Japan urges biden to be strong in his dealings with China

They are. But basically, Japan knows that it simply wouldn't have the ability to fight China alone. This is why they are hoping we'll help mitigate China aggression. It doesn't help that we just elected a blatantly corrupt politician who openly has no problem taking money for personal benefit, at the expense of national security and the American public.

The Chinese don't have enough of a navy to invade Japan....

And your comments about Biden taking money is pure bullshit.... Do you people believe half the crap you post?

Look. You supported Trump. He fucked up. Royally. too bad most of you don't have the courage or integrity to admit you fucked up, but that's fine. You deal with that.

But this paranoid rambling about China is getting a little boring, isn't it?

Because he didn't. It's that simple. Trump didn't do all the horrible things you claim.

Meanwhile, we have pretty good evidence of everything Biden did, to the point it's blatant.

Why should I admit to something that is false, when you can't even admit to something that is not only true, but Biden openly boasted about? Those are simply the facts. If you reject the facts, to live in your fantasy of Trump doing everything wrong, and Biden farting rainbows and unicorns... that just makes you a ridiculous nut job.

But I can't blame you too much. It's human nature to simply shut your eyes, when admitting the truth would mean you just voted for openly corrupt politicians.... in the name of trying to get rid of corrupt politicians.

This is simply why left-wingers hate right wingers. Bad people hate good people. This is why when Ben Shapiro had a left-winger on his program, right-wing listeners had no problem. When a left-winger admitted to talking to Ben Shapiro, left-wingers demanded he knocked off the air. Because you are evil people, and you vote for evil people.

We're just flat out better people than you. It's that simple.
Meanwhile, we have pretty good evidence of everything Biden did, to the point it's blatant.

Only in the Fox News Cinematic Universe... Get real.

This is simply why left-wingers hate right wingers. Bad people hate good people.

Good people don't open concentration camps and put children into cages, cocksucker.

Good people don't vote in Democrats who pass the laws that cause that to happen. Maybe you missed it, but the famous picture of children in cages.....

Screenshot_2021-01-03 2014 children in cages - Google Search.png

Was from 2014 under Obama.....

Screen Shot 2021-01-03 at 3.16.24 AM.png

Yeah, see the date on that? 2014? Well documented that putting children in cages, was an Obama actions.

Why? Beacuse Obama gave the impression that Children would not be sent back, so people started sending their kids to the border.

So much so, that Obama himself had to get on TV, and say 'don't send your kids to the border'.

And by the way JoeB131 you know what else good people don't do? They don't blame others for what they themselves did.... like caging children in 2014 under Obama, on Trump who wasn't president for another 2 years.

That's what good people don't do. I think we know which side of that you are on.
Good people don't vote in Democrats who pass the laws that cause that to happen. Maybe you missed it, but the famous picture of children in cages.....

That happened for about a week with teens who came up here without adults...

Trump locked up kids for years, you Nazi Fuck.

Prove it. Prove they were only there for "about a week", and prove "Trump locked them up for years".

Provide your proof. Let's see it.

By the way, are you saying you would release juveniles without parents? You would just send out children into the streets, without any parents? Because that is what you are suggesting Trump should have done.

Also you do know that the court, is who said Children must be separated. You know that, right? Are you suggesting that you would have ignored the courts, and just dictated what happens? Doesn't that make you the Nazi?

You stupid disgusting fool! :) Always accusing others of what you yourself would do. Here you are blaming Trump for NOT being a dictator, and just ignoring the courts, and ignoring constitutional law, which says that changes in how immigration is handled, must be done by congress.

What a dumb person you are. Are you not embarrassed by your own incompetence?
By the way, are you saying you would release juveniles without parents? You would just send out children into the streets, without any parents? Because that is what you are suggesting Trump should have done.

No, he should have did what Obama did, find foster homes for them.

Also you do know that the court, is who said Children must be separated. You know that, right? Are you suggesting that you would have ignored the courts, and just dictated what happens?

Actually, they should have been released on their own recognizance, that's what was done prior to Trump and 97% of them showed up for their hearings. The Children in Cages policy was meant to terrorize people into not coming.

That's what makes Trump a Nazi... Waiting for his Nuremburg Trials to start in 17 days.
Biden will challenge Xi Jinping to a push up contest.
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Fat chance of that.

Biden is weak, stupid, and beholden to China to protect hunter biden.

