January inflation numbers

Consumer prices increased at an annual rate of 6.4% in January — a slight slowdown from the 6.5% seen in December, but above analysts' prediction of 6.2%.

Food prices increased 10.1% from last January, the ninth-consecutive double-digit annual increase for that category.

Shelter costs, which includes rent and the cost of homeownership, increased 7.9%. That's the fastest annualized rate since 1982. Rent costs increased 8%, another new record.

January inflation hits 6.4%, missing analysts' expectations for a faster slowdown
And the market tanked, at least all morning. Coming up a little now, at least less down.
The government policies are the proximal cause.

Let's get rid of the government. They are useless at best, and harmful most of the time.
Ok, I'll be taking of me and mine, you work on getting rid of the govenrment. I'm sure you will do the founders proud.
Ok, I'll be taking of me and mine, you work on getting rid of the govenrment. I'm sure you will do the founders proud.

Yeah, the Founders WILL be proud.

Remember what one of them said, "it is ofttimes necessary for the Tree of Liberty to be nourished by the blood of tyrants, and patriots".
Yeah, the Founders WILL be proud.

Remember what one of them said, "it is ofttimes necessary for the Tree of Liberty to be nourished by the blood of tyrants, and patriots".
Holy crap. I always wondered what quite represented all the founders.

Thanks for that.

Enjoy removing the government.
I don't have any issues, I'm set.
I think about you, and my friends.
I think of those who are on a fixed income.
The government is the problem, not the solution.
You want the government to step in and provide for those who can't provide for themselves?

The govenrment just keeps getting bigger.
But still trending up while inflation trends down.
Until it hits above inflation, wages are not keeping up with inflation. That is the meat and potatoes, right?

Now, when all the Biden's spending this year takes effect with money we don't have, that will again
put pressure on inflation, which will be countered against with higher lending rates from the fed reserve.
Who controls the House now?
Republicans ran on fixing inflation, gas prices, the border

All they care about is Hunter Biden’s Laptop
IF you supported what is best for our country, you would too.

As you know, President Biden has royally screwed up our economy. Now you want Republicans to fix your disaster in a matter of days. Grow up.
You want the government to step in and provide for those who can't provide for themselves?

The govenrment just keeps getting bigger.

No, we want the government to stop interfering with how people live.

That IS the very definition of fascism.

Nice to know you are an avowed fascist.
IF you supported what is best for our country, you would too.

As you know, President Biden has royally screwed up our economy. Now you want Republicans to fix your disaster in a matter of days. Grow up.

10 million jobs says otherwise
Democrats are the only ones who do things for the people
Now, if you disagree
Show me anything Republicans have done to help struggling families

Now prove the figures are wrong.

Under Trump, Americans Have Seen Their Best Wage Growth In 40 Years

NOVEMBER 02, 2020
Yet, during the first three years of the Trump presidency, wage growth was off the charts, especially for low-income workers and African Americans. The third-quarter economic data released Thursday confirm once again that Trump is on the job for U.S. workers.
Over the past 40 years, the inflation-adjusted growth trend for the U.S. median weekly wage has been $4.05 per quarter. During the first three years of the Trump administration, it was a staggering $6.90 per quarter.* During the Obama years, median wages grew at the anemic rate of $3.20 per quarter.
Obama oversaw the addition of 2.1 million African American wage earners during eight years in office, about 250,000 per year. Table 2 reveals the tepid results in terms of wage growth. Trump oversaw the addition of 1.3 million African American wage earners in his first three years, more than 400,000 per year. Excellent wage growth occurred across the spectrum. The results for the 10th and 25th percentiles were remarkable.

The 10th percentile U.S. weekly wage grew by $3.25 per quarter for African Americans during Trump’s first three years, nearly double the historic rate of $1.65. The best Obama growth rate was only $1.68. Perhaps having a businessman at the helm of the world’s largest economy is not such a bad idea. Will any deniers admit they were wrong?

welcome to Joey Xiden, Demafascsit utopia....where people are poorer, and can't afford basics like a roof over their head or food
Capitalism is a system built to fail eventually.
We are just seeing the beginnings of it's death throes now.

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