilians even though they are not required to do so by a SCOTUS ruling means they are not worthy of recognition.

Got it.
You also confuse that's purely a STATE function. Write the governor of the states involved if you want them recognized.
Would it surprise you that's many more than it took to take out Obama BinLaden?

The raid, approved by president Barack Obama and involving two-dozen Navy Seals in two Black Hawk helicopters, was launched from Afghanistan, where U.S. forces were based, about 120 miles (190 km) away. The raid was 40 minutes long; bin Laden was killed shortly before 1:00 a.m. PKT
Oh my, you’re way too hyperbolic for me…Now, the 40 were all highly trained Seals, and special ops guys eh?

Nah, these were disrupter idiots with no real plans to overthrow anything….

Youre grasping at straws trying hard to make it out to be something it wasn’t to demonize those on one side…

Pure dishonesty.
January 6th hero's receive medals, January 6th rioters receive jail time.
The brave police officers who defended the Capitol on Jan. 6th, both living and dead, along with others who stood up to those trying to overturn the 2020 election, received Presidential Citizens Medal for their bravery.
The participants in the seditious riot continue to be prosecuted and jail.
Justice is being done. Our system, as defined by our Constitution, is winning over a challenge to our nation. The biggest internal challenge since the Civil War. Once again, good is winning over evil.

:yes_text12: :yes_text12: :yes_text12:
January 6th hero's receive medals, January 6th rioters receive jail time.
The brave police officers who defended the Capitol on Jan. 6th, both living and dead, along with others who stood up to those trying to overturn the 2020 election, received Presidential Citizens Medal for their bravery.
The participants in the seditious riot continue to be prosecuted and jail.
Justice is being done. Our system, as defined by our Constitution, is winning over a challenge to our nation. The biggest internal challenge since the Civil War. Once again, good is winning over evil.

Brother There was no challenge to the nation… it was a protest on January 6 that saw a handful of people use violence..it was much less violent much much less of a threat compared to the hundreds if not thousands of BLM riots in 2020.

Too bad that people in the media continue to say hey if it was a bunch of Black people on January 6 they would’ve been more down. Shocking that they say that considering the BLM riots which in many cases went on unabated…. We live in a country where news anchors can say things like “all white people have a virus” and nothing is done about it that is what van Jones CNN CNN and he did not get fired or reprimanded. So for the media to say “if the January 6 protesters were black it would’ve been a different story” is showing us that the media is corrupt and dishonest. Also because there were plenty of black and non-white people at the January 6 protest

the media continues to try and brainwash people into believing that our government could’ve somehow been overthrown by people who left an army and had no tanks and who are overwhelmingly just protesting. What do you have maybe 15 or 20 Trump supporters who use violence on January 6 compared to thousands of far left BLM pro blm People using violence destroying property. There’s no comparing it to the far left in America is a threat the racist. They believe America is evil and has an evil imperial history. There is no more fire rate in America.

We need more people on the center man.

I think the future will be good. Let’s stop the irrational opposition of Donald Trump. Let’s stand up to the racist BLM. Let’s stand up to the far left and let’s stand up to cancel culture. You know it’s about common sense standing up for equality among man..
One rioter was killed because of one officer. Any death is tragic. The circumstance of the one officer and her death must be examined as an isolated incident. No other police injured any of the rioters to the credit of the police.
Hundreds of police were assaulted by thousands of rioters. It was not an isolated incident. That was on top of calls to kill Pence, much property damage of the people's house and the attempt to stop congress from it's designated duties. Treason.
One tragic incident cannot be compared to the desires of thousands of rioters. You are disgusting for trying to justify the attack on police officers.
It is as bad or worse as those who justify attacking police in the past summer riots. You are the same.
What'd you say when ANTIFA tried to storm The White House and injured 50 Secret Service?

Unlike the people on 1/6, ANTIFA got routed.

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