Japan threatens war with china over Taiwan

are trying so hard to play the apologist for the CCP that you have utterly disgraced yourself.
How so? Be specific, for once. Your continuous, empty whining doesn't have much meaning.

And since you appear to be confused (again), i wasn't saying it was okay for China to do any of that. I was highlighting the stupidity of a direct comparison between China grabbing tiny unpopulated islands with an invasion of Taiwan.
If they are so unimportant, why is China setting up military bases on them?
I didn't say or imply that they were unimportant. That is the low hanging fruit you invented for yourself in order to have any point to make.
are trying so hard to play the apologist for the CCP that you have utterly disgraced yourself.
How so? ...

You are utterly shameless. Even you can't be so stupid not to realize that possession of such islands extends national territory and includes fishing and mineral rights in the waters around them. All of which is to say nothing of the incredibly valuable shipping lanes involved.

Now stop being stupid, and get some fucking self-respect.
Mac-7 I really hope this is saber rattling but we are talking about the CCP so I wouldn't put anything past them.
A fair point, but we can count on them to act in their own self interest. And cutting economic ties with the country that provides most of their foreign revenue would not be that.
You are utterly shameless. Even you can't be so stupid not to realize that possession of such islands extends national territory and includes fishing and mineral rights in the waters around them.
I do realize all that. I know why they are doing it. I agree it is not okay. Let me try this again:

Comparing that directly to an invasion of Taiwan is silly.

I really cant dumb this down any further for you.
You are utterly shameless. Even you can't be so stupid not to realize that possession of such islands extends national territory and includes fishing and mineral rights in the waters around them.
I do realize all that. I know why they are doing it. I agree it is not okay. ...
Be careful you don't trip while you are back-pedaling like that.
If they are so unimportant, why is China setting up military bases on them?
I didn't say or imply that they were unimportant. That is the low hanging fruit you invented for yourself in order to have any point to make.
Then why did you post this?

"The completely unpopulated islands?

Uh...what the hell is your point?"

You just did a 180 on your original post. You must be the most unaware person on earth to make this easily avoidable mistake.
You are utterly shameless. Even you can't be so stupid not to realize that possession of such islands extends national territory and includes fishing and mineral rights in the waters around them.
I do realize all that. I know why they are doing it. I agree it is not okay. ...
Be careful you don't trip while you are back-pedaling like that.
Which i didnt do. You always say this when you misunderstand and throw your little daily hissy fit.

So professor...now that we have the daily hissy fit out of the way...what do we do if China invades Taiwan? You gonna strap up and volunteer to bore them to death?
You are utterly shameless. Even you can't be so stupid not to realize that possession of such islands extends national territory and includes fishing and mineral rights in the waters around them.
I do realize all that. I know why they are doing it. I agree it is not okay. ...
Be careful you don't trip while you are back-pedaling like that.
Which i didnt do.....
Give it up. Your comments are right there for anyone to see. You really are shameless.
hen why did you post this?

"The completely unpopulated islands?

Uh...what the hell is your point?"
In response to your comment about it. Another poster commented that China has wanted Taiwan for 60 years yet has not invaded Taiwan. So you responded with something.like, "oh, like the islands in the South China Sea they took?"

I thought it was important to remind everyone what a stupid comparison that was to invading Taiwan, since you intentionally left out this very important difference in your idiotic post. Because you had to so so, as it makes your post look pretty stupid. I mean, imagine how dumb you would have sounded saying, "oh, like those tiny, unpopulated islands in the South China Sea?" Haha

Can i take a break from walking you two babies through the discussion from only ten minutes ago? Sweet, thanks.
hen why did you post this?

"The completely unpopulated islands?

Uh...what the hell is your point?"
In response to your comment about it. Another poster commented that China has wanted Taiwan for 60 years yet has not invaded Taiwan. So you responded aomwthing.like, "oh, like the islands in the South China Sea they took?"

I thought it was i.portant to remind everyone what a stupid comparison that was to invading Taiwan, since you intentionally left out this very important difference in your idiotic post. Because you had to so so, as it makes your post look pretty stupid. I mean, imagine how dumb you would have sounded saying, "oh, like those tiny, unpopulated islands in the South China Sea?" Haha

Can i take a break from walking you two babies through the discussion from only ten minutes ago? Sweet, thanks.
China has wanted those islands for years, just like Taiwan. Are you really this fucking dumb to not see the obvious point here? :laugh:
You are utterly shameless. Even you can't be so stupid not to realize that possession of such islands extends national territory and includes fishing and mineral rights in the waters around them.
I do realize all that. I know why they are doing it. I agree it is not okay. ...
Be careful you don't trip while you are back-pedaling like that.
Which i didnt do.....
Give it up. Your comments are right there for anyone to see. You really are shameless.
Im going to have to agree. This guy says one thing, then he immediately backtracks the very next post.
China has wanted those islands for years, just like Taiwan.
Oh look, another similarity while trying to ignore the oh just kind of important difference that they are tiny and unpopulated. What's next? Going to tell me they have to sand just like Taiwan does? Are you going to tell me that they have insects, just like Taiwan does, so there you have it?

By the way, professor...the China Sea diapute has gone on for millennia. China has been seizing islands there since forever but, more on point to your comments, since the end of world war 2. But you didn't know that.

So really you kind of strengthened the other poster's point while trying to rebut it.
America is no longer the leader of the "Free World". China Joe wouldn't even join a coalition of nations against the CCP. He is a bought and paid for BITCH of Xi Jinping.
Taiwan has a mutual defense pact treaty with the United States. Will Biden honor it?

No such treaty exists.....Jimmy Carter annulled it.

Such a treaty, the U.S.-ROC mutual defense treaty, existed from 1954 to 1979, but the Carter administration terminated it as a condition for establishing relations with the PRC.
hen why did you post this?

"The completely unpopulated islands?

Uh...what the hell is your point?"
In response to your comment about it. Another poster commented that China has wanted Taiwan for 60 years yet has not invaded Taiwan. So you responded with something.like, "oh, like the islands in the South China Sea they took?"

I thought it was important to remind everyone what a stupid comparison that was to invading Taiwan, since you intentionally left out this very important difference in your idiotic post. Because you had to so so, as it makes your post look pretty stupid. I mean, imagine how dumb you would have sounded saying, "oh, like those tiny, unpopulated islands in the South China Sea?" Haha

Can i take a break from walking you two babies through the discussion from only ten minutes ago? Sweet, thanks.
You don't have the character to just admit you said something incredibly stupid.

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