Not even to mention he has been wrong on every foreign policy for at least the last 30 yrs.

We know with Biden in office every two bit dictator and crime lord is going to run amuck, with no more restraints out there to worry about any more. All China Joe will do is extort a few countries and then make Scary Faces and wag his finger when the cameras are on. Harris will do even less, since according to Democrats only white construction workers and truck drivers made the world dangerous n stuff, since they had all the power and privileges, you know.
By the way, are you saying you would release juveniles without parents? You would just send out children into the streets, without any parents? Because that is what you are suggesting Trump should have done.

No, he should have did what Obama did, find foster homes for them.

Also you do know that the court, is who said Children must be separated. You know that, right? Are you suggesting that you would have ignored the courts, and just dictated what happens?

Actually, they should have been released on their own recognizance, that's what was done prior to Trump and 97% of them showed up for their hearings. The Children in Cages policy was meant to terrorize people into not coming.

That's what makes Trump a Nazi... Waiting for his Nuremburg Trials to start in 17 days.

Gee, I haven't seen that level of silliness in, oh, two or three hours.

Are you in a cult and all your fellow cultists post on all the message boards?
By the way, are you saying you would release juveniles without parents? You would just send out children into the streets, without any parents? Because that is what you are suggesting Trump should have done.

No, he should have did what Obama did, find foster homes for them.

Also you do know that the court, is who said Children must be separated. You know that, right? Are you suggesting that you would have ignored the courts, and just dictated what happens?

Actually, they should have been released on their own recognizance, that's what was done prior to Trump and 97% of them showed up for their hearings. The Children in Cages policy was meant to terrorize people into not coming.

That's what makes Trump a Nazi... Waiting for his Nuremburg Trials to start in 17 days.
No, he should have did what Obama did, find foster homes for them.

So now you are contradicting what Obma himself said. He said, he would send them back. Are you saying Obama is now the liar? Then what is your complaint about Trump again?

Actually, they should have been released on their own recognizance, that's what was done prior to Trump and 97% of them showed up for their hearings.

You are going to release juveniles out on their own.... really? And you say Republicans are cruel and toss people out on the street?

What you said there, convinces me, that if Democrats had their way, they would turn this place into India where you have hundreds of abandoned kids, just roaming the streets picking pockets, and threatening people.

Seriously... you would just turn thousands of unaccompanied kids, who don't know English, just loose into the streets of cities?

Well actually, the more I think about it, and compare what you said to LA, that makes sense. That's what Democrats stand for. Chaos, anarchy, misery in the name of social justice.... that's the entire left-wing. You fit right in.

Which again... is why we on the right-wing are just flat out better people than you could ever hope to be. That's why you hate us. We expose you for the evil moral bankrupt people that you are.
So now you are contradicting what Obma himself said. He said, he would send them back. Are you saying Obama is now the liar? Then what is your complaint about Trump again?

Obama treated legitimate asylum cases legitimately... he sent people back who needed to be sent back.

It's called, "being a decent human being".

Yeah, Trump was no different whatsoever. There is zero evidence that any case that was legitimate was turned away under Trump. None. There is no proof of that. Just like your side had to make up evidence against Bret Kavanough, make up stuff about Russia-Trump, and make up racism.

Evil people are all the same. You fit right in with the liars and fabricators.
Yeah, Trump was no different whatsoever. There is zero evidence that any case that was legitimate was turned away under Trump. None. There is no proof of that.

Actually, there was a lot of proof he was busing the asylum system.

Just like your side had to make up evidence against Bret Kavanough,

Yeah, let's put the guy in need of anger management on SCOTUS...

Fat chance of that.

Biden is weak, stupid, and beholden to China to protect hunter biden.

Not even to mention he has been wrong on every foreign policy for at least the last 30 yrs.

We know with Biden in office every two bit dictator and crime lord is going to run amuck, with no more restraints out there to worry about any more. All China Joe will do is extort a few countries and then make Scary Faces and wag his finger when the cameras are on. Harris will do even less, since according to Democrats only white construction workers and truck drivers made the world dangerous n stuff, since they had all the power and privileges, you know.

All China would need to do to get Pedo Joe to submit to their every whim and desire would be to promise him access to any Chinese Children he wanted to molest.

Joe's college roomate outed joe years ago....everyone in Washington knows about joe.

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