January 6th hero's receive medals, January 6th rioters receive jail time

What'd you say when ANTIFA tried to storm The White House and injured 50 Secret Service?
I'd say prove ANTIFA was there. But there again, you aren't doing that because you are a piece of shit liar.
Love traitors I see. That figures.
You must have bumped your head looking in a mirror if you see me as a traitor….

But, look BWK, I’ll give you a chance to redeem yourself here…If you can point to one act I’ve done that is traitorous to this country, I’ll take it back.
You must have bumped your head looking in a mirror if you see me as a traitor….

But, look BWK, I’ll give you a chance to redeem yourself here…If you can point to one act I’ve done that is traitorous to this country, I’ll take it back.
Not supporting the heroes who defended the Capitol.
"Fuck you, and YOUR Reichstag Fire!"

A repurposed response:

'Question to the rest of the forum....with the caveat that I mean no disrespect towards the good poster, nor to MAGA-Q's in general:

But, is SeaMajor7 typical of MAGA-think?
Do all MAGA-Q's think and write like that particular poster?

And if so, well, why are MAGA-Q's that way?
Role models?

Asking out of mere curiosity. Sort of an anthropological perspective, I suppose.'
Not supporting the heroes who defended the Capitol.
I don’t really care that they got medals…I care that they allow themselves to be used as political tools.

So, now show me what US Code I have broken relating to treason liar.

A repurposed response:

'Question to the rest of the forum....with the caveat that I mean no disrespect towards the good poster, nor to MAGA-Q's in general:

But, is SeaMajor7 typical of MAGA-think?
Do all MAGA-Q's think and write like that particular poster?

And if so, well, why are MAGA-Q's that way?
Role models?

Asking out of mere curiosity. Sort of an anthropological perspective, I suppose.'
All of the above and then some.
Two things here JIm Bob; your link blocks me out, and the title of "WARNED" tells us nothing. It does not say they were there. Try again you filthy ass liar.
How do you know if you didn’t read it liar?
I don’t really care that they got medals…I care that they allow themselves to be used as political tools.

So, now show me what US Code I have broken relating to treason liar.
Are you cognitively challenged? Do you not have any understanding of heroes versus tools? People go into service not because they think they are tools. What an insult to all those who serve. You really are worthless piece of work.
Oh my, you’re way too hyperbolic for me…Now, the 40 were all highly trained Seals, and special ops guys eh?

Nah, these were disrupter idiots with no real plans to overthrow anything….

Youre grasping at straws trying hard to make it out to be something it wasn’t to demonize those on one side…

Pure dishonesty.
They were charged and convicted of seditious conspiracy. A charge requiring proof beyond a reasonable doubt,.

18 U.S. Code § 2384 - Seditious conspiracy

If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.
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Brother There was no challenge to the nation… it was a protest on January 6 that saw a handful of people use violence..it was much less violent much much less of a threat compared to the hundreds if not thousands of BLM riots in 2020.

None of the BLM riots were for the purpose of sedition against the government.
I'd say prove ANTIFA was there. But there again, you aren't doing that because you are a piece of shit liar.


Watch him pick himself up off the floor and move along as if nothing ever happened 😂

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