January inflation numbers

Consumer prices increased at an annual rate of 6.4% in January — a slight slowdown from the 6.5% seen in December, but above analysts' prediction of 6.2%.

Food prices increased 10.1% from last January, the ninth-consecutive double-digit annual increase for that category.

Shelter costs, which includes rent and the cost of homeownership, increased 7.9%. That's the fastest annualized rate since 1982. Rent costs increased 8%, another new record.

January inflation hits 6.4%, missing analysts' expectations for a faster slowdown
/——-/ Thanks, Dementia Joe, we couldn’t have done it without you.
Has the American people learned their lesson? Stop electing stupid shit Democrats FFS.

Democrats are the only ones who do things for the people
Now, if you disagree
Show me anything Republicans have done to help struggling families
Who controls the House now?
Republicans ran on fixing inflation, gas prices, the border

All they care about is Hunter Biden’s Laptop
/——-/ “Republicans ran on fixing inflation, gas prices, the border”
But Dementia Joe signed the Inflation Reduction Act, he’s bragging about falling gas prices and the WH sock puppet says the border is secure. So, what’s to fix?
Blaming the govenrment for their own failings?

The party of responsibility in action.

The government policies are the proximal cause.

Let's get rid of the government. They are useless at best, and harmful most of the time.
Document what? Wages increase 4.5% and inflation is at 6.4%.
This isn't hard to understand, Lesh.
So wages and inflation are higher than previous. And inflation is coming down and wages are not?

Do I have that right?

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